UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Go Lush Yourself // Rub Rub Rub Review

Rub Rub Rub has been a favourite of mine since the days it came packaged in the Lush shower gel bottles. Thankfully the days of unblocking the cap or unscrewing the cap are over and Lush now package it in their regular black pots. At £7.95 for 330g this is one of their more affordable shower scrubs compared to my old and retired love, Sugar Babe. 
When it comes to using Rub Rub Rub it's pretty simple, you take a small handful and scrub. If you're after a gentle scrub use under the shower, however if like me, you prefer to really scrub away then use on dry skin all over your body. Rub Rub Rub is great in a foot soak if you want something rougher than Stepping Stone. It's suggested to also use as a shampoo, just like Big Shampoo for volume, I'm yet to see results from either for volume but the times I have trouble with my scalp it's a miracle. As a body scrub Rub Rub Rub is fantastic.


  1. I think Rub Rub Rub is my favorite LUSH product ever! Heh, I remember when it used to be in the annoying bottle too, so happy it's in a tub now! x

    1. It was the worst thing ever, surely they struggled while testing it in the first place?! x

  2. Rub rub rub makes me feel all clean and tingly. I like using it in the morning for a pick me up in the shower.

    1. I need to get another tub of it, too many of us use it in this house! x

  3. I love Rub Rub Rub, it's amazing although I think it's slightly pricey as I use so bloody much of it at a time haha!



    Em's Mixed Bag

    1. It's a lot more affordable compared to the actual solid scrubs though! x

  4. I haven't tried it yet but might pick up a tub next time I'm in town. I need a new body scrub.


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