UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Another Lush Christmas Haul // 2011

Guess who's been hauling the festive Lush products again? Lush were kind enough to send over some goodies from the new line. I'm so excited to share the six products with you guys. Have you been shopping in Lush recently? I'd love to hear what you've been picking up.
First up we have new product Superstar Bubble Bar, available in two colour options Pink or Yellow with the star being the alternative shade. I received the pink, which for colour pay off in the water is most preferred. This bubble bar has a delicious strawberry fragrance, not something you'd usually put with Christmas but equally enjoyed. The bubbles produced are so rich and creamy. At £2.25 this bubble bar is well worth picking up when you're passing.
Also in my goodies was Phoenix Rising, this purple lustre covered bath bomb has now been retired in 2015 though I adored receiving him. He arrived a little smashed in 2011, but still provided a wonderful bathing experience. Waters are turned into a majestic purple with white froth and plenty of shimmer. The scent is SO unique, delicate, fruity yet a little spicy. Priced at £2.95 it's the perfect treat.
Rocketeer is another new comer this year, not exactly christmassy but hey? It's Lush they get away with anything. If you loved the candy sticks as a child you'll love this bath bomb, it smells exactly like them, while turning waters blue and leaving trails of glitter as it dissolves for just £2.75.
Golden Wonder whom I have now reviewed is huge! This giant golden present smells like a champagne cocktail while containing hidden surprises inside. Pick one up in store and give it a little shake, hear the rattle? Coloured beads of ballistic mix are awaiting to explode in your tub. Oh and I was also lucky enough to receive another bottle of Snow Fairy. This stuff is liquid candy floss, you all need to try if you haven't already. Who else spotted the ghastly free lip scrub Pow Wow £5 in stores yet? Once you get passed the green you'll find it's a very good scrub and smells incredible too - there's even Argan Oil packed inside. You can expect more Lush posts coming soon on LW. Lucy xox

Other Christmas Lush Review by Lucyy Writes
Where To Find Lucyy Writes
Items sent for review consideration. No Payment has been received.


  1. I didn't like the look of pow wow in the shop but now you've told me theres popping candy in it I'm tempted! :) x

  2. wow! I wish they have lush in Singapore!

  3. Oooh definitely gonna have to try snow fairy now! Oh lucy your making me wanna run into lush! haha :) xxx

  4. i've just started to buy lush and i love it! ive shopped in there twice in 2 days and spent loads! I got a free santa bath bomb for spending over a certain amount! so excited!
    This blog post was brilliant! I'm gonna buy all of it =]
    Can you do a best lush products for really dry skin please???


  5. Wow, I bet your bathroom smells incredible! xx

    The Londoner

  6. i love lush products<33 i must try snow fairy! xxx

  7. Not a fan of bath bombs or melts really as I get bored in the bath but I want to try that lip scrub now!!

  8. Thankfully they actually have Lush in South korea where I'm currently living! I love how good their stuff looks and smells!

    Following you so stop by mine and follow back if you like it <3

    Amelia @ UGLY DUCKLING xxx

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  9. Love love love the pow wow scrub I've already eaten half the jar lol. You have to get the melting snowman because he's so cute and he makes the bath water so moisturising :) x

  10. I loooove the Lush Christmas products!! great post1!

    LoveFaye xoxo

  11. definitely getting Pow Wow! it looks awesome Xx

  12. omg i love snow fairy so much! and pow wow looks awesome! i want it! :D

    maddie xx

  13. im so jealous! Im a huge LUSH fan but im unfortunately saving my money for christmas:(xx

  14. I'm going to have to order some online as I can't go near a Lush shop! Can't breathe!!

  15. Snow fairy is all time favourite lush product! I'll need to stock up soon for next year! The superstar bubble bar looks great! x

  16. Reading this post made me crave a bubble bath like never before. The Golden Wonder bath ballistic looks great!

  17. I'm going to Lush on Saturday.. I can't wait haha! I think I'm going to pick up one of those cute little gingerbread houses and a golden wonder :)

  18. Love all this! You are so lucky having Lush send you all this :)
    This makes me want to go to Lush but I have no money and still have loads of Lush goodies to use up!!

  19. Enjoy all your Lush products. Thanks for telling us all about them, I never know what to buy when I go into Lush as there are so many products! I love their bath bombs! XxxX

  20. Oooo I really want to try the Phoenix rising and I absolutely adore snow fairy!! Great haul xx

  21. Great post. I really like your blog.^^

    my blog-follow me♥mfashionfreak

    Please follow me if you're not already so I could make a GIVEAWAY. I'd love to get more followers! I'll follow you back.

  22. I'm so curious about Pow Wow! It's definitely on my Christmas whishlist!

  23. Pow Wow is at the top of my "want" list at the moment! I never knew it had popping candy in it-did not expect that!:)xx


  24. You got to review these, wow =D How amazing.
    They all sound very very nice.
    I LOVE snow fairy!!! and the lip pow wow sounds really cool!


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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