UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Beauty Filled Weekly Haul // 2011

So again I've not managed to blog twice this week, but I've had quite a lot going on. I aimed to last night, but I went to the fair that's in town till the weekend. I think we all felt too old for the fair now, it's always the same rides, the same layout, the same stalls. And for someone who isn't a big ride lover, I only really went to see people I hadn't spoke to in forever. This isn't a big haul, just a few beauty and two tops, that were too cheap to miss! :) Also a big Thank you, on Saturday my blog will be a grand two months old and I'm two from 200! Crazy! Thanks to everyone who's sent me blog awards this week! I hope to get a post up by next week to return them! And I'm glad Sophie enjoyed her prize from my give-away she's posted here. I can't wait to see what she buys with the £30 gift card. As for the haul, I'm trying to cut down on shopping to weekly trips, I'm getting there! I'm looking less online too.

Anyone who follows me on twitter, or has followed me from the start or has read my guest post about nail wraps...will know I love them. Well one particular brand. For the past month I've read about Fearne Cotton bringing out her own version of these. She has three designs. All animal print. Correct me if I'm wrong but my store only had three and so did the magazine. These don't need heat, I hate the need for using a hairdryer on my hands and toes and burning myself. I've tested one set of these and I didn't get on, but I'm determined seeing as my town actually had a brand of these in stock. They were £6 & because they're in 3 for 2 in the boots Christmas range, you get three packs for £12! Great deal when nail wraps are said to last 4 weeks on toes and 7-10 days on hands. I'll save my review of these and a design with these soon! I adore the packaging!

On the nail subject, I've also had a few cheeky nail polish purchases. I have around 48-50 nail polishes now. My collection is growing super fast, even with the mother wandering off with a few on occasion. As most know, in Boots, they always have the No7 £5 vouchers, I had one, my Mum gave me hers too and I ended up getting another. So I went in with the intention of either buying brushes or nail polishes. Mine doesn't have the brushes, but they have all the nail polishes. They sell at £7 each, so as you can see with a voucher you can get them for £2! Not normally a fan but the formulas been changed and I now love them. Cheaper than rimmel and more ml's than MUA. After buying one I decided to go back and use my other voucher and the one she'd just given me. So I came away with three nail polishes for £6 instead of £21! :) I picked up the following colours:

  • Oyster
  • Taupe
  • Top coat
Oyster is such a gorgeous colour, I've got it on now, everyone loves it. It feels so smooth and looks very shiny even without the top coat. The taupe is gorgeous, I always have shades like this on my nails in A/W, it really suits me. My rimmel version is running low. And finally the top coat may actually be rivaling the rimmel clear < note I don't use rimmels top coat as it actually makes a horrid top coat and their 60 seconds clear is amazing.

A boring purchase to finish the beauty items before I start on fashion. I was running low on hairspray and hated my current two, so I donated them to my mum, she doesn't mind and got this one. Not completely sold on it yet, I've used this once, it was about £3 in boots - cheaper than Superdrug and actually came with a lid -.- A few more uses and I'll see, if anyone has any decent hairsprays for me to try? Bear in mind my hair is loving being such a pain and unruly at the moment.

Last two purchases, were from a shop I don't even know the name of, does it even have a name? Basically a family opened up in an empty store and are selling cheap clothes, normally I would skip these shops, I don't know why, I just think they're naff here and I'd rather go to Topshop, Newlook and Jane Norman and good old Primark. But I was wrong, they had some pretty decent stuff, cheap sheer shirts, these two I picked up, loads of knitwear the spitting image of topshop, naff boots and horrid bags. But yeah, I was very surprised. Anyone will know I'm a sucker for sheer shirts and peter pan collars at the moment. I'm living in them. These are so thick for the grand price of £8 each?! I couldn't get one top for the price of two anywhere. They're supposed to be fitted but they're a tad big for me they're a S/M wish they did XS/S. Sort of a thicker material of the tops in Jane Norman. Burgundy and mustard, perfect for A/W and have cute polka dots. The button that does up on the back is gorgeous! Better than buttons on my more expensive. I'm sold. They fitted so well I had to get both. I don't normally buy a top in two different colours. But they're cute! The photo's aren't doing them enough justice. They look gorgeous in person. Sorry for the rubbish photo's it's 22:10 here, bad lighting.

That was my mini haul, hope this was of some interest to my lovely followers, I'm thinking about doing weekly nail posts if they would be of interest too. Ranging from nail wraps, to nail art, plain and combined. Also on Saturday I'm getting my eyebrows waxed as normal but I'm also getting them tinted, this is pretty new to my salon so the girl's doing free eyebrow tints.



  1. I reAlly like the cream polkadot top x
    ...and the giveaway was awesome x

  2. you should defo do a blog post on the nail wraps, would be great to see what they look like on, and i always love the 3 for 2 offer boots have on, it comes in handy xmas time!!:)
    i always end up spoiling myself though!

    i love the tops you bought, they look like the sort of top you would find in topshop :)
    and i love our nail varnish colours aswell, i always get a no7 voucher but never use it, i think i'm going to just start buying the whole colour range with every voucher i get.

    well done with the 200 followers btw, your blogs actually in my top favourites now!:)

  3. Those tops are adorable! I'm obsessed with peter pan collars to. And the fact that they were such a bargain makes them even better! :)

  4. I love those nailwraps! I'd love to see a review on them!!!


  5. Seriously the wraps look amazing! So going to boots this weekend! I'm always getting the no.7 vouchers n forgetting to use them so my aim this weekend is to actually use them as those colours look awesome! Thanks for the haul :-)


  6. Oyster is such a beautiful colour!! I was going to buy this one last time i got a No7 voucher but i chose a black glittery one instead, this one's next on my wishlist :)

  7. That taupe nail polish is a gorgeous colour! I still haven't gotten a No7 voucher yet :( can you just pick them up instore?x

  8. Oooh I really like the nail polishes! And the tops are so nice :) xox

  9. Those tops are gorgeous and the nail wraps look fab, hopefully you'll figure them out x

  10. Great post, I love the look of the nail wraps, I may have to try these ones!The nail colours are gorgeous too, I really like the Oyster shade. I love the No7 vouchers, I always get polishes with mine! Lovely tops too xx

  11. i like the red polka dots.. and i'm loving the weekly haul as well haha...
    nail wraps look fab..
    nice read hun mmuaah!

  12. I love the nail wraps,I've been meaning to try them for some time. The nail varnishes you got are gorgeous! You've gotta love Boots No7 vouchers!! Congratulations on having 200 followers at just 2 months old!! That is a huge achievement so well done!! I wish I could get that many followers! XxxX

  13. Omg those two dotty tops! WOW the nail art looks fabulous too :) I love love all of this - makes me want to go shopping again :)


  14. Tigi hard head is good also Tigi SFactor smells amazing and holds well.
    Happy bloganniversary! and congratulations. I did a video on mine if you havent seen me plug shamelessly!
    Would love to see more about nail wraps im very intrigued about them :)


  15. i usually stick to rimmel/models own nail polishes but they colours are lovely - will deffiently be checking them out next time i'm in town!



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