UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Blogmas 2016 // Aspire Drinks review

Happy December 1st! I can't believe how fast December has crept upon us. Whilst I've been pretty quiet on LW recently I'm hoping to jump right back into things, because we all know how much I live for Christmas. I'll be sharing the best of the best, gift guides and product reviews, not forgetting... my annual Christmas Lush Dupes. Today however I'm sharing two tea based drinks from Aspire, perfect for the times you can't have a festive tipple.
an image of aspire drinks
As someone who loves finding new cold tea brands, I hadn't stumbled across Aspire drinks before despite them being available from selected supermarkets, Holland & Barrett and Amazon. Aspire Drinks are classed as a healthy energy drink, being green tea based and each of the three flavours available being free from sugar, calories & carbs. These deliciously refreshing drinks are sparkling based, a healthier alternative to some of your regular fizzy drinks on the market & a hell of a lot healthier than the alcoholic drinks poured this festive season.
an image of aspire drinks
One of the easiest ways to improve your diet/health can be as simple as replacing your regular fizzy drinks, with a healthier alternative like Aspire Drinks to avoid all the hidden sugar content. With three fruity flavours, each has been designed to avoid the daily sugar crash delivering a taste sensation of either Cranberry, Apple & Acai OR Mango Lemonade, all in 250ml (£1.85) cans - perfect for on the go, whether it's last minute Christmas Shopping, helping towards the New Years Resolution or for the designated driver.
an image of aspire drinks
Out of the two flavours sent (Apple + Acai as well as Cranberry), I have to say my favourite was surprisingly Cranberry. I always avoid cranberry based drinks, yet this just didn't seem so bad, perhaps this is down to the sparkling side of the drinks. Both drinks are red, exceptionally bubbly & brilliant for those who can't enjoy an alcoholic drink over the festive period and don't want to feel left out. Nobody would know the difference when comparing glasses. What are your go to non-alcoholic drinks for the party season? Lucy x
Disclaimer: PR SAMPLES

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