UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Peanut Butter + Banana Cookies GF DF Vegan // Lucyy Bakes

Peanut Butter and Banana Cookie Recipe Gluten Dairy Free UK
Happy Sunday, continuing with the Banana Recipe Theme (see last post), I wanted to share an old favourite and one I've previously shared on LW. These are definitely up there with my Ultimate Cookie Recipe, they're so easy and quick to make, requiring no effort at all. The smell that these cookies create when baking, is divine. Even if you aren't usually a Banana Cake fan, you'll be won round with a batch of these. They're entirely Gluten Free, Dairy Free and VEGAN.

Follow on below and you'll soon have soft, chewy cookies to enjoy. Simply pre-heat your oven to 180C, line two baking trays with baking paper and grab your mixing bowl.

2 Bananas
130g Peanut Butter
100g Caster Sugar
70g Dark Brown Soft Sugar
1.5 TSP Vanilla Extract
165g Gluten Free Plain Flour
1 TBSP Baking Powder
100g Chocolate Chunks

Step 1 - Mash TWO Banana's, before adding in the peanut butter. I always use a Peanut Butter with no added extra's, but feel free to use your favourite. 

Step 2 - Next stir in both Sugars, along with your Vanilla Extract, until smooth.

Step 3 - Fold in the Flour and Baking Powder, before adding in Chocolate Chunks (if using) - you could swap these or leave out entirely. Nuts? Dried Fruit?

Step 4 - Place walnut sized balls of mixture onto your prepared baking trays and bake for 10-15 minutes. Don't over-bake. They will 'set' when cooled.
Peanut Butter and Banana Cookie Recipe Gluten Dairy Free UK

Do you have an old favourite that you haven't baked in awhile? These are one that will soon be on your list. They're so easy and quick to make. Lucy xx

Spiced Banana Bread Recipe // Gluten and Dairy Free

It's been a year of the Banana Bread, thanks to a worldwide pandemic. In my minor blog hiatus, I've still been working away and baking up a storm, whether it be treats for home or to take into work. Whilst I'm sure the majority of us are now sick of seeing another Banana recipe appear on our feeds, I thought I'd share my little spin, with a Spiced Banana Bread recipe that is dairy, gluten and 'sugar free'. The original recipe came from Davina's Kitchen Favourites - a fantastic book to grab if you're looking for some meal time inspiration, snacks OR sweet treat. I'd bake this weekly, when the book was first published. Keep on reading for a guilt-free treat to whip up this weekend.
Spiced banana bread recipe gluten dairy free 1
225g Buckwheat Flour (naturally Gluten Free) - again Dove Farm.
1 Tbsp Baking Powder 
2 Tsp Cinnamon 
1/2 Tsp Ground Nutmeg
150g Soft Pitted Dates
215ml Plain Unsweetened Yogurt (Alpro Unsweetened or Alpro Greek Style/Go On)
4 Eggs
3 Ripe Mashed Bananas
spiced banana bread recipe gluten dairy free 1
Preheat your oven to 160C and line a 2lb Loaf Tin
In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, spices and a generous pinch of salt
Finely chop the pitted dates into small pieces, blitz in a blender with the yogurt and eggs
Next, mix the wet ingredients with the mashed banana before pouring into the dry ingredients 
Keep the stirring to a minimum (stir until just combined), before pouring into your prepared loaf tin
Bake until risen and golden brown, when tested with a fork - it should come out clean.
If you notice the top of the cake getting dark - cover with foil and once out the oven, leave to cool for a least 10 minutes in the tin, before turning out and cooling further.
Once cool (if you can wait that long), slice up and keep in a container in the fridge for a quick  healthy, snack+breakfast on the go

TIP: Best enjoyed when zapped in the microwave for 20 seconds OR lightly toasted, team with yogurt, ice cream or nut butter & berries. Let me know if you give this one a whirl - or any recipe suggestions below. Lucy xox

Boost Your Immunity with Super DC Drinks

There's no better time than now to look at increasing our vitamin intake whilst we continue battling the current pandemic. Whilst here in the UK, the population are awaiting their vaccination course to begin, along with social distancing, adding vitamins to our diets wherever possible will ensure we can continue protecting ourselves. 

