UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Nakd Food Bars // Gluten Free

For quite some time now I've been following a gluten free diet, at first I didn't know how I'd truly cope in the long run, trial runs always seemed easier. I always kept a cereal bar handy, this is where I discovered Nakd bars. Locally only two flavours of these healthy snack bars are readily available, but online I've been introduced to an enormous amount of others.
A mixed case of 18 Nakd bars arrived from Natural Balance Foods just before Christmas, with all the festive foods I've just got round to making my way through the entire selection. The occasional unwanted bar was shared with my Dad, who else does this? Mine will always endure Coffee flavoured items. Most of you are wondering what an earth are these Nakd bars? Nakd bars are raw whole food bars containing 100% natural ingredients, raw fruit and nuts. Along with having no added sugars & syrups these bars are Gluten, What, Dairy and GM free. Most bars count as one of your five a day too. Dates and Cashew nuts are the two key ingredients to these non baked bars, with raisins being the third most used ingredients across the range. Each bar has percentages of ingredients written clearly. The flavours my case contained were Cocoa Mint, Cocoa Delight, Cocoa Orange, Cashew Cookie, Pecan Pie, Ginger Bread, Berry Delight, NEW Rhubarb & Custard and NEW Caffé Mocha.
My favourite Nakd bars are of course the obvious Cocoa containing Mint, Orange and Delight bars followed by Berry Delight. They're more scrumptious than any of my old cereal bars. I could easily live on them all. For me to enjoy a Ginger Bread bar I'd have to be in the mood for one, I'm not the biggest ginger bread fan but I love the scent! Really does smell delicious. Pecan Pie surprised me, after trying Cashew Cookie I didn't have high hopes but it seems since it's the only bar not containing cashew it makes a nice change to the texture. Rhubarb & Custard would be perfect for the up coming summer, tasty just not quite as great as Berry Delight. The Caffé Mocha bars didn't get a tasting, all coffee flavoured products make me gag. So my Dad took the bars to work and came home asking if there were any more he could have. Though he never took up the Cashew Cookie offer, the texture of this bar isn't for me or my family, the cashew percentage is far too high.
Disclaimer: press sample, for review consideration only, no payment received. see disclaimer page for more.


  1. I love Nak'd bars! The orange and mint ones are some of my favourites, such a great healthy alternative to chocolate. xo

  2. I'm a fan of these regularly been buying them for a very long time. Great for me as I'm allergic to dairy so can have a chocolate hit with the Cocoa Delight. I wish the new Caffe Mocha was easier to get hold of in the shops.

    1. i really need to try these!!!!! they look sooooo yummy!!!
      Follow me?
      -Jen <3 :D

    2. aw really? I'd say that sucks but then these bars are so much better ;) If I could send you some I would lovely! :P

    3. Thanks Jen. You must try them! x

  3. I never knew they had such a wide range of flavours! I've tried a few of the fruity ones but wasn't that keen, so perhaps the cocoa ones will be more to my liking :) x

    Evelyn @ We Were Raised By Wolves

    1. It's quite amazing isn't it, especially with the other products too! D:

  4. I've been addicted to these since they first launched when I was 19. I've never met a flavour I didn't like! x

  5. I like these but I think they can be a bit heavy, theyre very solid bars!

    1. I don't find that solid, some of the flavours are but then I guess that's why we're so full after :D

  6. Oooh, I might pass the details across to my pals who are Celiac , they look yummy!

    The Style Rawr!

    1. You should, there's quite a few new additions since this x

  7. I've tried the Cocoa Orange and Banana Bread bars and they are so nice! They are a great afternoon snack for when I'm at work :) xx

    1. There's yet more flavours added AGAIN. They're lovely, I must get some more in, I've ran out x

  8. i loooove coconut water it's my favourite drink! especially perfect for reliving the summer heat!
    would you like to follow each other?

    1. Thanks Anthea, I don't f4f, why would we want dishonest follows?
      The drink is going to come in handy x


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