UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

My Experience combining The Implant & Cerelle

If you've been following Lucyy Writes for quite some time you'll have probably read my experience with using contraceptive methods Cerazette and the Implant. September '15 marked one year since my second implant, it's definitely not been the same easy ride as the first. At the start of this year I decided enough was enough, it couldn't be down to the 'stress' and contacted my DR for some advice. 
My Experience Combining the Implant & Cerelle
Being the NHS, they're pushed for appointments, I was also greeted by the useless receptionist that caused me great grief at the start of my journey. With no appointments until the next month I was put down for a phone consultation a few days later. When my DR called I listed off my issues, she assumed I needed a hormone top up OR to remove the implant and try a different method. As I hate going for pill checks I decided to stay with my implant and opt for a three month 'top up' of Cerelle which from looking online seems to be a much cheaper alternative to Cerazette, the pill I'd previously been on before the implant. If she had suggested to remove it I would have, though she was insistent it was just a top up that was needed to stop the twice a month, week long periods.

How have I got on with this three month top up/trial? I haven't enjoyed taking extra 'hormones', it's indeed no fun to have twice as much going into you. BUT it was worth trying to see if this could prolong my preferred method. It's stopped the twice monthly periods. One thing on my mind is if there's anything in the flaming implant. Surely if there were it would have been doing it's job. What if I were relying on it as contraception? I suppose being on all the time is enough contraception.

Whilst doubling up I've had a lot going on, though I've felt higher anxiety, a lot more headaches and had a sea-sickness feeling. On top of that I've cried a whole lot, snapped a lot and kept urging to be sick like the old days of cerazette. This wouldn't be EVERY day, or as much as I did on cerazette but it's got to be this pill and the combination. Weight wise I dreaded having to have a new pill. With being on the implant I'm used to it and don't worry as long as I'm active and healthy. I've put weight on since being on it BUT I put weight on because whilst at the end of cerazette I was starving myself and very unhappy. I went incredibly small, with UK6's falling off of me. I still fit into UK6's-UK8's - even after doubling up. Basically I shouldn't worry myself but when you suffer with such thoughts rattling around your head it's just horrid. A week or so since finishing my three month trial? I started 10 days early according to my app (I may have clicked a date wrong somewhere recently) - though the length of period seems to be sticking to 3 days, lets hope it definitely keeps that way. As long as I don't have two week long periods again, I'll be happier.

In all honesty whilst this may have worked, I don't think I'll ever find a cure for my monthly, apart from to have it all removed. My Mum found that after years of toying with different methods that the coil was the one that worked for her. Whilst I know that I'll probably face this method one day, I just don't feel ready for it yet. I guess I'm a wimp and for now I see that as far too intrusive. I'd love to hear if you too have suffered with the Implant? Or what method works best for you? I'm sure I'll be back with another chapter to this story. Lucy xx

My Top 5 Pieces of Tech for Blogging // AD

Today I thought I'd share my top 5 pieces of technology or equipment that I use for blogging. Of course I'm not saying you need all these things, but it's always interesting to know what products bloggers use or to pick up any tips and tricks they may have. I'd love to hear in the comments if you have any essentials OR tips, especially what camera do you guys all use!? 
an image of my top 5 pieces of tech for blogging
Macbook Pro Retina 15" //
I was extremely lucky and received a new Macbook Pro for my 21st Birthday last July. I'd previously used my white macbook, which I'd had since I was in Year 10. Over the years it'd had various repairs and trips to the apple store. With it sounding like it was going to take off at any moment and it being a little out of date for certain things it was definitely time for an upgrade. I'm not at all saying you need a Macbook for blogging, but this is what I like. I'm definitely not a windows fan, I've always been about Apple, having spent the last 10+ years with various products. I find Apple a breeze to use, it's clean, responsive and ties up with all my other devices. Though I will say you're probably best off with a Macbook Pro rather than a Macbook OR Macbook Air due to the amount of editing of photos and videos bloggers and vloggers get up to.

