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Five Books to Read in Lock Down 2.0 | Lucyy Writes

five books to read in lockdown 2.0
Since my last blog post where I shared five books I'd recently enjoyed reading, I've struggled to find time to read or feel inclined to read. With good ole Boris taking us into Lock Down 2.0, being one reason I have more time on my hands, I'm determined to use the time wisely, by creating more time for myself and tackle the ever growing pile of books. If you're looking for a new book to fill your time, I've selected a mix of fiction, non-fiction as well as a couple fit for Children to settle down with.

Open, Why Asking for Help Can Save Your Life - Frankie Bridge

As we enter our second Lock Down, there's no book I'd recommend more than Open by Frankie Bridge. I pre-ordered this, having always looked up to Frankie - for her honesty and support for Mental Health. Throughout the book, I could relate to so much of Frankie's struggles and experiences over the years. Despite tackling difficult topics, the book remains positive and shares how passionate Frankie is for everyone to open up, to get the support they need. A firm reminder, that you are not the only one out there to feel the way you do. To experience the hardships you may have, or are going through. I read this within a day, unable to put it down - before passing onto my Mum, who again read it just as quickly.

five books to read in lockdown 2.0

Love Frankie - Jacqueline Wilson

Who else grew up reading every Jacqueline Wilson book? Even at the age of 26 I'll still keep an eye out for her new releases. Whilst food shopping, I noticed Love Frankie had been released. Needing something to ease me back into reading, I grabbed and finished over a weekend. Targeted at older readers, Love Frankie sees Jacqueline tackle teenage difficulties such as divorced parents, fighting siblings, school bullies and her Mum diagnosed with MS. However on top of this Frankie has fallen in love with her best friend. Surprisingly, Jacqueline has chosen to tackle same-sex relationships for the first time, with Frankie falling for Sally. I honestly think it's a brilliant idea, to not only tackle first-love but Frankie's confusion of her sexuality too.

Fletcher and the falling leaves review

Fletcher and The Falling Leaves - Julia Rawlinson*

I was recently sent a copy of Fletcher and The Falling Leaves by Julia Rawlinson*, the autumn tale of a charming children's book series, featuring a dear fox named Fletcher. The story focuses on Fletchers concern as leaves start to fall from his favourite tree. Each page shares Fletchers curiosity and misunderstanding of thinking something is drastically wrong as nature transitions from late autumn to early winter. Both adult and child will enjoy gathering around this beautifully illustrated picture book, as the evenings draw in to learn about the changing seasons upon us. This book really is truly special, reminding me of 'The Seasons in Fern Hollow' I cherished, throughout my childhood.
Fletcher and the falling leaves review

The New Girl - Nicola Davies*

As I write this blog post, it's World Mental Health Day. Whilst this may be another children's picture book, I couldn't not share this extraordinary tale. The New Girl tackles a multitude of issues, from bullying, diversity, acceptance and friendships. The teaming of simple wording and beautiful illustrations creates a heartwarming tale, that every child whether returning to school after their extended break OR making their first step into education can learn from. We start off in a hostile classroom, with a young girl being excluded for being different before attitudes towards her transform as she gains a voice, acceptance and friendship.
The new girl by Nicola Davies

A Mrs Miracle Christmas - Debbie Macomber

If you're in the search for a festive read Debbie Macomber is your go to author, her festive novels never disappoint. Last year I grabbed a copy of A Mrs Miracle Christmas, the latest in the Mrs Miracle series from Debbie - of which have been adapted into films, usually shown on Christmas 24 and Channel 5 each year. I've lost count how many times I've watched the films growing up, always surprised only myself and family know of them. In the latest tale, Mrs Miracle arrives at the door of couple Laurel and Zach who have been praying for a baby. They're also carers for Laurel's Grandmother, Helen. Debbie teams miracles, magic and emotion for the perfect cosy, Christmas read.

Comment below or find me on Instagram, to share your recommendations on what I should read next.


  1. I need to read some of the more recent Jaqueline Wilson books. I used to absolutely adore her books. xx

    1. It's lovely to read some of your cherished authors! :)


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