UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

My Skin Care Routine // Lush

Hello again lovelies! Big thank you again to all my followers for getting me past 50! I didn't think I'd get past 10! Thanks for all the lovely comments and emails I've received too! I'm thinking about doing a giveaway when i reach 100 followers or do I wait till I get 150 or 200? Let me know what you think in the comments. Over the next few days I'm hoping to get a few more blog posts up, I have loads of ideas and keep your eye out for guest blogs I'll be writing. Now onto the post. :)

I've always been lucky when it comes to my skin, while everyone got 20 spots at a time, I'd get the odd couple and they'd be small. I also have dry skin (around my nose, sometimes my forehead) and foundation made it worse, so I decided to take better care of my skin. After using up the first bottles of what I'd been using (nivea, The range they bought out for teens) I repurchased. Disaster struck and these products were awful, it was like the formula's changed, they played havoc with my dry skin. This is when I switched to LUSH. Since then I have never needed to switch brands again. I also use two products from Neutrogena.

The products I use:
  1. LUSH - Angels On Bare Skin - Cleanser. (every day, once or twice)
  2. LUSH - Ocean Salt - Facial scrub. (every other day)
  3. LUSH - Aqua Marina - Cleanser. (every day if i don't use AOBS)
  4. LUSH - 9 To 5 - Cleanser. (Evenings)
  5. LUSH - Eau Roma Water - Toner (every day, twice if i can)
  6. LUSH - Brazened Honey - Face mask. (weekly, I'll switch up the face masks)
  7. LUSH- Ayesha - Face mask. (weekly, I'll switch up the face masks)
  8. Neutrogena - Multi-Defense - Daily Moisturiser. (for dry skin) (twice daily, before makeup)
  9. Neutrogena - Multi-Defense - Gentle Purifying Wipes (To take makeup off, before other products)
Now I've used LUSH skin care products for about 2-3 years now. I'm happy to say I have finally found what works for my skin. I rarely get spots, only around my time of the month -.- joy. I get compliments about how clear my skin is and healthy. We aren't perfect sometimes I'll skip a day if I really don't have time. Just remember to make sure you know what skin type you are, buy products for that skin type and even look at what foundations there are out there for your skin type! You'll have even better results.

If you have dry skin or sensitive skin I really recommend giving these a try, plus lush do give you samples of the products for free. I've also found that what the staff recommend you for 'dry skin' is not always the case. But everyone's skin is different.

Let me know about what products you use or if you've tried any of these!

Lucy xx


  1. great post!! I don't really have a skincare regime *fail* but I do cleanse/tone/moisturise each day using a 3in1 wipe. lazy I know, but I sacre get any spots!!!

    and congrats on the 50 followers - I've been blogging since oct'10 & just got to 60!!!!!

    julia @ retro jules

  2. Lush is amazing isn't it, especially considering the price :) x

  3. I've never bought anything from LUSH for myself, but ooft doesn't it just smell amazing in there?? haha. Really have to try out their products sometime soon...

    Congrats on the followers btw!

  4. I love lush products, I swear by their hand cream! Oh and their massage bars

  5. Hey hun, I really like Lush products, I use a lot of the bath stuff and I have the ocean salt too and love that. I generally chop and change with skin as I have quite oily skin in the t-zone and am always looking for new products! I have to say though, I love the Liz Earle skin products and haven't found much better xx

  6. i love lush products, especially the bath bombs and moisturizers..
    though i havent tried any facial skincare..
    i'm excited to hop in...
    thanks for sharing hun!

  7. I adore the Lush ocean salt! And the smell is to die for ! x

  8. I love lush products! Too bad I haven't bought anything from there in a while! I am thinking about getting the Neutrogena wipes:)

  9. I haven't tried any of the Lush face masks...I may have to go in and ask for some samples :)

    My skin routine consists of Clarins products as I find they work best for me but I love using the face masks you can buy in Boots/Superdrug from time to time as a little pick me up!


  10. mmmmm, i LOVE lush. thanks so much for this post, too. totally going to take it in account of my next purchase. :) absoulely lovely blog too! keep it up! :)

    love, rach.

  11. i really need to try these lush products:)

  12. I love Ocean Salt its my all time favourite!Thanks for you comment on my blog :) come back soon xxx

  13. congrats on the followers! I have never tried lush but always see good things written about them, I need to try it out.

  14. @Julia Thankyou :)
    @Shanice it is! i love lush, truly amazing.
    @Spence Thankyou, oo you have to :D
    @Rachel so do i! i love the massage bars.
    @Charlotte B i really wanna try liz earle
    @Diane same, i get excited about LUSH :D
    @Maisy so do i! and it works wonders
    @Littlepetite they're really good, get everything off :)
    @Sarah i get about 4-5 uses out of a facemask from lush.
    @rach thanks :) means alot :D
    @recbeccaboo you must :D you'll be very impressed
    @lovelain94 no problem thankyou too :) same, I've gone through so many pots!
    @Megan Thankyou :)

  15. glad you done this review, because I was thinking of switching to some lush products, I think I deffo will now you know :) x

  16. Wow all of these are amazing!!! Great review =) I havent actually tried any of these but I do hear such good things about their facial lines, I need to test out some products =)

  17. I love lush i've been meaning to try some of their skin stuff so far i've only tried their soap and bath bombs xx

  18. I use the cupcake face mask which is amazing! It's aimed at teenagers but I have quite oily skin and it does wonders even though I'm no longer a teen x

  19. I use Ayesha too, love it :) Loving the lush collection ;)

  20. i love lush. its pricey but definitely always worth it :D


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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