UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Discontinued Lush Products // 2015

an image of discontinued lush products 2015
Every so often we have to say goodbye to some of Lush's delights to make way for more exciting goodies. Usually I'm not too saddened by this though this time around a whole bunch of my favourites are being given the kick. The only positive being that hopefully this means some of the exclusive Oxford Street products may start appearing on all store shelves. I'll be sad to see Phoenix Rising leave along with Rose Queen. Granny Takes a Dip is disappearing too though I'm hoping the Oxford Street bubble bar edition is on it's way. Other products such as Sweetie Pie Shower Jelly, Aqua Mirabilis body butter and Aqua Marina cleanser have been in my lush routines and since I started shopping with Lush. Have you spotted any of your all time favourites?
Bath Bombs // Space Girl, Granny Takes a Dip, Phoenix Rising & Rose Queen Bubble Bars // Dorothy & Amandapondo Shower // Sweetie Pie Shower Jelly, Grass Shower Gel, Flying Fox Shower Gel, You Snap The Whip Body Butter & Aqua Mirabilis Body Butter Soap // Godmother, Ice Blue, Dirty & Magnificent Face // Aqua Marina Cleanser Body // Lovely Jubblies, Formulae Known As, Lustre Dusting Powder & Vanilla Puff Dusting Powder Hands & Feet // Tiny Hands, Putty For Your Hands & Stepping Stone Foot Scrub


  1. Can't say I'm really gutted about any of these apart from Space Girl which was one of my first ever bath bombs!
    Love Hayley,
    Water Painted Dreams

    1. Oh no! I always purchased Space Girl over Blackberry Bath Bomb because it smells so similar and is much cheaper. x

  2. Can't believe we have to say bye to Granny Takes A Dip:(, I love that bubble so much!

    1. Well hopefully the bubble bar appears very soon! x


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