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Lush // Emotional Brilliance Collection

As most of us know, Lush already do colour supplements, 5 to be exact, along with lip scrubs, lip tints and lip balms. But at long last, after the disappearance of B Never Too Busy to be Beautiful, Lush bring us Emotional Brilliance, which launches worldwide July 21st.
What is Emotional Brilliance?
Emotional Brilliance is a whole new concept of matching your psychological needs to what colour cosmetics you should be wearing at that moment. Who knew picking your makeup in the morning could be so technical. The range is made up of lip colours, eyeliners and eyeshadows, though Lush have also thrown in some supplementary products to complete the new range, mascara, skin tints and powder. Each colour comes with a corresponding word, such as Confident, Take Control or Glamorous, it's safe to say makeup definitely influences moods and confidence levels.  

The Packaging
We all know how much Lush care about the environment, which is another reason why I do love them. For this collection every item needs packaging, with as little impact on the world as possible. Everything in this collection is recyclable...except the little brush inserts, however you can reuse them. The clear glass bottles can be kept or put in your recycle boxes, they allow you to see the exact colour of product and how much you have left. The caps have been designed by Lush and made from their black pots, bring back the caps to any Lush store and they return them to their supplier who grinds them up, to make new ones. Ingredients and how to use are listed on the labels which are attached by hair bands, no outer boxes are needed. You can pop these bottles into your bag and know they wont leak or break because the glass is super sturdy.
Liquid Lips - £14.50 each, 5g
The liquid lips are what have me excited the most, they're the most pigmented lip product I have ever come across. The formula of these contain Ultrabalm as a base to soften lips, which is packed of jojoba oil, candelilla wax and rose wax. Lips will be coloured and left soft, smooth and deeply moisturised. Weaken the pigment by applying lip balm. You seriously only need a dot to cover your whole lips. I have Passionate, which I can say I'm 100% passionate about these liquid lips. If you own Ciate - Jelly Bean nail polish, it's the lip version of that...exactly, a brilliant hot pink, with a mauve shimmer.
Liquid Eyeliner - £14.50 each, 5g
The liquid liners are split into two groups, both similar, however two of the liners are a no-smudge formula. I have Fantasy which is one of the no-smudge liners, there's also Independent which is your regular black. As soon as you apply these it sets and it's there all day. The base is made of an eye bright infusion, which is a herb from an ancient tradition for eyes. The rest of the eyeliner collection are a mix between neutrals and brights, which share the same formula as the eyeshadows that are to come. They take a short while to set, so you can blend them easily for softer looks. I'm a fan of the brush, I'm no liquid expert, but I'm doing great, I'll be getting the Independent on July 21st. They're great value as most liquid liners are 2g.
Cream Eyeshadow - £14.50 each, 5g
These cream eye shadows from Lush contain a base of rose petal infusion, skin softening almond and jojoba oils, perfect for sensitive eyes. Glycerin carries the colour over the eye and the cupuaca butter helps set the pigments, for long lasting colour. I have Sophisticated, which I'm over the moon to have, I love it because it's a great neutral to own and I think they've got the names 100% right for all the products.
Eyes Right mascara - in Black - £12, 5g
When it comes to most black mascara's, they aren't actually as black as I'd like, however this one is actually black! I can't wait to try it some more and report back to you, as a mascara junkie I'm picky. The brush is rather short, so hopefully this provides a more accurate and easier application. It only contains one preservative, which gets me thinking about all the rubbish in the mascaras we use every day, because most on the market contain 4-6. Wheat grass is the key ingredient, it's packed with vitamins and minerals to condition your lashes, while Japan and Carnauba wax help it set and smudge proof it. 
Emotional Brilliance Translucent Face Powder - £12, 8g
A powder suitable for all skin types, it can be used alone to create shine free skin or to set foundation. This powder is simple, translucent, ultra fine and light reflecting. Used alone it's said to even out skin tones or used to stop eyeliner smudging. It contains a lot of jojoba oil to nourish the skin and create a barrier between your face and elements. It is however talc based, with no mineral oils or preservative to irritate the skin. Apply as a finishing touch to complete your emotional brilliance.
Feeling Younger skin tint - £12, 20g
Feeling younger contains magic orange pigment, this works as a reflector on your skin. Use it as a highlighter on your brow bone, eyelids to open up eyes, cheek bones to create a youthful glow or to beat under eye dark circles. It's packed with Cocoa butter, jojoba oil and almond oil already, however mix with your moisturiser and use on your decolletage for a sexy shimmer.
Charisma skin tint - £12, 20g
Charisma gives dull skin a glow and smooths out any skin tone, this blend of golden colours can be worn under makeup to give you a healthy warm glow. If your pale like me then we will not pull this product off, worn like that! However use it as a bronzer/contour. It's incredibly pigmented, though I am pale as a ghost, so it's definitely going to last me a long time, another very reasonably priced product, that will leave you glowing.