Drink Gusto Super DC Review

Over the years I've tried numerous 'health' drinks, that promise to benefit various aspects of our health and well-being.The majority of them taste vile and hold false claims. I was recently offered the chance to try out Super DC (alas you will not turn into your favourite comic hero). Super DC are a new brand, offering functional, soft drinks in TWO flavours. Claiming to be the worlds first grab and go super strength vitamin drink to bolster our Immune Systems. The delicious soft drinks are packed with added benefits including, Vitamin D & C, with Vitamin A, K, Zinc and Folic Acid. Each is designed to deliver a daily boost and keep your immune system intact all year round. They're also high in antioxidants, with a hefty dose of Vitamin D at 2000% RI and Vitamin C at 2500% RI. There's no wonder they went for Super DC as a brand name when CEO Will developed Super DC last year in the first Lockdown.

Drink Gusto Super DC Review

Wondering what all these vitamins do? Vitamin D is important for fighting off infection and regulate the amount of calcium in our bodies as well as protecting our bones, teeth and muscles. Vitamin C, again helps our immunity as well as bones, blood vessels and skin. Vitamin A maintains our vision, whilst Vitamin K aids the formation of blood clotting. Zinc, again aids us to fight off infection and colds, often teamed with Vitamin C. Folic Acid, helps produce and maintain cells as well as lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. Super DC contains 100% of your daily Folic Acid intake.

Drink Gusto Super DC ReviewDrink Gusto Super DC Review

Where do these vitamins come from? Super DC drinks contain these health benefits from natural ingredients. Flick the packaging over and you'll see Elderberries, Blood Orange, White Mulberries (I adore these dried), Blackcurrants, Cherries, Apples and White Grapes. The drinks still remain low in calorie due to being plant based. At 60 Cals a can, anyone can enjoy the added health benefit to their daily lives. There are no artificial sugars, sweeteners or preservatives as many of the marketed 'health drinks' usually contain. You won't find any caffeine either.

Drink Gusto Super DC Review

Out of the two flavours, Blood Orange & Blackcurrant and Elderberry, my favourite without a doubt is Blood Orange. The sicilian blood orange juice teamed with grape, provides a refreshing burst - perfect over Ice after a long day. I'm really fussy with soft drinks, but I adored this one. There's no strange after tastes as a lot of 'health drinks' have. Blackcurrant and Elderberry really surprised me, shoot me but I'm not a lover of a Blackcurrant squash, however teamed with a sharp Green Apple and the darkness of Elderberry, I really enjoyed this one. I imagine in the summer, this would be lovely sat out in the garden...or on a picnic when we can travel further afield. 

Drink Gusto Super DC Review

If you fancy trying the drinks yourself, you can purchase the 250ml Grab and Go cans via the Drink Gusto website HERE, on Amazon, Holland and Barrett and other natural trade retailers across the country, priced at just £1.99. How have you been taking care of your health, since the pandemic hit? Lucy xx

Disclaimer: items sent for review consideration, c/o Drink Gusto 

Spicy Sausage and Chorizo Rolls | Lucyy Writes

 Spicy Sausage and Chorizo Rolls | Lucyy Writes
Temperatures have drastically dropped over the last week, making my latest recipe to share with you all even more appropriate. You can't beat a freshly baked sausage roll, whether it's home-made or straight from the paper bag of a bakery. However, my home-made sausage rolls always go down a storm with family and friends. They're also always a tradition to bake for Christmas Eve.

Spicy Sausage and Chorizo Rolls | Lucyy Writes

Just before Christmas I received a selection of Books, with one being Delicious Bundles by Angela Gray. This quaint little book features recipes sorted into 'Bundles' to treat ourselves to, with global takes of comforting classic dishes. You'll find dishes are sorted into seasons, with warming winter curries, spring vegetable asian recipes, bbq recipes for summer and autumnal baked goods. 

Spicy Sausage and Chorizo Rolls | Lucyy Writes

I decided to give the Spicy Sausage and Chorizo Rolls a whirl, by adapting my own Sausage Roll recipe with Angela's spicy edition. I also switched out ingredients such as Mustard for Harissa Paste and adjusted quantities to suit the Free From ingredients opted for.

Spicy Sausage and Chorizo Rolls | Lucyy Writes

Ingredients for 'Filling'

Fry Light or Cooking Spray of choice

1/2 a Red Onion (finely diced)

1 tsp of Chopped Garlic (I use Lazy Garlic)

1-2 tsp of Mild Curry Powder

400g Sausage Meat (gluten free)

75g Chorizo (diced and gluten/milk free)

100g Gluten Free Breadcrumbs (Mrs Crimble)

1 Beaten Egg

1 tbsp of Mango Chutney

Ingredients for 'Wrap'

1 Sheet of Ready Rolled Gluten Free Pastry

1 tsp of Harissa Paste (instead of mustard)

Large handful of Grated Cheddar Cheese (dairy free if needed)

1 Egg + Splash of Milk for glazing/sticking

Spicy Sausage and Chorizo Rolls | Lucyy Writes

Method -

Pre-Heat Oven to 180C and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.

