UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Lush // Lord of Misrule review

The crown-esq bath bomb inspired by the ruler of the Pagan Fest of Fools has returned for a second year in a row. Lord of Misrule (£3.50) received a lot of love last year though I didn't actually get around to trying the mischievous bath bomb with green casing, packed with surprise centre and a sweet yet spicy kick. As my first item from my recent Lush Christmas haul I couldn't have picked a better product to start the festivities off - even if the original did arrive a little worse for wear, you have to hand it to Lush - they're brilliant at fixing any niggles you have with orders. 

As soon as Lord of Misrule enters the tub the fun begins. The green outer layer immediately starts to fizz away while pink and white froths start to creep out onto the surface before the bomb starts it's hypnotic swirling around the bath. As the swirling continues and popping candy crackles, the froths merge together  creating deep wine coloured waters full of silver lustre. The sweet yet spicy and almost musky fragrance of Lord of Misrule is phenomenal, with black pepper oil, vanilla absolute and patchouli oil lingering on your skin and hair for hours after. Let it be noted that no glitter sticks to your skin nor is your bath stained by the red wine waters. I also noticed just how much more moisturised my skin felt after this bath, even more than the classic cocoa butter packed butterball. If you're having a tough week I urge you to fill your basket with this magnificent creation.


  1. Replies
    1. It all looks 100 times prettier in person too! x

  2. This sounds amazing, and the fact that is has popping candy in it is a winner for me! x

    1. I literally want to stock up on 100 LOM's, such a fun bath bomb!

  3. The colours are so pretty! Really want to try this now Xx

    1. and they're so much prettier in person too, such an incredible bath bomb I hope it sticks around for many years.

  4. I just want every lush product you write about and this is no exception! I will definitely be picking it up. xx

    Grace | Glitter and Carousels

    1. I'll apologise to your bank account in advanced! I hope you stock up, he's incredible!!

  5. This is one of my favourites, surprised it isn't more popular!
    Water Painted Dreams xo


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