UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

October 2011 // Monthly Favourites

This month, I'm surprised at how many more new products I'm loving, last month's favourites had a lot in, this month I'm having a hard time cutting them down, so we're not here all day. This months is nearly all beauty, one fashion item and a few food items, the inner fatty in me ;) & I'll continue my monthly favourite songs. I think most of my followers will guess who the artist will be after last weekend!

Beauty items of the month:

I think these two products have been the favourite of everyone in our house and everyone who's visited. They smell delicious. Vanilla Milk & Raspberry. This is original source's best scent personally. Reminds of some of the pick a mix sweets you'd get when little. Lathers up so much. Scent lasts so long. And moisturising. The most moisturising shower cream and hand wash ever created. Sorry Lush but this has taken some of the snow fairy love this month. Even the hamster loves this one, forever licking you after you've used this. Cute. You can buy these in any supermarket or 'drugstore' They always seem to be on offer for £1-£2.

My new favourite mascara, when I first tried this mascara out, I thought great I've wasted my money, but I have a 5 use rule. If I can't get a decent use out of it then, I know it's awful. Third time using it, it was amazing! It's Rimmels biggest brush. The tube is similar to the colossal. It's the best mascara around at the moment, I know it's got a lot of hate, but keep trying different techniques. I hold it right at the bottom of the lashes and really curl it up firmer than I would normally & I'm done. (It's hard to explain.) Volume, length and non clumped lashes instantly. Both eyes in under a minute in one coat. Somebody left a crap review on the boots site, I disagree with it all, it dries quick, great brush, and the formula is perfect. £4.99 in boots at the moment.

Nail wraps, you all know I love my nail wraps, I was sent some gorgeous nail wraps, featured in my Britney post. They are so thin, perfect for your nails, but after 5 days, they've started to chip quite badly, so not as long lasting as Nailease, but better designs and thinner, easier application. And they're the favourite way I've had my nails all month, but I've lost one on my toe nail wraps, 16 nail wraps did 20 nails. Incoco - Femme Fatale. 

A new lush favourite of mine which was featured in my LUSH haul part 1, Superstar bubble bar. Strawberry goodness, makes so many bubbles from the smallest piece. You'll get 4-5 baths out of it. The water goes basically the same colour as the bubble bar too. Scent lasts for ages. £2.25. Cheap. Since you get so many uses.

The famous dupe for the naked palette. Heaven & Earth palette. 12, neutral, earth shades. Like the naked palette there are a lot of shimmers. The blend so well. Have incredible pigmentation. & if you don't fancy paying £36ish for the Urban Decay Palette, this is your friend. I own both. I love my UD naked palette, but this month I've used this more. £4, you can't grumble. I love the MUA range. Finally brings better quality than most high end drug store brands. Cheap and very affordable.

Snow fairy lip tint is back this year, so hopefully I can stock back up again. I had two of these last year, once Christmas was over, I decided I'd hardly wear them and see if they came back. Now the lip tints back, I've been wearing snow fairy lip tint to death. It doubles as a blush, as long as you don't go crazy and blend it nicely. Nobody wants to look like a clown. Use with snow fairy shower gel and smell and taste amazing. Looks quite scary, with how bright it looks, but I'm super pale and pull it off. £4.25 from LUSH.

Hairspray time, two monthly favourite hair spray's from me. I was sent these back along with the Herbalife products to test, I've been using these two since and love them! I struggle to find a hairspray that actually works, my hair loves misbehaving. These two are incredible, 90% of the time using these, my hairs stayed great. They don't leave that horrid feeling on your hair, don't make your hair look greasy, don't leave any white in your hair, easy to brush out. My ultimate favourite is the glamour queen. I will be searching online to find these when I'm finished with them. I really recommend trying them out. I'll have a full review on these soon.

Last beauty item, I mentioned in one of my latest lush hauls, I got a sample of this while at LUSH. I broke out, not badly, just one or two bad spots around the monthly time and a Chanel foundation broke me out. Thanks. This is the answer to all your worries, notice a spot coming put this on straight away. Goodbye spot. Have one pop up over night? Pop this on and it'll be gone by the end of the day. It sort of dries out the spot and vanishes. Grease Lightning is the answer! LUSH fix everything.

Fashion item of the month:

I only have one item, haven't shopped as much for fashion, but these boots have been worn to death this month. I wore them to Britney, I needed height, being small and I'm not wearing a thin high heel for hours. These though were giving me a dead leg and foot ache towards the end. But I love them. I've properly worn them in now. I love brown boots this year. I'll link you to the site and my haul. They're still reduced - £5 off. 

