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Miscellaneous Favourites // of 2014

an image of cable and cotton fairy light review
an image of m&s keep cool and sleepwell range
an image of radley london haul
an image of rhubarb crumble muffins
an image of miscellaneous favourites of 2014
an image of miscellaneous favourites of 2014
Following on from my The Best Beauty Products of 2014 I thought I'd share 14 miscellaneous items and memories I've loved in the past year. I can't believe how fast the year flew by. As hard as 2014 was at times, it all equalled out with an incredible Christmas to finish the year off. 

Twinings Warming Camomile & Spiced Apple Tea
I'm not a lover hot drinks at the best of times though this year I've dabbled in various types of tea - a lot collected from various beauty boxes. Towards the end of last year I came across Warming Camomile & Spiced Apple from Twinings. Having tried Camomile tea in the past and finding it the most vile tasting drink around I didn't have high hopes. Turns out this is the most delicious tasting drink around, I've loved curling up with a mug and shoving a box set on (which I currently am doing FYI) & it's thankfully caffeine free. I really hope this isn't going to disappear anytime soon.

Rhubarb Crumble Muffins
Thanks to a wonderful little lady we've gotten to know this year, September consisted of receiving & eating a whole lot of Rhubarb. Looking for new ideas to use the next fresh batch of Rhubarb in I came across various Rhubarb Crumble Muffins which soon became my most favourite sweet bake of the year. They really didn't stick around for long, the ultimate autumnal treat of sweet rhubarb and cinnamon crunch topping.

Banana Pancakes 
I became equally obsessed with making banana pancakes as I did with making smoothies and green tea slush's. Banana pancakes are delicious, easy to make & gluten free. I have a hard time avoiding and sticking to a gluten free diet - families don't seem to realise how much it really is in food but they're getting there. I definitely gave in far too much over Christmas and paid the price. To make the banana pancakes I literally use one banana and one egg, mix together and cook in hot pan.

Desperate Housewives | seasons 1-8
2014 was the year of the box sets thanks to Sky On Demand. Having watched a fair amount of Desperate Housewives in the past year finding out Sky had the entire season set available I spent a whole lot of time watching Bree, Gabby, Susan and Lynette. I really need to get myself the rest of the seasons as Mamma Writes picked up the first season as a Christmas gift for me.

Devious Maids | seasons 1-2
After finishing Desperate Housewives I also discovered Devious Maids thanks to wonderful Sky just in time for the second season to air in the UK. Many evenings of the second season consisted of pizza or Mexican food nights with my pal Tom. I really hope there will be a third season soon.

Scandal | seasons 1-3
I became OBSESSED with Scandal and whilst everyone wants to be Blair Waldorf, it's a toss up between Olivia Pope and her, OP has some serious power. Scandal couldn't be any different to the usual shows I watch, it's an American show and very political based, completely addicting and I'm not going to lie the third season definitely terrified me at times. I'm working on getting my brother into the show before season four starts this month. 

Gossip Girl | seasons 1-6
Gossip Girl seemed to do the rounds this year on my timeline and boy did I end up getting addicted. I ended up purchasing all seasons on iTunes, watched continually and repeated many a time when I've had long, hot bubble baths. Now if I could just have their wardrobes please!?

This isn't anything new but I made sure that in 2014 I drank a lot more water. Downloading Waterlogged (completely free btw) has helped me so much. I've gone from barely drinking plain water to drinking only water for the majority. The app is super easy to use, easily adjustable and one to definitely download.

Adventures with our little Harry
In June Harry turned one and August we'd had him for a year. My gorgeous little West Highland Terrier means the absolute world to me and I take him to as many places as possible. Our favourite places throughout the year have to be country house near us with so much land, woodland to explore & delicious food - one too many gluten free brownies have been consumed. We also revisited a seaside town a few times, that we hadn't been since we were super young & visiting my brother down in Devon. The places and adventures are endless & I can't wait for more with my little fluff.

Radley - Accessories
I became quite the fan of Radley and said goodbye to a fair amount of money. Thankfully the store nearby is an outlet & Harry is always welcome to come in rather than one of us having to wait outside with him. Each time he's fussed over by the sales girls & each time I come away with one too many items. My favourites have to be the notebooks and iPhone cases.

Cable & Cotton Fairy Lights*
I was lucky enough to receive some beautiful fairy lights from Cable & Cotton in 2014. Cable & Cotton lights are very unique, each fairy light is covered with a cotton ball which you attach yourself. You can either pick each shade yourself or pick a pre-selected design.

DIY - my new bedroom
I switched over bedrooms and so began the redecorating. I'd been dying for more space and to ditch the ghastly pink walls. My new room is heavenly, so relaxing and completely me. There have been various posts on LW, though not enough and I can't wait to get back into my interior side of LW this year. All the Christmas decorations have been packed away and I'm pulling out my usual accessories and eyeing up new buys.

M&S Keep Cool & Sleepwell Bedding Range*
I was lucky enough to share the launch of M&S' new bedding range - perfect timing with a newly decorated room. Since receiving this bedding it's truly helped me get a better nights sleep and I love how the plain white bedding brightens the room. Keep Cool & Sleepwell features a brand new fibre technology, designed to regulate body temperatures all year round. Each and every item in the range is silky smooth and soft to touch.

Lace Cross Back Push Up Bra's | NL
The past year was all about lace cross over bra's, my favourite being the lilac lace bra I picked up from Newlook. Normally I would never buy bras from Newlook as I find them to of a poor fit. However these bras have fitted so perfectly & I love the front opening. For AW they added a burgundy option which appeared in my stocking. Though the lilac remains my favourite for arriving and matching my nail polish exactly. What have been your miscellaneous favourites for 2014? Feel free to leave posts below.
Disclaimer: press sample, for review consideration only, no payment received. see disclaimer page for more.


  1. Mmm I think I need to make some banana pancakes now! x

    Evelyn @ We Were Raised By Wolves

  2. OMG those fairy lights are incredible! Definitely checking those out, and I love Scandal too!

    Drea xo
    Drea's Junkyard

  3. Those muffins look absolutely amazing!!! I am definitely going to download Waterlogged as well as I drink a zillion cups of tea a day but always forget about water!


  4. This is a lovely post :)
    I haven't had banana pancakes for so long! Will have to have some again soon now that you've reminded me.
    I hope you managed to track down the GF noodles that were on my post.

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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