UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Miss Glossybox // July - August

How is it already time for the second Miss Glossybox, a bi-monthly beauty box subscription service aimed at younger beauty lovers - or those of us who can't quite afford to splurge £50+ on an eye cream. This months box arrived in a purple postal box and matching drawstring bag - a DIY post for leftover packaging will follow soon! 
On opening my purple postal box, delving into the purple drawstring bag I finally discovered what had been scenting my room. Packaged inside a stripy paper bag sat 'Starlight Macaroon', a bath fizzy from Miss Patisserie. Designed to look like a Macaroon the two halves are sandwiched with a similar creme as do Lush Bubbleroon's, along with its scent being a great dupe for Lush's Phoenix Rising. An exotic scent soon filled my bathroom, while still lingering on my skin the next morning. Sadly though unlike Lush this bath fizzy wasn't quite moisturising enough to convert me, nor did the colour pay off. My bath water barely had a tint however the glitter ended up being a nice touch. Each bath fizzy retails for a reasonable £2, with Miss P offering a free lip balm to those who spend £20+ before August 31st. It's very tempting to order a bowlful purely to scent my room.

The next product being from VO5, Plump It Up Dry Backcomb Spray retails for just £3.69. I'm interested in seeing how this fairs out since I'm always trying out new dry shampoo's and volumising products. Lets see if VO5 live up to the 'genius in bottle' promise in a blog post soon! Following VO5 we're greeted with an alarmingly bright set of nail wraps from Kiss. I love trying out new brands of nail wraps, in fact I've probably tried most available in the UK, I'll be looking forward to trying these out at the weekend. Each pack contains 18 bejewelled strips complete with nail file for £5.99. As far as value for money goes you could easily do finger & toe nails with one set alone.
I'm not usually a fan of perfume samples in beauty boxes however Beyonce Midnight Heat reminds me of something I wore in my school years. I've even had my family trying to work out what an earth it smells like, yet only now I've realised it smells very, very similar to Vera Wang Princess. Which makes no sense since I started wearing Princess after I left!? Needless to say this is one perfume sample that won't be passed on or thrown away regardless of what fragrance it's copied. Lastly, in true Glossy Box tradition...a Glossybox set of eyelashes. You can never have too many falsies, especially when you're still an amateur when it comes to applying. 
Disclaimer: press sample, for review consideration only, no payment received. see disclaimer page for more.


  1. Ooo I may need to smell the Beyonce perfume. I used to be a huge vera wang princess fan. I've not had it for ages now x

  2. I'm quite tempted to order this as everything sounds fab. I'd be really intrigued to hear how you get on with the Vo5 spray.

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper

  3. Ohhh that Miss Patisserie bath bomb sounds so yummy, shame it wasn't quite as good as the Lush.

    That VO5 spray is actually pretty good to add a little texture and oomph to the roots!

    Ambi xx

    Bombay Rose

  4. Pretty good stuff in this box! I like the look of the nail wraps

    Kylie @


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