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Perfect Tea Party // AD

Today I have five tips on hosting your own tea party or garden party. Tea parties are such a cute way to get folk together. If you bake like myself it's the perfect way to get feed back on your latest creations...hopefully you don't invite anyone as harsh as Paul & Mary.

Tip 1 | Crockery & Tableware
The most important step to hosting the perfect tea party in my eyes is tableware and crockery. Without it you're stuck for a way to display your feast. Depending on your theme will determine if you are to go down the disposable route, or perhaps the more traditional tea party route, with many pretty, shabby chic Cake Stands at intervals along the table.

Tip 2 | "Food ideas" - with recipes
Again, there's no tea party this time without CAKE. A short while a go I published a blog post with many treats I'd created for a birthday afternoon tea. Of course miniature sandwiches are always a hit to accompany the masses of cakes you'll bake up. Personally I'd rather skip ahead to yet more CAKE and desserts. With the upcoming season change you'll have lots of different ingredients to play around with. 

Tip 3 | The Drinks Menu
Seeing as this is a tea party, a good variety of teas will be expected. Whilst we've been lucky in the UK this summer, it's now taken a turn in the opposite direction with a whole lot of rain. If however the sun returns and you get to throw your tea party outside you may want to try out my Blueberry & Green Tea Slush for a little twist.

Tip 4 | Decorations
Decorations are always the most exciting bit even more so than the baking aspect. Lets face it if you're hosting and baking from scratch it's going to be stressful. This summer I've jumped onto the bandwagon of Kilner jars.

Tip 5 | Inside or Out?
Living in the UK most parties end up being hosted inside, it's important to think ahead and make sure to have the place tidy if this is the case. In past posts you may have read that we recently tidied and revamped an area of our garden for this. Lucy xx
Disclaimer: this did contain sponsored content :)


  1. Aww i love these ideas! Also, your header and style is amazing!


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