UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Easter Chocolate Cornflake Tray Bake // Recipe

This year I've avoided jumping onto the calorific creme egg brownies, cookies and cupcakes by staying traditional. Each Easter for as long as I could stand on a stool to the kitchen counter I've made the super easy Cornflake Cakes topped with a generous helping on mini eggs. There's never just one on a cake in this house. Popping out to my Grandma's last night I was shocked to hear my littlest cousin (age 7) has never made cornflake cakes!? If it weren't for being 7pm and out in the countryside I'd had made them there and then with her. In case you haven't made them OR wondering which recipe to go for here's how I make mine which this year I decided to spread the mixture out into a tray rather than fiddly cases. A couple weeks ago I came across an adorable pastel range in ASDA, as well as it being super cute, they had them on offer. The wavy edged blue ceramic tray just HAD to come home and I still need to head back for the lilac. You couldn't ask for a better tray for an Easter theme treat. What Easter treats are you making this Easter? Lucy xx

Recipe for Easter Cornflake Tray Bake:
300g Dark Chocolate (the cheaper the better if you ask me)
150g Butter
9 Tablespoons of Golden Syrup 
300g Cornflakes
2 Packets of Mini Eggs (my favourites being Aldi's) Sorry Cadbury's!

Step One: Melt the Butter, Chocolate & Golden Syrup in a large bowl over a saucepan with little water & gentle heat.
Step Two: Take bowl off heat and gently stir in the cornflakes in small amounts.
Step Three: Spread the mixture into a tray prepared with cling film.
Step Four: Decorate with Mini Eggs and leave to set in the fridge.
Step Five: Once set slice into desired portions - I made 18.


  1. Ahhh old skool I love it! My mum and I used to make Rice Krispie and cornflakes cakes all the time when I was little and I love making them with my nieces and nephews, so quick and easy and can be decorated with anything really! Enjoy :)

    1. I still need to make them with my little cousin, can't believe nobody sat down and made them with her! :P

  2. This looks delicious. I love all these Easter recipes that I'm reading at the moment, I really need to try this one.

    Ooh I've never heard of this before but it sounds brilliant! So unique as well.

    Emily//Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


    1. Everyone said they were the best they've tasted despite them always being the same recipe!? :P

  3. Oooh that sounds so good. The little eggs on top are so cute!

    1. If only they were around all year round so easily!

  4. Is it possible to make these without butter? I can't have too much dairy, as it'll trigger off an IBS flare up, which I don't really fancy.

    By the way, I agree Aldi mini eggs are an absolute beaut, they're lush! :D x

    1. Yes you can! :) Dairy free butter or extra stickyness and they will work. Stork (hard block is DF) and any dairy free spread works

  5. Can you make these without butter? I can't have too much dairy, as it can cause a potential IBS flare up.

    BTW, I agree that the Aldi mini eggs are an absolute beaut! Nowt compares to them. :D x

    1. I didnt get any this year! Take care my lovely

  6. Yes you can! :) Dairy free butter or extra stickyness and they will work. Stork (hard block is DF) and any dairy free spread works


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