UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Pawsome Box Review // January 2015

Last month we were lucky enough to win a Pawsome Box from Emma over at Em's Mixed Bag, who I urge you all to check out. She's so lovely and works so hard on her blog! Pawsome are a subscription box service for our four legged friends & after reading so many reviews last year I was so happy to have won a box for my little Harry. There are various subscription options on Pawsome, you can purchase one off boxes perfect for birthdays, you could go all out with 12 boxes a year or even 6. We received the first box of 2015, which has the theme of the USA throughout the contents and booklet. The booklet is a nice touch, it provides a little info about the contents of your box and various doggie themed articles. Having only had beauty boxes in the past, they get a hard time when items differ though with boxes for our fluff-balls we can count of them to always be happy. Here's what Harry received;

Baseball Chew | 
First up in the January box was this large baseball chew, a bit too large for our little guy but we've passed it onto another doggie who will enjoy it & be kept quiet for hours.

Football Toy or Nobbly Wobbly |
Next up was the Nobbly Wobbly toy, boxes vary between two toys and I think Harry received the best. He loves running after this ball, bouncing all directions and having a good ole chew.

Crunchy Chicken Bits from Hollings |
Now for the best item in the entire box, Harry has absolutely loved these treats from the Mutt & Jeff range. Taking my eyes off him for a split second ended up with him running off with the packet, trying to get another couple. We place one or two inside his Kong toy when we need to keep him distracted or leave for a couple hours. He doesn't seem to mind now as long as he has his chicken treats to win. Ingredient wise they seem fairly healthy for a treat and will keep his joints, bones and teeth even healthier.

Hot Dog or Pet Cola Toy
Harry also received a plastic Hot Dog toy, we're always careful with such toys as the little guy likes to break them incredibly quick. The hot dog however has survived many a squeaks and chews, he absolutely loves the giant toy and insists on squeaking at the most annoying times. The other option for the box was a squeaky cola bottle, again I think Harry had the best pick.

Collar LED from Pet Gear |
Harry has various lights and seems to go through them quick with all his walks. We've been using this LED since it arrived and although yes Harry is white & walks on his lead he seems to feel a little better with a light attached to him when the evenings are still dark. It's easy to set up, came with batteries and is lasting very well.

Bacon Strips from Trixie | 
The last item in the box was more tasty treats, Harry hasn't had many I've put them back for specials as he shouldn't really have a lot of pork/pork flavoured items. The few he has had, had him licking his chops and begging for more! He's a devil for treats and certainly uses his adorable puppy dog eyes against us. We get a lot of his friends coming up our drive to see Harry, so needless to say the treats won't be around much longer.

What do you think of monthly subscription boxes for our four legged friends? We all love the idea in the LW household, it's not something I'd purchase every single month, but a couple times a year when it's his birthday's - birth + moving in & Christmas. Harry however would love this every month, he loves postman and thinks every package is for him. The box provided plenty of fun for Harry with some really useful items - we even made a large repurchase of his favourite chicken treats. Lucy xx
Disclaimer: competition win


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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