UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Debenhams Flowers // Cornish Rose Bouquet review

an image of Cornish Rose Bouquet Debenhams Flowers
an image of Cornish Rose Bouquet Debenhams Flowers
Is there anything better than receiving a fresh bouquet of flowers on a Friday afternoon? I was ever so kindly offered the chance to receive a bouquet of my choice from the summer line of bouquets from Debenhams Flowers. With the place looking a little dull since my birthday flowers departed (minus the orchid,I've surprised myself by keeping it alive this long) I was excited to have some pretty blooms delivered to my door.

The bouquet to catch my eye was the wonderful Cornish Rose Bouquet - £39.99 which features a mixture of pink hydrangea's, white blooms, esperance roses and hard ruscus. I received the standard size bouquet consisting of two large hydrangeas, three white blooms, five roses and five hard rescue's. Debenhams offer you the option to upgrade bouquets to large for £10 extra and £20 for extra large. You can also add gifts such as balloons and chocolates, cake, wine and even a vase. I know ordering flowers online can be worrying though all Debenhams Flowers Bouquets and Planted arrangements come with a 7 day guarantee. I can happily say my display lasted 10 days in my little office. The only negative I have would be the roses of the bouquet didn't match the photo online - which obviously will differ but I loved the colours. Online the roses are a coral, where as here I have pale pink. It all worked well together, regardless and made a beautiful bouquet.

Not only was I impressed with my lovely choice of bouquet but also the delivery service. Debenhams offer Next Day Flowers up until 9pm, on any weekday with the option to have flowers sent via post - royal mail Or courier like mine did. Which surprisingly got here despite it being DPD. Every bouquet arrives fully hydrated in a purple cardboard box with cardboard inserts to steady it and ensure you have the perfect bouquet to mark the occasion. Everyones loved the bouquet, we can safely say we'll be using Debenhams Flowers again in the future.
Disclaimer: press sample, for review consideration only, no payment received. see disclaimer page for more.


  1. ohhh these are so pretty!! I've never ordered flowers from Debenhams before but I have ordered flowers online before and they were no where near as nice as these :O x

    1. They're so beautiful aren't they Jess, my photo's really don't do them enough justice! xx

  2. These are just gorgeous xx

    1. They really are, such high quality flowers! x

  3. What beautiful flowers! I shall leave this page open and hopefully my other half may get the hint... I live in hope!

  4. These are beautiful! Thanks for the discount. It's my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary so perfect timing! x

  5. GORGEOUS flowers!!
    they realy brighten up a space

    1. They have so many beautiful bouquets to pick from! x


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