UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

life lately // #1

an image of life lately
Having had a minor break from LW I thought I'd start up a few new series for the summer months at least. One of these being along the lines of a Sunday Summary - of course it's Monday now so 'life lately' it will have to be. As a post I personally enjoy reading by others, although I can't promise mine being always full of exciting news - I don't live the most exciting of lives but once in a while why not share the things that made me happy that week? This week has had a lot of family time, mine are ever so supporting and helping me through all my minor 'pickles', focusing on one problem at a time as well as encouraging me to get back into writing on LW. 
an image of life lately
Since getting Harry we do a lot more together and that's what this week has been. We've fitted in a couple of adventures for our beloved fluffy, managed to spend some quality time in the garden!? Yes, March and the garden furniture has made an appearance again. As well as plenty of home baking, shopping & passing that all important theory test, not forgetting an okay driving lesson...

My favourite place to head to as a family (including Harry) is our local country house & gardens - Hestercombe. We focus on the acres and acres of woodland, gardens, lakes and cascades to explore & usually end up in their courtyard cafe for the most delicious home baked goods. A firm favourite of mine has to be their gluten free brownies teamed with a bottle of Orchard Pig's Totally Minted. Each time the others have the brie and caramelised red onion paninis I'm almost tempted over to the dark side of gluten. Friday consisted of just that, with Harry dragging me up and down the steepest of slopes, him splashing in the stream & bumping into a few more Westie's while there. Despite having visited a lot over the years we're still finding new paths and hidden gems.

If we hadn't quite tired Harry out we even allowed him to come shopping, with him waiting with one of us outside each shop...that was until he could enter Lush for the first time. Able to at last pick out a few pick me ups, Harry received plenty of fuss while I decided on which Easter treats were coming home with me. All was not lost as we even made a trip for the little guy to pick another new Dad fears it when we go shopping. After a certain fluff jumped in said new bed and proceeded to roll around in the shop, we had to buy it...before he did the exact same in the car park. Only he would have all the stores staff in stitches and running from out back to see him. Our lives now revolve around this little guy for sure.

As mentioned there was time for plenty of home baking, from Molten Mini Egg Chocolate Puddings, Brownie Cookies, both Chocolate Chip & my famous Cheese Scones as well as delicious Pop Bakery cake pops for Makeup Revolutions 1st Birthday. With them arriving on Saturday morning, they didn't last long with all of us home. Who's interested in a mini egg pudding recipe to kick start Lucyy Bakes once again? Not to forget my theory test pass, all that's left is to stop being so terrified each Wednesday lesson. I'm sure I'm the student from hell :P. Lucy xx
*not sponsored


  1. Harry is so cute and congrats on passing your theory I recently failed mine (41 out of 50) but I've already rebooked it and am determined to pass this time
    : ]

    1. Thanks lovely! Oh no, how annoyingly close as well! I had a question that I'd never even heard of before, total luck on that one. Good Luck, I'm sure you'll ace it this time round.


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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