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Lush Boxing Day Sale Haul // 2013

As usual Lush left it until Boxing Day to surprise us with this years 50% sale, all Christmas items and items made up to a stated date. I don't have the privilege of a Lush store in my home town so I decided to make my first Boxing Day - Lush Sale order and thank god I checked early morning. By the time their sales email hit my inbox the already small selection had become minute. Going back 4+ years (possibly more, I feel old) ago you could hit Lush stores in January with plenty of stock still hanging around along with them giving it away via lucky dips. 
an image of lush christmas sale haul
an image of snow fairy 250g
First to hit the basket were two 500g bottles of Snow Fairy, though as I hit checkout they were no longer available. Then came the battle to add four 250g bottles of the liquid fairy dust into the basket before they too sold out. With the large array of Soap and Glory products purchased in the sales and received for Christmas I'm going to smell pretty incredible for the next year. The four bottles came to a total of £13.72, ridiculously cheap Snow Fairy to keep both myself and Mamma Writes going until October when the fairy graces store shelves yet again.
an image of Lush sale goodies
I was obviously still half asleep and therefore restrained when it came to ordering Boxing Day morning...only one of each item were next placed into the basket. This year saw A LOT of new additions to the beloved Christmas range with Honey I Washed The Kids scented Shoot For The Stars (£1.62) bath ballistic transforming bath waters into a deep violet lagoons complete with shimmer. I'm disappointed I didn't order more since the alternative and all year round classic, Honey Bee bath bomb always leaves my bath gritty. Another Christmas classic to enter my basket was the ever gentle and soothing Snowman bath bomb retailing in the sales for £1.25, again he can be found as Butterball all year round. Leaving bath bombs behind I made sure to grab one Christmas Eve bubble bar and one The Christmas Penguin bubble bar. No Christmas is complete without ordering my Mum her Christmas Eve bubble bars so at the sale price of £1.47 no sale order would be complete! My new ultimate Christmas bubble bar The Christmas Penguin was also on sale for £1.47, as I had already received a few the previous day I took the sensible approach and again ordered just one of the cheeky chaps. If you too became hooked on this little guy, grab a bottle of The Olive Branch shower gel for the exact scent and pair with Big Blue for the turquoise tropics!
an image of Lush Blousey
an image of lush sample pots
*all own purchases


  1. Wow I love Lush, but didn't think to check the site for sale items. Oh well there's next year and I got loads for Christmas yay. Snow Fairy is the actual best.

    Kayleigh xo

  2. I got the Christmas candy set, a bottle of flying fox, a penguin and a melting snowman - I wanted more but I was very well behaved - I have never bought anything other than a lip scrub from lush - I've had bath bombs in the past but many many years ago so I am so excited to try out some things now - It only got posted today so feels like it's been forever since I ordered! (I was on early on boxing day, too, seeing things come in to stock and go back out of stock.... was like a gamble, waiting until something new was added and hoping the other things disappear in that time!)

  3. All these lush hauls are making me jealous! x

  4. i have been thinking of making a few purchases at lush and some of these sound lovely, great sale picks and great haul
    Happy New Year xx

  5. great bargains!!

  6. Oh you got some real bargains. I wanted to make an order but didn't want to pay the shipping!
    Water Painted Dreams xxx

  7. You did well I'm gonna cross my fingers and head to my local Lush this weekend hopefully I will bag some bargains.

  8. Ooh I wanted to get some sale items from Lush but it totally slipped my mind. The Snow Fairy shower gels look so pretty!

  9. So it was you that bought all the Lush, I was quite behind and almost everything had gone by the time I went on, I didn't bother ordering in the end :( X

  10. When I went in to Lush on Boxing Day snow fairy was all sold out, I was absolutely gutted! I guess I should of gone online instead, oh well!

    Brilliant blog post by the way, you've got yourself a new reader! I hope my blog becomes as good as yours.

    I also love your blog design, did you make it yourself?

  11. Snow Fairy will last ages! hehe Great bargain :)

    The Beauty Maniac in Tokyo

  12. You got so much! I completely missed the sale, although I got SO much for Christmas that I didn't really need much more! xx

  13. i would like to try snowman!

  14. You got some absolute bargains! I love Lush too, I got so much for Christmas I'm finding it hard to find places to store it!


    1. I had this issue too, it just sits in gift bags in my room for a week or so! x

  15. Does Blousey smell as good as it sounds?
    Elephant stories and more

    1. It really is, I keep switching to others but come back every time! x

  16. I'm kicking myself for not pressing buy on the items in my basket for the Lush Christmas sale. Next year.... x

    1. Oh no! Make sure you order double to make up this year x

  17. :O look at all that snow fairy!!! hola! great haul.


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