UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

The Ultimate Triple Chocolate Cookie // Lucyy Writes

an image of The Ultimate Triple Chocolate Cookie
It's been a while hasn't it!? As my first post in quite some time I decided to share the cookies that caused quite the storm on my Instagram recently. Back in December I actually made them for the first time, along with many recipes - I always go a little crazy Christmas week and split the goodies across family friends. After seeing so many people rave about the Tanya Burr Cookie Recipe (linked below) I decided to have a go myself to see what the fuss was about - switching up the chocolate bars to my personal favourites and boy were they good. Needing a little chocolate fix - with my consistent period drama/issues there's nothing better than a fresh soft, chocolate cookie full of gooey chocolate - especially when it contains milk - with added smarties, white and dark. These really are the best cookies I've made to date.
an image of The Ultimate Triple Chocolate Cookie
an image of The Ultimate Triple Chocolate Cookie
Recipe for The Ultimate Triple Chocolate Cookies:
200g Butter
300g Caster Sugar
1 Large Egg
275g Self Raising Flour
75g Cocoa Powder
A Splash of Milk (depending on how wet/dry your mixture turns out)
1 Large Bar of White Aero (white bubbles, milk chocolate outer)
1 Large Bar of Smarties Chocolate (seriously good!)
1 100g Bar of Dark Chocolate

Step One:
Set your oven to 180C & prepare 2-3 baking trays with baking parchment.
Step Two:
Next, Cream together your butter and sugar before adding in your egg.
Step Three:
Stir in all your dry ingredients, add the splash of milk if your mixture is looking dry.
Step Four:
Break up all your chocolate and add to the mix, either mix with your hands OR if you prefer to not get so messy a spoon is completely fine.
Step Five: 
Then depending on how big you want your cookies, break off balls of dough and place on your trays. I followed Tanya's suggestion and made around 10 the first time, 12 the next. If doing this you'll find 11-12 minutes in the oven gives you the perfect cookie.

They may not look cooked but within 30 minutes of cooling you'll have the best, soft cookies full to the brim of chocolate. What would you guys like to see on LW? - that's if commenting is still a thing!? :P Lucy x


  1. These look sooo yums! I'll have to give these a try on a Weekend soon.
    Zoe x

  2. They look plenty cooked to me! They look perfect. Hrnnnnngggg. Good to see you back! x

    1. Thank you Liz <3 It's lovely to see you back too!

  3. Cookies are literally my favourite treat everrr - these look so yummy, going to have to give them a try!

    Lucy | Forever September

    1. Thank you Lucy <3 They're the best aren't they, I made some white chocolate chip and milky bar mini egg cookies last week. They didn't last long enough for photos to be taken! xx

  4. Thank you for the lovely comments guys! Look out for a new recipe soon. x


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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