UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Lush // Rose bubble bar Review

an image of Rose bubble bar lush
an image of Rose bubble bar lush
an image of lush rose bubble bar
an image of rose bubble bar
an image of Lush bubble bar
an image of rose bubble bar from Lush
Another floral addition to the Lush Mother's Day collection for 2014 is Rose bubble bar. As a fan of all their rose scented products I had to order a couple, even if it does share fragrances with another of Lush's popular bubble bars. This glistening bubble bar has been dusted with the all new 'natural' plastic free shimmers while taking on The Comforters famous pink and white swirl, not forgetting the adorable candy leaf to finish the rose bud. I decided to use the entire bar for my bath, it's really disappointing how small this product turned out to be. Despite this the bar created a mountain of rich, luxurious bubbles and tinted the water much more than I'd imagined. Combined with sweet orange oil and lemon, a sweeter fragrance to what you'd usually associate with the flower fills the entire house. As beautifully moulded as Rose bubble bar is I wouldn't repurchase after using my remaining bar. However I would purchase the old favourite and scent twin Amandopondo bubble bar - Lush even state this online. Rose bubble bar measures half the size of the popular bubble bar with Lush charging more for Rose. Are their new glitters/shimmers THAT expensive!? Lucy x
*disclaimer; own purchase


  1. why do they make them look so pretty!? I really feel like I need to go buy them now x

    1. It's probably one of their most beautiful bars ever just SO tiny! x

  2. I used Amandopondo today in my bath and it smells amazing. It's a shame this one is so small as it is really pretty looking.

    Claudia xx | Beauty and the Chic

    1. If they added a bit of colour to it's full size bar it'd be perfect! :)

  3. Have you heard about Lush's Error 404 bath bomb?
    It's not listed under the products list, and you can only get to it by link. It's the "easter egg" (hidden content) on their website? It's free, you just have to pay shipping. I thought I'd let you know about it if you haven't already ordered one!


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