Also, as a little extra - you may have noticed that I have a case on my Macbook Pro. I've actually had two cases in the time since owning this Macbook Pro. Having avoided the Marble trend until now, I finally caved and ordered a new case to replace the first. You can find many Marble cases on eBay which is where I found mine. Other options include cases and sleeves from Tech 21. These are higher quality again, because lets be honest you're spending A LOT of money on Apple products so you want them to stay safe right? I know my old White Macbook was forever picking up dirt and chips come the end. A good example of a case would be the Impact Snap Case for Macbook Pro, which fits to the front and back of the macbook, available for the entire Macbook range and all sizes. The cases don't hinder ports, provides grip when on the move, all whilst remaining thin - not to mention a life time guarantee!? Do you protect your devices?

iPhone 6 in Gold //
Since having contract phones I've had a Blackberry Bold, two iPhone 5's and an iPhone 6. When you finally get an iPhone you won't look back. I like how all my devices link up, the phone is super easy to use and you never have a problem with apps not being available. I use my iPhone for countless things, though the main blogging uses are to keep on top of emails, twitter & instagram. I do have the phone in Gold - though you can't really see the colour due to me always having a case on it. At the moment I use Orla Kiely cases which I received for Christmas. They really are the best quality of all other cases I've owned and super easy to get hold of, you'll find them in Boots.
an image of my top 5 pieces of tech for blogging
Camera Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ45 //
I haven't changed the camera I've used for blogging in literally forever, I first used a little point and shoot, with my current being a bridge. Eventually I want to upgrade the camera, though I'll also use this for more than *just* blogging. My current camera is the Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ45 which does the job for now, I know my photography isn't the best but I like to think I make the best of what I have. I know lots of bloggers who use their iPhone's for blog photography, I've also trialled a rival phone a couple years back whose camera was incredible. OH and it's always handy to have multiple memory cards lying around too.

Soft Box Lighting //
There's nothing worse than winter lighting for a blogger. You want your pictures to be as clear and bright as possible. I haven't always used Soft Box Lighting but without them I'd honestly be screwed. Even on a sunny day I just can't get the pictures to be bright enough or grain free. Majority of the time I use one, sometimes I've used both. Most Soft Box Lighting are available in pairs, which can be a pain if you lack space but you work with it. Who else uses lighting? There's other ways of lighting, ring lights and even a cheaper light from say ikea with a white bulb in. I'm unsure on the exact amazon listing as it's been quite some time.

Camera Tripod //
Another great product to have especially if you're a fashion blogger is a tripod. Now I didn't purchase this myself, my Dad ordered me this a couple years back. It's great for getting a level and steady shot. If you're holding a product or even for the perfect flat-lay. As I didn't purchase my tripod myself I don't have the link but you can easily find them on amazon.

What are your top five pieces of tech for blogging? Lucy xx
Disclaimer: contains sponsored content

Happy Birthday Mollie // featuring Urban Pup

Today sees our littlest West Highland Terrier (Mollie) turn one. I can't believe how fast it's flown by. This time last year I would never have thought we'd have two of the most caring doggies running around the house. Seeing Harry have a little friend to play with 24/7 has been incredible, not to mention helping us get through an exceptionally hard year. You can find our Meet Mollie post here.
an image of Urban Pups Dog Harness Review
Now despite it being Mollie's birthday where we usually spoil them rotten, because lets face it who else treats their dogs like people? She's actually recovering from being spayed, which took three attempts. The first, Mollie came into season. The second, we dropped Mollie off, before having to go pick her up because she still had milk. Finally, the third attempt was good and she's been a little super star with very little fuss and no reaction to the medicines. The complete opposite to Harry, though we have found out she'll be needing to have future surgery, a completely different matter but something I'm planning on documenting on LW. 

With all this in mind, she obviously has to stay calm, impossible if you're a tough little pup. With a ridiculous amount of toys and treats, not to mention the two toys she had for having the operation we decided to treat her to some homemade Pupcakes, another hoodie & a pretty new harness from Urban Pup. If you haven't heard of Urban Pup, they're an online retailer of dog accessories & clothes. 
an image of homemade peanut butter cupcakes
Both Harry & Mollie wear harnesses daily, we use the 'mesh' style harnesses for comfort and ease. We usually pick them up in Pets At Home due to the ease of knowing their sizing, though the quality has significantly reduced recently. Each harness is edged with a 'reflective' material, which the stitching seems to pull away from easily. Having spotted the range of harnesses on Urban Pup earlier this year we finally placed that all important order on Monday morning, with it arriving yesterday in perfect time for little ones birthday. Urban Pup also win points for their adorable pink packaging.

