UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Lil Lets // Not your average post.

Hey lovelies, I'm back today with a rather different post, well I say different, it's still female related and technically in the health/beauty category. Just not make-up. A little while ago, I was contacted by the PR for Lil Lets to see if I'd be interested in posting about their new range. Now I'm not going to write about my personal use in details etc, that's far to much information for the Internet. It's already seen my underwear.

I don't think the topic and products are talked about enough. If you ask me a lot of girls are prudes, when it comes to the topic. I know it's personal, but I've known girls not able to even say what they use. I think we're all females, nobody wants details, but you can talk about it still. I've been through hell with mother nature, I've always dreaded the time of the month, but with the right products and extra strong painkillers from the Dr's, I can cope now. I believe this new range from the company I have used since I entered the dreaded monthly world, is their best yet, as far as you can judge these products.

The range doesn't promise you a happy period, as their catch phrase goes, but the new range can make it easier. For me I like cute packaging. So this is what drew me to it, when I first saw the advert, anything in pastel colours and polka dots, is right up my street. The second thing I love, is that they cater for everyone, age or preference. 

Items in this new range:

Non applicator tampons: These come in various amounts depending on colour, each absorbency is colour coded, so blue for lite, yellow for regular, pink for super, green for super plus, purple for super plus extra. Packs of ten retail at £1.84, or packs of up to 64 for £7.48. Which I think is a brilliant deal.

The compact applicator tampons. I received a pot of these to review/post about. Now I love the packaging, as these come in a cute little pot. The pots are a different colour for each absorbency and a removable label. Store your make-up brushes in after? All you have to do is add some beads for them to stand in. Another new feature, whisper free wrappers, well they don't work on the tampons. I wish I was on youtube to show, it's more discreet, but nowhere near 'whisper free' The range starts at purple for lite, yellow for regular, green for super, orange for super plus and pink for super plus extra. These sell at £2.95 a pot. Which I think is great. Though I think the colours for absorbency should be kept the same in the entire range, along side amounts, the last two packs have a couple less than the lighter pots. I got on great with these and would purchase again.

The FreshLOCK ultra towels, I received a pack of these to post about too, I haven't used them, like the tampons. It's just down to personal preference, comfort and type of underwear. I didn't get to pick what to sample by the way. Again, I love the packaging. They come in a drawstring bag with contrasting ribbon and a pretty little pattern on. The cardboard label again comes off, so the bag can be hidden away in your drawer or bag. The whisper free wrapper works with these. All pads should be like this. Ladies, these hardly make a sound. FreshLOCK comes in three different packs, yellow for normal, pink for a heavier flow and purple for night time. Again, yellow contains 14, pink 12 and night, 10. Keep them equal. They retail at £2.75.

Lastly Teens ultra towels, I think it's great they have a section of the range just for teens. Though all would appeal to them still. In this part of the range, there are two packs, a day pack and a night pack. They come in the same cute packaging as before, ribbons and pretty pattern on the bag and removable label and whisper free wrappers. The pads are designed smaller. I know I have a few younger readers. So this could be great for them. Both retail at £1.85, day contains 14 while night contains 10. This is one annoyance if you ask me, keep the amounts the same!

I'm not sure if this post will appeal to all my readers, but for me personally, I think blogging is a great way to come across and get these products and topic spoken about. We're all female, so why not, it's a pretty new range, that a few of you might of tried already. We all suffer monthly and it's great if you come across products that can help that little bit more. My favourite part though, being the pots, that you can reuse after.


  1. Their packaging is so cute :) xxx

  2. I'm such a sucker for packaging! You're right, so many people hate talking about towels etc so you pretty much have to try everything before you find what is right for you xx

  3. I think being prudish about such matters is a bit of an English thing, i've noticed it a lot since moving [especially with regards to things like sex]. Anyway back to your topic! These were one of the last English brands I brought before moving. I was rather tempted by the draw string bag that they come with and I reuse it as my travel supply when they are required. Without all the details they are one of the best sanitary companies out there without having to shed out on the prices you would for the other branded names.

  4. Btw I think its good your pushing the boundaries and reviewing something different!

  5. @Rachael thanks! I think it's something we should all be fine with talking about! :D I know it's not makeup or fashion related but it's still something everyone can relate too.

    @lisa Thanks Lisa, glad people agree!

    @confessions of a makeup lover they are aren't they!

  6. I think this is a good post and should be discussed more to provide information for others, I like how you've included personal experience but not to much detail. I recently reluctantly switched to the injection, I was hoping to find information on the internet from peoples experience on it but no such luck.

    Great post x

  7. i have these they are a really great brand

  8. I love the packaging! :)

  9. @Mia Thanks mia! So glad people like it, I've been on the implant for a month and hardly anyone would talk or had bothered with it.

    @Aimee Bradley They really are!

    @Emily it's so cute isn't it!

  10. These look so cute! Never thought I'd say that about sanitary items haha.
    Nice post, glad you blogeged about it :)

  11. fantastic post, and a refreshing change to read!

  12. Awww love the packaging on these :-)

  13. Very cute packaging :)

  14. I've reused one of these pots to keep cotton wool pads in... they're very cute!
    love, Rosie x

  15. The packaging for these is so cute! x
    P.S Giveaway on my blog!

  16. I might have to give these a try next time.. I love the cute little packaging it comes in, finally a tampon company that understand a girls need for pretty things.. especially at 'that time'

  17. The packaging is adorable. Thanks for letting us know about these!
    And thank you for the lovely comment on my blog! :)

  18. hahahahahahahahaha xx

    my blog :


  19. @Lucy Thanks for following and commenting yourself, lovely :)

    @Charlotte You must, they're great, the packaging is gorgeous isn't it. Simple. Everythings always so blah when it comes to this subject so!

    @EVELYN I loves it!

    @Rosie thanks for the idea, I'll use mine for cotton pads! I don't need a brush holder since I got my sigma brushes.

    @Serenity of Beauty thanks lovely and for your twitter comments! :)

    @Lisa xx Lovely choice of colours and patterns, right?

    @daisychain thankyou lovely! Glad people liked the different post!

    @makeup meow haha neither did i! Thanks :D Again, I'm glad people liked the slightly different post,

  20. I love the packaging! :)

    Great post, I love reading something a little different on a blog! Thanks for sharing xx

  21. Good on you for doing a post like this! I wish people were more open about things like this. We all go through it so it's not like it's not normal! Great post X

  22. As Char! says good for you for doing a post on a 'taboo' subject like this and thank you for doing it! I'm sorry you have had a hard time with mother nature, lots of hot water bottles and a duvet with a good film is a good cure! Oh and some chocolate! Thanks for interesting me to this, the packaging is adorable! XxxX

  23. The packaging is so cute!
    I take the mini pill so no longer suffer with the dreaded time of the month :) xx


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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