In a frying pan, fry the chopped onion and garlic on a low-medium heat until softened - cooking with fry light/oil.

Stir in the curry powder, with a splash of water to stop your ingredients from catching and fry for another couple of minutes before taking off the heat.

In a large bowl, mix the sausage meat, chorizo, breadcrumbs and onion mixture. Before adding in the beaten egg and mango chutney. 

Take your ready-rolled pastry, and slice into two strips, this will make two long sausage rolls.

Spread harissa paste along each of the pastry strips and sprinkle each with grated cheese. You can then take your sausage mixture and lay along each strip.

Brush the edges of the pastry with your egg+milk mixture, before rolling/wrapping over to encase. Press firmly down to seal. Then slice each roll into desire sized rolls. I'd recommend 4-6 each. Don't forget to cut diagonal slits across the top of each individual roll.

Now, lay on your tray and brush with your egg+milk mixture to ensure you have golden brown rolls when out the oven. Pop in the oven for 30 minutes or until golden brown + crispy. 

Spicy Sausage and Chorizo Rolls | Lucyy Writes

If you're fond of warm spices, you'll love this take of the British Classic incorporating Spanish Chorizo and Indian Spices. What have you been baking recently? Lucy xx

Disclaimer: *book sent for review consideration

Happy New Year | Reflecting on 2020

Happy New Year. Despite the current circumstances we're all in, I hope you managed to find some positivity from 2020. As we leave possibly our toughest and strangest of our years yet, I wish you all the best for the next year. 2021 will improve. New Year is always a difficult time for myself, especially the last few however coming home to a warm house, for Monopoly and Gin with the family, finished a long working day off perfectly. The afternoon was delightful, working my first Covid Vaccine Clinic, we met so many wonderful patients, staff and volunteers, from the surrounding area. Whilst we may all be guilty for focusing on the negatives of the current pandemic - I thought I'd share some of my achieved goals and positives from 2020. 

Read more Books - In 2020 I downloaded the Good Reads app, finishing on 53.5 Books, far more than my goal of 20. 

Update my Car - I ended up not only updating my car but doing all the negotiating myself, getting a ridiculously good deal with everything I asked for thrown in. Not only did I change my car, I ended up treating myself to a Brand New Car. I said goodbye to Winnie the Black C1 (special edition, Facebook designed) and hello to Wilfred the Blue Vauxhall Adam Griffin.

Use my Annual Leave Wisely - I'm always guilty of never booking enough Annual Leave. I tend to use it for short breaks due to numerous reasons. This year despite the pandemic I did manage a few short trips away, they weren't exciting but it was a change of scenery. 

Complete one course - I ended up completing THREE in my spare time. The first being Counselling based. The second, Nutrition and the final Business related.

Further Training at Work - I was able to complete numerous training/webinar days through work as well as on the job training. Fingers crossed this continues in 2021, the Pandemic delayed much of this. 

One Year At My Current Job - I completed my first year at the Surgery. I'm honestly so lucky to work for the practice I'm currently at and to have continued to have worked through 2020 whilst many have been furloughed.

First Tattoo - I'll most likely update on this fully, however I finally got the Tattoo I've wanted. It may have taken three attempts due to Lockdown and Tier changes. However when plans for further trips were changed, I used my Annual Leave to focus on myself. The whole process was incredible (and didn't hurt a bit). 

Blog Again - I attempted to start Lucyy Writes again, working with various brands when I could fit it around work. I've enjoyed photography again and working with Publishing companies.

Say Goodbye to my Therapy Team - We came to the very end. With them unable to provide anymore and the fact they caused more harm than good. Life is tough. But one day I'll beat my current battles. I've tried to focus on calming techniques, getting back into art, reading, blogging, baking and crafts. Sue even introduced me to Nidra Yoga (something I'd like to explore more in 2021).

Meet New People - Lucy started dating again. It's been interesting in a Pandemic. There's been positives and negatives. Tinder provided many giggles amongst those around me, whether the guy being vertically challenged, 1 child turning to 3, inexperienced, confused, throw in a creepy doctor OR overly keen prior to any date. Despite the negatives, they've have given me the confidence to realise how much I deserve and when times allow again, you could say 2021 looks rather promising 😏.

I'd love to hear how you spent New Years Eve & your achievements this year? 2021 may be uncertain, however we can still create some positivity for the next 52 weeks. Lucy xx

© 2025 Lucyy Writes

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