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Lemon Drizzle Bundt Cake Recipe

Lemon Drizzle is definitely my signature bake and one that fits any occasion. So whilst I haven't been blogging so much recently, you can bet that I've spent my spare time baking up batches of cookies and multiple lemon drizzles. There's nothing more therapeutic than baking - we'll ignore the 20-something ice-cream cone cupcakes I attempted to ice for my Mum's work, trying to live up to the high standard I'd set previously that didn't go quite to plan.
an image of Lemon Drizzle Bundt Cake Recipe
an image of Lemon Drizzle Bundt Cake Recipe
Yesterday I decided to give my famous Lemon Drizzle a face lift by whipping out my Bundt Cake silicone mould I received/featured in my Baking Subscription Box review earlier this year. Since making my Lemon Drizzle in the mould I wouldn't want to use any other tin for future Lemon Drizzle's. This one also has my uncles partner wanting to enter me into the Great British Bake Off - she insists Devon lacks any sort of a decent Lemon Drizzle, not to mention my own. Needless to say I'll be whipping up another couple for the next bank holiday weekend.

Ingredients to make my Lemon Drizzle Bundt Cake //
250g Margarine 
250g Caster Sugar
4 Large Eggs
250g Self Raising Flour (I used Gluten Free)
2 Teaspoons Baking Powder (again, Gluten Free)
Rind (grated) of 1 Large Lemon & splash of lemon juice

Ingredients for Filling & Drizzle //
Standard Butter Cream OR half a tub of Betty Crocker Vanilla Frosting
4 Tablespoons of Lemon Curd
Juice of 1 Large Lemon (drizzle)
Caster Sugar - I don't measure - sorry! (drizzle)

Tips for the making of a Lemon Drizzle //
Use melted butter to grease mould if as intricate as mine
Really allow to fully cool before removing from mould/tin

The making of the lemon drizzle bundt cake couldn't be any easier. Once you've pre-heated your oven to 160C, add all ingredients into your mixing bowl minus the lemon rind. Mix on a medium speed for a few minutes before adding in the lemon rind + splash of lemon juice and mixing for another 30 seconds. Using a spatula, fill your greased tin with the mixture, if using an intricate mould like mine, give the filled mould a little tap on the tray before placing into the oven for about 25 minutes. After 25 minutes cover the cake with a piece of baking parchment and bake for another 15-20 minutes OR until your skewer comes out clean. Leave to cool for a good hour, then remove from your mould and leave to cool for longer, if needed. 

Once cooled you can cut the cake in half, before adding your lemon curd, followed by the vanilla butter cream/frosting. Carefully place the top section of the cake on, ready for the drizzle. Next, mix the lemon juice with the caster sugar. I don't measure, I keep adding sugar until a thick consistency is achieved. Then pour over your cake, I used a teaspoon to gradually add the drizzle to the ridges. You'll also noticed I was very generous with the drizzle.

What is your signature bake? You can find my previous baking post here. Lucy x
Disclaimer: I hold no responsibility for the gaining of lb's when consuming this cake :P
Totally not sponsored also.


  1. I'm sorry but how the hell can one bake something that looks that amazing?! It's not even psychically possible for me to ever bake something that attractive - haha! x

    Xtina G Says..

    1. That has to be the nicest comment ever :P I bet you could make one, it's definitely a lot to do with the mould and greasing with melted butter! xx

  2. My baking NEVER turns out this good and this lemon drizzle cake looks SOooo good, I'm just going to have to give this recipe a go.


    1. Aw thank you so much Jess! I bet if you gave it a go your cake would turn out great! Let me know if you do :) x

  3. its soooo good, i love it mine turned out absolutly lovely so thanks for the recipe!!


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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