Who else is excited like me? What items would you like reviewed first?
I'll be picking up a few more items along the way because it's just after my birthday, the perfect excuse. They're a little bit more than average drugstore prices, though most contain more product and are going to be more beneficial to your skin! 

Disclaimer: sample
Disclaimer: press sample, for review consideration only, no payment received. see disclaimer page for more.


  1. So excited to when i see new products from Lush. Great post hun Ax

    1. Me too, Lush is the company I love thee most :D x

  2. Oh my goodness. I am SO excited for the range to come out! I love Lush more and more each time I buy something from there and now they're bringing out makeup I am so happy!

    1. It's great isn't it, thank god they decided to do makeup again, they're lip tints weren't enough for me, needed more brilliant makeup! :)

  3. These look amazing! I love the packaging eek I really want to get my hands on these! New follower here x

    1. Thanks for the follow lovely :D It's all so nice, I love the bottles it comes in, a tad alice in wonderlandish :)

  4. I am stupidly excited by the new range especially the eye liner and liquid lips but I pretty much want it all
    : ]

  5. I am the biggest lush junkie ever - this range sounds amazing! Seriously intrigued by the lip colour and the paler skin tint, but I think I'd want to see some reviews on the actual products as the prices do seem a little on the steep side :( xx

    1. Haha ;) It's what I was getting exited over all week :P I'll see what ones are most popular by comments to review first

  6. I love the look of the liquid lips, i'm sure they'll be well worth the price! x

    1. They really are, crazy how much pigmentation they have.

  7. This looks amazing! I remember talking to a worker in Lush a while back about 'a new range' but she was sworn to secrecy at the time, now I know what it is! This is a fantastic idea, I shall be purchasing x
    Sirens and Bells

    1. Aw, I haven't popped into my stores lately, not a fan of my local anymore :( It's amazing isn't it! They'll be beating mac ;)

  8. Oh wow this sounds exciting, didn't expect Lush to come out with something like this. I love that it's a game! xxx

    1. It's cute and 1000 times better than before :)

  9. I'm so glad Lush decided to bring back a makeup line! The products look amazing! Also, I love the jar packaging! :D

    1. Me too :D I hope they eventually do brushes!

  10. they look amazing! :)
    hopefully they'll react a little bit better to my skin than the bath bombs! xx

    1. Aw, you never know! They seem like they shouldnt cause too much problems, i haven't broke out x

  11. This is amazinggg!!! As I was saying to you on twitter I do love the packaging! Definitely having a swatch fest when it launches :P xxx

    1. They're so cute aren't they :D Me too, if only it was before my birthday!

  12. AMAZING! I'mjealous! These products look amazing!!!

    1. They really are, I'm loving using the powder!

  13. These look so cool, am excited to see it when it comes out in the shops! x

    1. Me too :D I don't know how they'll fit into the shops though, mine has no room :P

  14. SO intrigued by the eyeliner! xx

    1. I want the black so I can wear lush all day ;)

  15. These look and sound amazing! I can't wait for these to appear in store so I can go and have a play :D xx

    1. Same, I need to get more of the liquid lips!

  16. Wow these look great! I can't wait to see the review of liquid lips! x

    1. I'll try and get one up over the weekend, I'm a bit behind on the blogging front with every bit of bad luck I had :P


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