Food items of the month:

Coconut M&M's! So this old sweet shop that sells american imports too, opened up in the next town. Happy Lucy. I finally got to try them. No horrid coconut bits like bounty leaves. Just coconut flavour chocolate M&M's. Perfect. Bigger than normal ones. Bright green, white and brown. Taste like heaven. Come with a price of £1.99 per packet. I shan't be having many of these! Damn America always having the best. They had quite a few other flavours.

Skinny water! Now before anyone goes off and comments why do you buy it, it won't make you skinnier. I drink it because it tastes amazing. And it has added benefits. I'll do a whole post about this stuff, because i know it causes quite a fuss, well it does round here. It tastes delicious, pomegranate. I hate pomegranates normally but in this drink, it's heaven. Tastes like a drink I used to have called Beauty Water, that got discontinued. I'm someone who hates plain water unless I'm abroad, don't ask. I need flavouring.

Song of the month:

So anyone who has read my Britney post, will know last Sunday I saw her live and Joe Jonas. I'm loving Joe Jonas, I'm not a creepy fan however. It's perfectly acceptable, he's 22 and no longer Mr Disney curly haired nun. He's got incredibly hot and he sounds great. My guilty pleasure. I have Love slayer, it's been on repeat. He was amazing live. Definitely has talent. Though I'd love to wax his eyebrows, he'll end up like the American version of Charlie Simpson soon...

What are your monthly favourites for October?
Are any of mine yours?



  1. Lovely post lucy!
    love those brown boots! :)


  2. Wow those are lovely boots!

  3. i never knew they did coconut m&ms?! i still desperatley need to buy the MUA heaven and earth palette but whenever i go into my local superdrugs they never have it! im trying to avoid ordering it online as otherwise ill just add loads of things to my basket that i dont have the money for :(
    love the bath bomb pictures too :) xxx

  4. Coconut M&Ms? Must try! I wonder if my uni will have these. They tend to sell alot of American snacks. :D x

  5. Ohh iv been looking for that original source scent for ages i cant find it anyway =( great post ! i am a new follower =)
    chloe x

  6. YES! I am obsessed with coconut m&ms, a friend in the USA sent me a HUGE bag of them which I am trying to make last...and failing!

  7. The boots are lovely! And original source are my go to after soap and glory for showering! So cheap and they smell gorgeous

  8. i 100% agree with you on this mascara aswell now hun :) after about 3 coats, it does make your lashes nice and thick, and its so easier to get off at night compared to most!:)

  9. Wow! Amazing stuff :) adore the boots, that eyeshadow pallette look lovely - all the colours look perfect for day AND night looks which is so unusual dont you think?

    Vanilla and Rasperry sounds like the most delicious combination absolutely love the idea of that infact I might just has to try them out for myself ;)


  10. I love M&M-s, but we don't have coconut ones in Estonia. I'll definitely try them when I get a chance!
    I'm glad you wrote about Grease Lightning, I should give it a go, since my skin is not treating me that well lately... :D

    p.s. Love the boots!


  11. Love this post! You've made me really wanna try coconut water now! xx

  12. I tried the Skinny Water a few years ago, but I got so fed up of people commenting and asking about it that I stopped drinking it even tho it was tasty!

    I have a USA candy store near me too, it's the best thing ever. My fabourite thing is the huge boxes of Nerds. Nom.

    Defo buying the MUA palette and Original Source stuff, I use the lime and lemon ones and they're so zesty! =p

    ~ Lauren <3

  13. I NEED some coconut M&Ms! They sound amazing!
    I love Original Source. I'm currently using their honey shower gel and it is the nicest smelling shower gel I have ever used. I haven't tried this one yet though.
    Gotta love the MUA Heaven & Earth palette


  14. Great items girl!
    The eyeshadow is gorgeous, beautiful colours.

    I'm having a give-away on my blog and I hope you will join too.

  15. love the look of snow fairy xx

  16. I'm envious of it all! Coconut M&Ms sound amazing, gonna have to track some down :) Oh & Original Source mint is a fave in our house, I've never seen the vanilla milk & raspberry variety, I'll have to look out for it as it sounds lovely x

  17. Wow you have some good favorites this month!! I had tried the coconut m&ms went I went to the US and they are effin good =D I so want that mascara now!! I wonder when I will see that around here?
    Vanilla milk and raspberry sound amazing! and anything Lush-yum!=)


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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