UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Chi Coconut Water // Review

I've always wanted to try coconut water yet for some odd reason that I can only put down to living in just doesn't seem to be in any supermarket here!? Slightly ridiculous with how much rubbish fills the shelves compared to the healthy nutritional values of this beverage. Coconut water surprised me, I couldn't have expected a different taste and texture. 
Coconut water has many benefits not only to your health but also beauty (skin care) just like your regular tap/bottled waters however this low fat drink contains very low calories, no cholesterol and more potassium than a banana. Calcium and magnesium are in there too, while it gets to work helping you rehydrate quicker, help digestion and work wonders on your immune system. One product celebrities have promoted correctly I think you'll agree. Chi Coconut water in particular contains less natural sugar than other brands, with nearly four times as less in some cases! They also only use the sweetest of Thailand coconuts and win on the original name and packaging - Chi means life force while they must be the only brand not to include coco in their name nor a stockpile coconut image. Bravo. 
I expected a clear liquid, that strongly tasted of very sweet coconuts, similar to juice drinks I've craved over the years however I couldn't be any more wrong. The liquid itself is a milky white with a grey tinge with no coconut scent to linger. After my first few sips I definitely wasn't won over but things changed. Half way through I started to feel refreshed and perfectly cool - I've been struggling to keep a temperature down all week thanks to the flu. Mixing the water has been a lot of fun and will carry on into the summer months whether it be smoothies or cocktails. Coconut water comes in handy when I'm cooking, I like my food hot and most my family struggle with the slightest kick. Though men assume they won't like this drink despite not taking a single sip. You get used to the texture it's only slightly thicker than regular water.
Disclaimer: press sample, for review consideration only, no payment received. see disclaimer page for more.


  1. Oo I've never heard of this before! Lovely informative post and great photos. :-)

    Bump to Baby

    1. Thanks lovely, sorry I'm only just getting back!! But I appreciate the lovely comment :D x

  2. Ive heard about this coconut water and i was so intrigued by it as i know its so good for you but i arent a big fan of overly strong coconut taste but this seems alot different then i expected :) if i find it i may give it a whirl :)

    Love Emily xx

    1. You might be surprised, it's certainly not a strong coconutty tste x

  3. I have been looking for decent tasting coconut water for a while. Would love to give this a go.

    1. They have now got new releases on the way, including many new flavours x

  4. I tried coconut water from sainsburys a little while ago and wanted to like it but really wasnt keen, this Chi sounds like it might be a winner though!

    1. I think the brands differ a LOT, it's crazy isn't it. There's new flavours coming our way x

  5. I love coconut water, for some reason I always find it tastes better in the summer! I haven't tried this brand but will defo give it a go :) x

  6. I haven't tried this brand but only like the fruit flavoured coconut water not the plain one :)

    1. It's one to try, they have many new items coming our way x

  7. Ive always wanted to try that vita coco stuff but this looks just as good :) Never tried it and I've seen a couple of corner shops sell it so may give it a go as my skin is driving me crazy at the moment and nothing seems to be helping budge it! x

    1. It's gradually becoming popular, with their new releases I'm sure they'll be storming the stores.


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