UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

I LUSH you // Love Potion review

Love Potion, the modern alternative to a love spell, will give you more time to spoil that special someone this Valentines day or treat yourself. I know that I wouldn't want to share this little product with anyone, it smells amazing. Love potion is a massage bar, for those who are new to LUSH, massage bars are packed full of all natural butters and essential oils, to provide a sexy massage for you or your partner.

I was extremely excited when I saw LUSH has made a massage bar for their Valentines Day collection, when the lovely girls at LUSH offered to send me some items, how could I say no. I secretly hoped that they would include Love Potion. Now it's arrived and tested, I want to buy more of these. My own massage bars are on their last legs, perfect timing. Love Potion retails at a reasonable £5.95 for 50g. Once warmed in your hand a little goes a long way, I've used this most nights before I go to sleep after a bath and I wake up the next morning with super moisturised legs, that are smooth and silky. Plus they don't feel greasy, with some massage bars they can get quite slippery, but LUSH have added cornflower which soaks up the extra oils but still leaves your skin soft and moisturised.

The design was what caught my eye, a massage bar that reminds me of Alice In Wonderland and all things vintage. The potion bottle is possibly the cutest product LUSH have made, even cuter than the returning Magic Mushroom bubble bar. It's the perfect size for my small hands. How could anyone say no to this? I love the simple design of a heart on the bottle and want more of these to display in my room. They match my room perfectly. I hate putting it away in it's massage bar tin.

As for the smell, the sexy Valentine scents continue in this LUSH collection. All the scents are very similar and go together great. This collection has clearly been thought out and I prefer it to the Christmas range. This products scent is infused with apple blossom, orange root, lemongrass, cinnamon and a hint of carnation. It's actually the same fragrance as LUSH's best selling perfume Love. It's not a heavy scent, it's very light and very sexy still. I'm a big fan of Citrus fragrance's so this is definitely for me.

Overall I think this is actually one of the best massage bars from LUSH, I normally use Each Peach or Wiccy Magic Muscles, since my beloved Strawberry feels forever left LUSH a while back. This gets a 9/10 from me, a 10 if it was all year round! It's always how things work, the best are always limited edition.
Have you used this yet?

Disclaimer: Send me to LUSH Rehab. - P.s I was sent this, you all know anyway. I'm 100% honest and only accept products I'd use/go with my blog.
Items sent for review consideration. No Payment has been received.

GlossyBox January 2012 // review

Hey lovelies, so this post is following the band wagon of monthly beauty boxes, the ever so famous and original UK beauty box GlossyBox. For me, I've been eyeing up GlossyBox for quite awhile, trying to decide whether to try or not. When I was given a half price code for it I thought why not. It would normally cost you £12.95 with postage, but I got mine for £7.95. A great saving. You are guaranteed to have at least one full size beauty product and then 4 large samples.

I've always loved the packaging of GlossyBox, this month it's hot pink instead of pale pink. Like every beauty box, it's packaged in tissue paper and a ribbon. So what was inside mine and was it any good?

Now with beauty boxes you aren't going to suit everyone are you 100%? But why ask for a beauty profile to be filled in, when they aren't going to read it? I've been given a cleanser & toner that's for normal to combination when I have DRY skin. And an eyeliner that's in plum when I put down neutrals, purple isn't neutral to me. I love the polish, I've now tested the primer, it's too orange & it seems half my body wash is missing from the tube.

What do you think? 

My Hair Care Products // 2012

Hi lovelies, I asked around and lots were interested in seeing what I use on my hair. Now I take care of my hair very much. I'm growing it and it's important to keep in great condition or it'll grow and then be chopped and wasted. I have my hair cut every 5 weeks, with only about 1/4 inch taken off each time, but it keeps it healthy. I wash my hair every 1-2 days since I'm lucky to not have greasy hair or very dry hair. I use a lot of heat, but the care I put into my hair, allows me too. I mostly use my GHD's. Dry shampoo, on days I need it and I use heat spray when I use heat along side Moroccan oil when drying my hair. I've recently introduced a Tangle Tezzer and it's staying for good. Amazing. Any questions leave a comment, I always answer back. There's a lot of products and photos, be warned. 

 And there you have it, all my hair products I use most of the time, it's actually quite a lot now looking at it all, I'm ashamed to say I still have more not pictured, that I haven't tried or used yet. Deary me. Clearly, I'm a hair product fanatic without knowing.
What about you?

Disclaimer: The two hairsprays were sent to me awhile back in 2011. I've featured them a few times and love them dearly :)

Items sent for review consideration. No Payment has been received.

Weekly Haul // My favourite buys

Hi lovelies, my weekly hauls are back, believe it or not, my shopping has cut down lately, since winters coming to end an soon, I want to be buying all the SS12 clothes. The top below looks much better on, I saw it before Christmas and they didn't have my size. They had 8's this time, but no 6's and I wish they really had, had the 6's because this is a little big. But I like it and adore the collar. Newlook have been seriously good for clothes this winter. Next I had to go to Matalan to return PJ's, that one I didn't like too much, I like tiny PJ's not long trouser bottoms and they were way too big, they were an 8!? The smallest they do and fell down. I still have meat on me. Stupidly made. So I picked up the following items and love them. Especially as the drawers match my furniture, see my room tour to see how well they do. Earrings were pretty, I prefer studs and the ring is gorgeous and simple. Lastly I popped to Boots, for their sale items, these were left.

