UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

January Favourites // 2013

I'll start with my only non beauty product, by old favourites you'll know I love to find drinks in cute glass bottles. My usual Firefly drinks have been banished, I think I was the only one to buy them in my town, but I did however discover Purdey's Rejuvenate multivitamin fruit drink. It's not something I'd miss if this disappeared too but it was extremely nice and great when you need a little lift, containing grape, peach, apple and sparkling water.

A few years back I became hooked on Lee Stafford products, I thought every product of his was amazing, before I started testing different products each month. While looking in the sales I made sure I found the gift set containing this product, if you hate dry shampoo because of it's white powder, chill to your hair and various scents out there I'd grab a can of this. It barely leaves any white and does a great job at refreshing, seriously when it was snowing I used this more than I should have between hair washes and you wouldn't have even known!? Long hair saviour.

Soap and Glory's Peaches and Clean appeared under the Christmas tree for me, in their huge Boots set. This stuff is amazing, so amazing MammaWrites has actually kept her bottle from her gift set and insists on sharing how brilliant it works. I tend to use the cleanser 2-3 times a week, my skin knows when I haven't. I tend to stay away from every day use due to the ingredients causing photosenitivity. Make sure you use an SPF.

Another Soap and Glory product I reached for more when the snow arrived, Hand Food. Who out there hasn't tried this hand cream!? It's a miracle in a tube..or pump. We have the pump version in our bathroom, even the boys use it.

Have you noticed how pink my favourites are this month? I mentioned in my last haul that I've only worn OPI Strawberry Margarita in January. My nails are currently naked, but the bottles next to me waiting for another application. The weathers so dull and this polish has got me wishing away the last of winter ready to pull out the shorts.

Look Beauty are my favourite drugstore brand, their products are affordable, the packaging is the cutest and of course the products apply without a single fault. I'm proud to say I beat the temptation of their recent offer, I almost completed their blush range, here I have Flirt which gives me a gorgeous natural flush, with the slightest bit of product on my brush.

Twisted Sista* appeared in my products of 2012, I've left the standard 'oils' and headed back to serums. Firstly these products ALL smell incredible, contain my favourite Argan oil and are extremely cheap. You'll find the range in Tesco, sadly one store I lack here. But as soon as I've ran out I'll be off to pick another bottle up to keep my hair soft, silky and incredibly shiny.
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  1. The colour of the OPI nail varnish is gorgeous!! xx

  2. I love Hand Food, I can just imagine my boyfriend using it :')x

  3. Some really lovely products here, and your photography is awesome! xx

  4. I should jump on the Soap and Glory bandwagon lol! Love their packaging, but kinda thinks it's expensive!

  5. Great favourites:) I love Real Techniques brushes too, I can't really choose a favourite though xx

  6. Love most of those - my hands don't suit pink polish though :( xx

  7. amazing favorites! I would love to try all of these things :)

  8. Lovely picks! I don't know why, but you always find the best drinks too! x

    Evelyn @ We Were Raised By Wolves

  9. Heyyy lovely already follow you, aaahh i want the real techniques brushes so much and i really want to try some soap and glory stuff waaahh!
    Lots of love, Em x

  10. OPI strawberry margarita is a gorgeous colour, I think I might have it in my stash somewhere. You know you have too many nail polish when you forget you have certain colours lol :-)


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