UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Lush // Inhale Exhale Review

an image of Inhale Exhale Lush
an image of Inhale Exhale Lush
an image of Inhale Exhale Lush
an image of Inhale Exhale Lush
an image of Inhale Exhale Lush
an image of Inhale Exhale Lush
Newcomer Inhale Exhale takes its place in the Lush Mother's Day collection, I decided to give the oddball of the collection a chance, going against the online description which would usually be the opposite of my preferred fragrances.

A bath bomb of two halves, Inhale Exhale has been designed to fizz at different speeds to provide a long lasting therapeutic soak. Containing Breath of God split between the two colour coded sides, Inhale (red) fizzes much quicker and releases Neroli and Rose oils while Exhale (blue) follows with a slower, frothier fizz. Unpacking my Lush order I was sure I'd made a mistake even thinking this bath bomb could win me around, how little did I know that once in the water this bath bomb provided a fun fizz to watch and overall freed me from a migraine. If I'd actually visited my local then I'd have put this bath bomb down in a hurry. With such a 'smokey' body due to Exhale's half when dry, it's only once mixed with water do the contrasting oils come together. I will add that this bath bomb is supposed to a message hidden away inside...mine didn't, but the one waiting can be seen pre-use.

At £3.25 it's not one of Lush's cheapest bath bombs, especially when it's the same size as Think Pink and Butterball. Having purchased two bath bombs I can't wait to use my last and would repurchase if made permanent. Twilight will always hold the crown for de-stressing pampers but Inhale Exhale definitely follows behind in second. Lucy x 
*disclaimer; own purchase


  1. I'm intrigued by this, sounds like an interesting concept x

  2. I didn't see this one in my local store but I think it sounds amazing. I will have to try Twilight too for some stress relief. Beautiful pictures!

    Claudia xx | Beauty and the Chic

    1. Ah no, they truly are! Twilight is so wonderful, your water turns into the night sky :)

  3. I still have this to use from when I attended a Lush event, it smelt amazing when it was demonstrated in the store! I love Twilight, Karma and The Comforter are two close favourites as well :) x

    Sarah @ xx

    1. It's so beautiful, glad to see they still have some online! Hopefully they decide to add it.


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