UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Celebrate 21 Years // Burt's Bees // Natural Lip Balms

Yes, you really are staring at a giant Burt's Bees lip balm. This year Burt's Bees natural lip balms turn 21 so they've created this limited edition gift set containing 9 of their lip products. What a perfect Christmas gift for someone!
I received some strange looks opening this package and pulling out a giant lip balm tube, most thought it was actually a giant lip balm, can you imagine how trying to use that. Inside you'll find the original tin of their Beeswax lip balm along with the Beeswax Lip Balm - Vitamin E & Peppermint, Honey Lip Balm, Rejuvenating Lip Balm with Acai Berry, Refreshing Lip Balm with Grapefruit, Replenishing Lip Balm with Pomegranate Oil, Nourishing Lip Balm with Mango Butter, Ultra Conditioning Lip Balm with Kokum Butter & Ultra Moisturising Lip Treatment.
I've reviewed a couple of the balms already on my blog, the Ultra Conditioning balm is an essential for winter. I always carry one around with me, I actually gave a few away earlier this year. The refreshing grapefruit remains my favourite from Burt's Bee's purely because it smells and tastes amazing. I also have the pomegranate balm open right now, although red in the bullet I don't get any colour pay off, just a subtle scent while hydrating my lips. Another stand out product in this gift set has to be the new Ultra Moisturising Lip Treatment, it's a cheaper alternative to the Balance Me lip treatment and personally provides faster and much better hydration.
Disclaimer: press sample, for review consideration only, no payment received. see disclaimer page for more.


  1. I swear by the Replenishing Lip Balm at this time of year - no idea how I survived without it!!

    I think I need one of these on my Xmas list! xx

    1. I love having this set now, I can really pick a scent for each mood I'm feeling! Ahh it's brilliant isn't it, what did we do before Burt was around ;) x

  2. This is such a cool idea. When I first tried Burts Bees Lip Balms, I didn't like them at all, then after a week, I was total convert. This is something I'd personally love to receive OR give as a gift, it's also not too pricey. The perfect price range for friends!


    1. It's great isn't it, though in the night I totally woke up and thought there was a giant firework on my desk :P There's so many different choices too, so if one doesn't a more buttery balm could suit you! You'd certainly know what this gift was under the tree! x

  3. This is amazing. I have yet to try this brand but all goo reviews from it so I should deffo try. I wouldn't mind popping that beast on my dressing table haha Thanks for following my blog. I'm a new follower ;)


  4. I still haven't tried any Burt's Bees. Where have I been!? I wish this actually was a giant lip balm though, purely for the novelty factor, although I think you'd end up with it sall over your face, haha.
    Mel x

  5. Excellent gift idea, I agree with comment above, wish it was a giant lip balm that would be funny :)

  6. I WANT THIS SO MUCH AHHH! About to finis my acai balm and move on to grapefruit. Well I have about half a cm of product left. *flails arms*
    I remember I have wanted to fill those giant vasaline tubs with actual vasline, just cus I could :') Decided against it though...


  7. That's an amazing gift idea! Really want it now :D x

  8. wow the packaging is so cool. haha, everything sounds really good.x


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