UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Inside my Bedroom // Room Tour

Hey lovelies, writing this relaxing out in the garden on the loungers, the weathers mad for October! Slightly annoying when you've spent a lot of money on A/W clothes, coats and shoes! Strap marks are already back.

Quite a few of you have requested I do my room tour, especially after all my new furniture arrived. Now my room isn't completely done before I start, I still need my walls painted, wallpapered and this beading put round...Oh and the floor situation! As you can see I have a strip of lilac carpet, from when I was about 6 years old, this was covered in my old room design. Carpet fitters should of moved it out. Tut tut to the idiot who's idea this was. I want this to go too, wooden floor and a fluffy rug. I hate hoovering carpet. So since I'm not quite sure when it'll get done. Anyway yeah, excuse the messy walls, mirror floral tiles had to be taken down and a couple shelves. My rooms pretty girlie and I love it even if it's not quite perfect! Just hate the pink walls. :) Smallest bedroom, but I've grown to love it.

First we have my gorgeous new shelving unit! God words can not describe how happy I am I now have this furniture! I have wanted this range from December last year. I've finally got it, didn't think I would. It has a cute quote and birds and vintagey. Perfect for me. Exactly what I love. To the side I have my storage box, holding the very few books I own, I don't read much. The shelves basically hold 95% of my beauty products. The drawers have my current shampoo's and conditioner's. And the other is my LUSH drawer. Smells amazing. Then starting from the bottom we have, my hair box, perfume box, nail box, spare beauty box and then my skin care box. With my jewelry stand next to it. Oh one of those pots u put £1 coins in, yeah not many go in there, when you shop too much. Next to this is my bed. Sadly it's a single, but I'm a midget and you can fit like three of me in there. Comfiest bed ever. I always have bedding with this print on in various colours and similar designs. Followed by my many cushions. 

Then I have my entertainment area ;) and my beauty counter as my Dad calls it. The tall boy chest of drawers has five drawers, with the matching pattern as the shelves! Here I just keep all my underwear. Yes I have five drawers full. Told you I shop too much, Mostly La Senza. Drawers can be noisy since they're wood and no metal runners. They have bars/catches to stop the drawers coming out and is really strong. Everyone loves how gorgeous it is. You think it looks nice in photo's wait till in person :D As you can tell I'm a tad too in love with this! On the top is my box I chuck odd change in and my lovely TV. 

Onto my 'beauty counter' I adore my dressing table. This is where I'll blog most the time nowadays.  I know this is white and the rest is cream, but my wardrobe is white and I want my walls white. And I think it looks fine together! The company it's from is all about mixing the furniture on their site. This has two drawers, the left is where I keep my blog note book etc and the next is just chargers and wires, everyone has a wire drawer. Underneath notice the shoddy idiot's carpet idea and two boxes that hold all my DVDs. I have quite a few :D My gorgeous chair. And two boxes on top of my dressing table hold my makeup. Next at the other end, I have my 4 candles, two Yankee candles and two cheaper jar candles. They all smell gorgeous. Strawberry butter cream, mango peach salsa, cookies and cream and a cinnamon one! I love jar candles, and the little cream candle holder is just too cute! Oh and my mirror, that needs to be changed for a nice vintage Louis style one. :)

Then we arrive back at my big old wardrobe. On the back of my door I have these gorgeous hooks, where it holds all my snoods and scarves and umbrellas and the one hoodie I love to snuggle in. This is another great storage cheat for those of who don't have the biggest room. In the summer I'll put the odd belts and thinner scarves and my bag I'm using.

My room's not amazing, its small, pretty tidy, unfinished, hate my wallpaper and hate my carpet and door. But like I say when it's completely done I'll post an update but till then this is my room and I love it. Since getting all my new furniture and move around I have so much space! There's more space than there looks. And like I say when you're midget it's okay. If I've missed anything out then it's pretty self explanatory. :P



  1. THAT Chair, I saw in HomeSense as well. Amazing :) Love it.

  2. wow your room is gorgous! bet you had to tidy for that

  3. I love your bedroom!!! :) xx

  4. Love your new furniture Lucy, so gorgeous! Love all the storage boxes too :)

    You've already seen my Room Tour post but if anyone wants to have a look its


  5. Love your dressing table! Infact i love all of them! Will definitely follow your blog to get some inspiration on how to decorate my room! xx

  6. @Hair and Beautylicious It is the comfiest thing ever! A pain to keep clean when you do your hair -.-
    @Sophie haha, nah my rooms pretty much tidy all the time, unless I can't find anything to wear and then there's an avalanche ;)
    @Soph Thankyou! :)
    @Ohyouprettythings Thankyou! x
    @Prettyvisions Thanks! I love your room :)
    @TaYgAn Thankyou :D
    @Maya Aw thanks, I'll check your out too :) I lovee decorating!

  7. Your blog is fascinating! I love it :) You rarely find blogs as good yours.I was wondering if you could check out my blog? Is it worthy of a follow back and perhaps a little feedback on areas where I should improve in? xxx

  8. omgggg i'm so jealous of your room!!

    maddie xx

  9. oh my!!! i love your room!!! really nice!!!

  10. Such a cute room! I absolutely love the bird illustrations on your furniture :)

  11. love your bed room! i so enjoyed this post... seriously! great!

  12. How pretty! Absolutely love the girly but chic elements :) so cute!


  13. Your room looks lovely! Very jealous!

  14. you have a gorge room hun, so pink and girly, i'm working on pinking my room out more!i hate sharing it with a boy sometimes!:(

  15. Your room is beautiful :) Xx

  16. your room is so freaking cute! XX

  17. Thanks for all the lovely comments :) @Charlotte you have to! Bedrooms are so much better when girly ;)


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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