Mollie's harnesses features in their Patterned Dog Harnesses section (£16.95), a soft mesh harness with a pretty design sewn over the front. Harry's harness is from the Active Mesh range (£12.95), which features brightly coloured edging. Both the Vintage Rose Floral Harness and Active Mesh Neon Blue Harness are of such high standards, the materials used are much thicker. The sizing was completely true to the size guides they give & the quality of the clips are much sturdier than their current. I can't wait to hear the compliments on their walks, this harness style is always a talking point.

Whilst the harnesses retail for a little more than the ones we previously were buying, we'll be using Urban Pup for their future harness needs. The tartan options are definitely next on the list. Lucy xx
Disclaimer: All own purchases

Lemon Drizzle Bundt Cake Recipe

Lemon Drizzle is definitely my signature bake and one that fits any occasion. So whilst I haven't been blogging so much recently, you can bet that I've spent my spare time baking up batches of cookies and multiple lemon drizzles. There's nothing more therapeutic than baking - we'll ignore the 20-something ice-cream cone cupcakes I attempted to ice for my Mum's work, trying to live up to the high standard I'd set previously that didn't go quite to plan.
an image of Lemon Drizzle Bundt Cake Recipe
an image of Lemon Drizzle Bundt Cake Recipe
Yesterday I decided to give my famous Lemon Drizzle a face lift by whipping out my Bundt Cake silicone mould I received/featured in my Baking Subscription Box review earlier this year. Since making my Lemon Drizzle in the mould I wouldn't want to use any other tin for future Lemon Drizzle's. This one also has my uncles partner wanting to enter me into the Great British Bake Off - she insists Devon lacks any sort of a decent Lemon Drizzle, not to mention my own. Needless to say I'll be whipping up another couple for the next bank holiday weekend.

Ingredients to make my Lemon Drizzle Bundt Cake //
250g Margarine 
250g Caster Sugar
4 Large Eggs
250g Self Raising Flour (I used Gluten Free)
2 Teaspoons Baking Powder (again, Gluten Free)
Rind (grated) of 1 Large Lemon & splash of lemon juice

Ingredients for Filling & Drizzle //
Standard Butter Cream OR half a tub of Betty Crocker Vanilla Frosting
4 Tablespoons of Lemon Curd
Juice of 1 Large Lemon (drizzle)
Caster Sugar - I don't measure - sorry! (drizzle)

Tips for the making of a Lemon Drizzle //
Use melted butter to grease mould if as intricate as mine
Really allow to fully cool before removing from mould/tin

The making of the lemon drizzle bundt cake couldn't be any easier. Once you've pre-heated your oven to 160C, add all ingredients into your mixing bowl minus the lemon rind. Mix on a medium speed for a few minutes before adding in the lemon rind + splash of lemon juice and mixing for another 30 seconds. Using a spatula, fill your greased tin with the mixture, if using an intricate mould like mine, give the filled mould a little tap on the tray before placing into the oven for about 25 minutes. After 25 minutes cover the cake with a piece of baking parchment and bake for another 15-20 minutes OR until your skewer comes out clean. Leave to cool for a good hour, then remove from your mould and leave to cool for longer, if needed. 

Once cooled you can cut the cake in half, before adding your lemon curd, followed by the vanilla butter cream/frosting. Carefully place the top section of the cake on, ready for the drizzle. Next, mix the lemon juice with the caster sugar. I don't measure, I keep adding sugar until a thick consistency is achieved. Then pour over your cake, I used a teaspoon to gradually add the drizzle to the ridges. You'll also noticed I was very generous with the drizzle.

What is your signature bake? You can find my previous baking post here. Lucy x
Disclaimer: I hold no responsibility for the gaining of lb's when consuming this cake :P
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