UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Weekly Haul // Newlook, Avon, Veet & Nair

Hey lovelies! I haven't posted in a week, tut tut. Again thank you to all my followers as on Wednesday i hit 100, and now I've hit 111! I really thought I'd be talking to myself on here. Stay tuned because I have so many ideas and exciting posts soon! Now I've hit 100, should I wait and do a give away at 200? I really want to do one to say thanks. :)

I haven't been shopping as much as usual, normally I'm a shopaholic, but I had a newlook gift card and my student card runs out the end of this month. So I thought I'd use them both to pick up some clothes to start adding into outfits for A/W. I'm excited for winter, I adore the layers, colours and wrapping up. Avon were having a 4 nail items for £10 and I was running out of veet/Nair.


I love the sheer shirt. Received so many compliments when wearing this. Really loving sleeveless shirts/blouses at the moment.

I've seen this shirt in newlook for quite awhile, hoping it would be reduced, but it didn't. I tried it and apparently it looked really nice. I'm still a bit unsure, the photo doesn't do it justice! What do you think?

I adore this cardigan, I was in there to pick up a new plain black one, but they'd finally got these in that morning and I loved the colour, perfect for winter! 

I love these bodycon skirts. But you have to try these on. I had two already. black-8- fine. Coral - 8 - too big. Brown - 6 - perfect :)

Nair Raspberry, Veet, Nair with baby oil, Avon quick dry spray, Avon pearl spray, Avon lavender, Avon Vanilla Shake and perfume sample, Nail Rock Nail Wraps.

Would you of preferred me to of worn the items? Sorry about where I took the photos, the lighting was awful the other day and that's my door. What have you picked up lately? Are you looking forward to A/W? Have you tried any nail wraps lately, they're certainly my new love! I will review the veet and nair and post some nail tutorials soon, everyone seems to be doing similar tutorials as I'd like to do!

Lucy x

What's In My Bag Tag // 2011

Hey everyone! Thank you to everyone following me again, I've just hit 70 followers in just over 2 weeks! Every comment and follow I get really does make me smile! And I can't wait to do a give-away for you lot! What's in my bag has been done by most blogger's, so it's about time I do mine, especially as I adore my current handbag!

My bag is the Fiorelli Wimbledon Medium Shoulder Bag in soft white/off white (website and invoice differ) I've used it religiously since the beginning of July. It retails at about £59 and I think it's definitely worth it! So on with what's in my bag!

  • My purse - Dorothy Perkins
  • Keys
  • Blackberry Bold 9780 & Case
  • Pen
  • Mirror - Accessorize
  • Carmex & vanilla coca cola lip balm
  • Hotel room card - why do I have this still?
  • Ipod touch
  • Chewing gum & mints & paracetamol
  • Body spray & Deo
  • Sunglasses - Dorothy Perkins
  • Hairbrush - Toni & guy
  • Nail file - Superdrug
  • Hand sanitizer 
  • 24hr super stay foundation - Maybelline
  • Lip gloss - collection 2000
  • Umbrella - Newlook
  • makeup bag - Primark
  • Hair bands & clips
  • Nivea - actually has Palmer's cocoa butter
  • Vic stick
  • collection 2000 glam eyes - silver
  • urban decay - heavy metal - baked
  • Rimmel lip gloss - texts rubbed off sorry! It's really good.
  • Maybelline Colossal
As you can see I carry around half a shop, but I'm pretty pleased with how tidy it is! Well I think so, no receipts, no rubbish and minus the excessive amount of chewing gum and mints, I need all these essentials to survive ;) Now what's your bag like? Leave a comment or link to yours! Do you  carry around way too much stuff? Do you think I carry too much?


My Skin Care Routine // Lush

Hello again lovelies! Big thank you again to all my followers for getting me past 50! I didn't think I'd get past 10! Thanks for all the lovely comments and emails I've received too! I'm thinking about doing a giveaway when i reach 100 followers or do I wait till I get 150 or 200? Let me know what you think in the comments. Over the next few days I'm hoping to get a few more blog posts up, I have loads of ideas and keep your eye out for guest blogs I'll be writing. Now onto the post. :)

I've always been lucky when it comes to my skin, while everyone got 20 spots at a time, I'd get the odd couple and they'd be small. I also have dry skin (around my nose, sometimes my forehead) and foundation made it worse, so I decided to take better care of my skin. After using up the first bottles of what I'd been using (nivea, The range they bought out for teens) I repurchased. Disaster struck and these products were awful, it was like the formula's changed, they played havoc with my dry skin. This is when I switched to LUSH. Since then I have never needed to switch brands again. I also use two products from Neutrogena.