What have you purchased lately?

Tangle Teezer // Lose your tangles and not your hair!

Hi lovelies, I have finally got my hands on one of these pain saving items. As I'm growing my hair still, it's getting pretty long, which means tangles appear, no matter how much I brush or take care of it. After I went to the hairdressers, I went into town to look for my own Tangle Teezer. Thankfully my Boots had them, so it wasn't a wasted trip in the rain, with the strangest of people walking into me?! The price has put me off before, but now I own one, I really should of got one back then. Why doesn't my own hairdresser even suggest them, mind they have only just discovered hair feathers from about 2 years ago.

So, if you don't know what a Tangle Teezer is, it's a brush. A brush to detangle and smooth your hair into perfect condition! The tangle Teezer is for everyone, whether you have long hair, short hair or hair extensions or even an Afro, it'll work for you. It'll reduce breakages, split ends and damage to give you silky, smooth, shiny hair. They come in a range of colours as well as the original design or a compact version, which I think I'll be getting for my handbag! It has a cover, so no more mess in your handbags. As well as one for the kids, the 'magic flowerpot'.

I picked up the disco purple, Tangle Teezer, since it was glittery. I have no idea, what is it about this brush that makes it work, because looking at them at first, it just looks weird? It's a bug like shape, that fits perfectly into your hands and the bristles glide through my hair, getting rid of my tangles and not causing me any pain. My hair already feels silkier and smoother. Oh and gives a lovely head massage. Whats even better, is I can use this on wet and dry hair.

I picked mine up for £10.99 in Boots, they had both original and compact. I'll be sure to get the compact version soon. It's definitely long hairs best friend. You can get them cheaper online, but then add on postage...
Have you tried a Tangle Teezer?

P.s I asked on Twitter and a few said yes, but who's interested in a hair care post? 

Burt's Bees // Ultra Conditioning Lip Balm Review

Hi lovelies, tonight I have the review of the gorgeous little lip
balms, I'm giving away on my previous blog post. I was sent this miracle product at the end of 2011 in the little Burt's Bees bag of goodies. I've used it every day since, so by now I've got a good idea of the product. I've been a busy little thing and coming down with a cold/flu thing again, plus trips to the vets which didn't go to well. But I have got lots planned for blog posts coming soon.

This product retails at around £3.69, it can be purchased in a lot of stores, most popular being Boots, John Lewis and of course the lovely Burt's Bees website.  This is one of the cheaper lip balms from Burt's Bees and possibly one of the most effective.

This is great for those who are sensitive, I know a lot of my followers love to read the LUSH reviews, but can't or don't think they can use the products. But, this product from Burt's Bees is one they can be sure to use! The Ultra Conditioning Lip Balm is Hypo-allergenic, so it has no flavourings and isn't fragranced.  Products are never tested on animals and all formula's are free from any nasty sulphates and parabens. I much prefer the packaging as it's in a stick and love the simple packaging. Perfect for handbags. 

See end of post, to win yours.
The lip balm itself contains a lot of miracle ingredients. Kokum, Shea and Cocoa butters are all the main conditioning ingredients to give you the soft and supple lips this product promises. Oh and it's been clinically proven that with just one application this gives you 4 hours of moisture. I can 200% agree with this. I apply this about 3 times a day, before makeup, during the day and before I go to sleep. It's actually banished my old favourite Carmex. Carmex has nothing on this! 

Disclaimer: As said before, this was one of a few items I received back in December. I am 100% honest or I wouldn't of excepted the 5 to give away, now.

I LUSH you // Leap Frog

Hi lovelies, hope you had a lovely weekend, I have another gorgeous product to review, I've tried to not use this one, but I gave in last night. He's just too cute and smells gorgeous! Leap Frog, which I keep calling Frog Prince, because LUSH have changed the name this year, is back again for the second time. The names changed, since it's a leap year and that for one day this year, girls can propose. So with this little man to help, you might just get what you want. He still retails at £2.75 for a 95g bath bomb, if you ask me, he's a little bit pricey for the size/weight. But it's all about the oils inside him.

Leap Frog, is the brightest and only bath bomb from the collection this year, no more Ex factor! Shame. However, he's just as good. If you love your floral scents, buy loads of these, I'm stocking up. He's gorgeous. He smells super sexy. The scents of Jasmine, Sandalwood, Rose and Ylang Ylang. This will be sure to make your Valentines perfect even if your a singleton! As soon as he hits the water the whole house will be full of sexiness.

As an added little extra, his lips are made of cocoa butter. This will give you a super moisturising bath so not only will you smell amazing, your skin will too. Once Leap Frog has fizzled away, you'll be greeted by bright red lips, floating on top of bright green water. A bath Miss Piggy wouldn't turn down! Once in the bath why not rub this into your skin for an added treat, it works wonders.

The bath bomb fizzes over 5-6 minutes, it's quite a quick one and fizzes immediately. The colour doesn't disappoint, your bath will be the same as the frog himself. No horrid pips floating around just some red lips that melt away and a little note from your own prince. This is one bath bomb you have to try! I stocked up on so many last year and I'm glad he's back. The scent will last till morning on your skin. A bath bomb and a massage bar in one. Just make sure you use the lips in the bath, or you'll stay red. ;).

Have you used this little man yet? What did you think?

Disclaimer: This is one of the four products I received from LUSH. If it passes my honest LUSH junkie testing, you know it's good :D
Items sent for review consideration. No Payment has been received.
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