UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

What I Had For My Birthday // Haul

an image of 20th birthday haul
an image of my birthday lush haul
an image of birthday lush haul
an image of the satsuma range haul
an image of boots hauls
an image of janet reger lacey underwear
an image of ted baker underwear
an image of floozie frost french underwear
an image of newlook haul july 2014
an image of matalan kimono
an image of primark haul july 2014
an image of primark haul july 2014
an image of primark haul july 2014
an image of primark pastel statement necklace
an image of westie ornament
July 15th was my birthday, the thought of my age initially terrified me thankfully I'll always have a baby face. One day I'll fully appreciate it. I started the day off with puppy cuddles and small gifts in bed before heading downstairs to ginormous doughnuts and brief visitors both of the human and four legged kind. Then as usual I'd asked for money and headed off to start the day of shopping, lunch M&S picnic style and more shopping. The evening consisted of far too much food, drinks and plenty of cake with my favourites. As you can see I'm still no party animal. 

Looking back at all I purchased on the day I was quite restrained. My main stops were Lush, The Body Shop, Boots and Debenhams. Debenhams had an amazing sale on underwear with numerous sets and a couple Ted Baker sets coming home with me. I had no idea they stocked a TB line or how well they fitted along with so many finishing touches. Wave goodbye to your bank balance if you're passing. Despite the high-street not doing it for me clothing wise I still found a few nice pieces and a lot of basics in Primark - shoe wise especially for chucking on to walk Harry and tiny sleep sets. I can't wait to use all my gift cards when AW stock arrives. I've written this blog post several times but alas blogger seems to have had a tantrum and deleted some of my drafted and scheduled work! Thank you for all the sweet birthday messages on the day. Lucy xx


  1. Hope you had a lovely birthday, you picked up some gorgeous bits! I love the TB underwear line, such pretty items.

    Claudia xx | Beauty and the Chic

    1. It's beautiful isn't it, the new line is superb :) x

  2. Wow, you picked up some lovely bits! Happy (very belated) Birthday!

    Rachael at

  3. I love the shoes, the body shop stuff and essie nail polishes :)

    emily xx

    1. Thank you, I purchased the Clarkes shoes first, keeping them away from the puppy while the cheaper shoes are great for walking him!

  4. Such lovely gifts! The LUSH & Body Shop products look amazing! Hope you had a wonderful birthday overall :)

    Style Sunrise ☀


    1. Thank you Karen, the sorbets from The Body Shop are great! x

  5. Hope you had a great birthday, I work on the underwear department in Debenhams and I always buy so many bras every time we have a sale especially Floozie and Janet Reger sets.
    : ]

    1. You must get some amazing discount!!I'm so happy Floozie have started to venture back to the designs they used to do, I can remember when they went into a fruit phase all over bras and just wanted to scream :P

    2. They have a really cute one in at the moment with hot air balloons all over it
      : ]

  6. Wow you did so well! I went into my local body shop the other day to get some honey showergel and apparently they didn't stock the honey scent! How disappointing :(



    1. Oh no!! I'm not sure if they had the honey in my local either now you've mentioned it! Thank you lovely xx

  7. It's nearly my 18th birthday and although I'm still debating what I want, I reckon I'll just get money and go shopping! Hmm....

    xxx | daisydaisyxxo
    Enter my giveaway here!!

    1. It seems so long ago that it was mine!! I think it's the best way, you'll have amazing sales and new lines coming in :)

  8. What a lovely selection of birthday treats. I might have to check out the Ted Baker line at Debenhams!

    1. You really must!! When I saw the floral number I just had to get it but at the same time thought it was a little garish. But it's TB! :P

  9. I love everything you got, so much Lush! :) Hope you had a lovely day! xx



I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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