The products I use:
  1. LUSH - Angels On Bare Skin - Cleanser. (every day, once or twice)
  2. LUSH - Ocean Salt - Facial scrub. (every other day)
  3. LUSH - Aqua Marina - Cleanser. (every day if i don't use AOBS)
  4. LUSH - 9 To 5 - Cleanser. (Evenings)
  5. LUSH - Eau Roma Water - Toner (every day, twice if i can)
  6. LUSH - Brazened Honey - Face mask. (weekly, I'll switch up the face masks)
  7. LUSH- Ayesha - Face mask. (weekly, I'll switch up the face masks)
  8. Neutrogena - Multi-Defense - Daily Moisturiser. (for dry skin) (twice daily, before makeup)
  9. Neutrogena - Multi-Defense - Gentle Purifying Wipes (To take makeup off, before other products)
Now I've used LUSH skin care products for about 2-3 years now. I'm happy to say I have finally found what works for my skin. I rarely get spots, only around my time of the month -.- joy. I get compliments about how clear my skin is and healthy. We aren't perfect sometimes I'll skip a day if I really don't have time. Just remember to make sure you know what skin type you are, buy products for that skin type and even look at what foundations there are out there for your skin type! You'll have even better results.

If you have dry skin or sensitive skin I really recommend giving these a try, plus lush do give you samples of the products for free. I've also found that what the staff recommend you for 'dry skin' is not always the case. But everyone's skin is different.

Let me know about what products you use or if you've tried any of these!

Lucy xx

Urban Decay & Lush Haul // 2011

Evening bloggers! I've been blogging for just about a week and have to thank everyone who left such lovely comments on my first post.  All week I planned to blog a couple times but, every chance I had some spare time, I ended up seeing and spending it with friends or family and by late evening I was shattered. Thursday I went to Bristol with 3 friends shopping. Sadly every shop was a disaster frankly, everything I did like (very little) was out of size 6 or 8. So I found myself being the stylist of my friend. Having a guy friend to shop with is lovely, especially when he likes hollister. I'm sure I don't have to explain how yummy the guys are that work in there. ;) Anyway on to the haul.
First purchase of the day was the Urban Decay 24/7 Glide on eye pencil (waterproof) in Zero (black) I've had one of these before and sadly lost it somewhere. I love love love this eyeliner! It's so creamy and glides on, doesn't hurt my eyes like my usual has been doing lately. It stays on all day! Why did I not buy a replacement ages ago! I swear by this! I think I shall be purchasing these in a few more colours. They retail at £13. For me £13 is quite a bit to spend on an eyeliner but it's amazing and the best I've used. My friends think it's a ridiculous amount to pay for an eyeliner, but none have really heard of UD or other higher brands.

Second purchase or purchases of the day were a whole load of LUSH goodies! I know every product and wish I worked there it would be heaven. I'm addicted. The staff always have a little chat and are all so lovely, especially in the Bristol store. I've turned every friend (including guys) and family as well as the odd strangers into Lush junkies! I need to stop rambling! On with what I picked up.
I've been using LUSH for the past 5 years so I really do recommend Lush products. Hopefully I didn't bore anyone off as i have loads of ideas for posts! 

Lucy xx

Nailease Nail Art Strip Review // Leopard

Morning all you bloggers! I apologise to the very few lovely people I've met and mentioned to that I'm starting to blog, for taking so long. Everything got in the way, holiday, birthday, sickness bug and distractions every time I go to write. This morning for example a missing hamster, he's only some how got out of a done up cage and ended up in the kitchen bin. Thank god I checked the bin (from past experiences with this daredevil hamster) was bin day! He's safe now. So with every disaster out of the way time for my first post.

Here's my "review" on the Nailease nail art strips that range from 5.99 to 6.99.
The Nailease nail strips are no doubt the best out there for your money. In these sets you get 20 nail strips all in various sizes that are perfect fit. Most companies only give 12 or 16. With Nailease i was able to do both hands and feet. I've seen some companies, charge £15 for a set to do both hands and feet. Oh and you don't need to use a hairdryer or any other heat for these!

I received these for my birthday. Boots sell about 4 or 5 designs. Animal print, plain pink, plain plum, french tips < (which I really want to try) and dotty. Nailease do so many designs on their website, I don't know why boots only have five designs especially since the pink and plum aren't particularly nice shades and boring? In my opinion nail strips/wraps are to cheat at nail art rather than quickness and no drying time. Other designs on the website include, all different animal prints including glitter versions, half moon in various colours (for all you who love that nail look and cant do it), tribal, floral, more dots, hearts, stripes and 25 plain colours.

The application of these nail strips is so simple. I'd recommend to apply on both toes and finger nails or have a friend as once open they're hard to seal up completely and will dry out. The packet includes 20 stickers, cuticle stick and nail file. I preferred to use my own. These stickers are supposed to have a topcoat on already, after a few hours including washing up and cooking two tips had chipped, I'd recommend using your own topcoat on top. They lasted 8 days on my fingers. They're still going on my toes and no chips!! I won't post a photo of my toes on the Internet! To apply, have clean nails and pick the best size match to your nail. Peel back the clear plastic film and place onto the nail. Fold over the excess sticker and file downwards. Any small gaps can be filled by rubbing the sticker to stretch. And repeat! It can get difficult if you have small toe nails, but this only takes a little longer. I used the cuticle stick to break off excess sticker from the sides. Much cheaper than going to a salon and better than my local salons if I'm honest.

I've received so many compliments about these nail stickers, family, friends, neighbours, strangers and the Internet. Ohh.. and they are my real natural nails.
Defiantly give these a try! I look forward to trying more of their designs and ordering from other companies I've found.
© 2025 Lucyy Writes

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