UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Lush 101 // Bath Bombs/Ballistics

A little while back I mentioned I was going to start my own little Lush guide, since I always get questions and searches of how to use products and multiple questions on Twitter. The guide will contain information about the product category, how to get the most out your products and an idea of what your after, lets face it some of the staff are pretty pushy and occasionally recommend the wrong products. I first started with their fail safe bath ballistics/bath bombs.
What type of bath bombs do Lush do?
Lush are always bringing out new products, especially when it's time for the holidays or for charities. There's always going to be a bath bomb no matter what preferences you have. There's your plain Jane bath bombs - for no colour, regular bath bombs - a little colour, not much else and out of this world bath bombs - colour changing, popping candy, glitter bombs. They all vary in price, so check them out online.

How to use?
Run your bath to the temperature you like, then chuck it in and enjoy the show, unless you've got one of the duller bath bombs, but they're still just as relaxing.

Can I cut a Lush bath bomb?
You can cut a bath bomb up, I wouldn't recommend it. If you do you'll need a big, sharp knife or a chain saw...they're pretty chunky and I'd say it's more for a bubble bar than bath bombs. Bath bombs will go powdery. If you want to get more from your bath bomb, then put it in a plastic bag and bash it against something, or simply put in your bath water and take out once it's half way through fizzing and let it dry out. I just tend to chuck them in whole. It's a much more enjoyable bath. 
If you have the Immaculate Eggception set, just gently bang this to open the egg, to reach the smaller egg inside. The egg shells are thin and can actually be cut without crumbling.
I have sensitive skin, what would you recommend?
I've always had sensitive skin, I think most people have. One of the best decisions I've made was becoming a Lush addict. I've never had a reaction to Lush. I use it every single day. Out of all the bath bombs on offer Butterball is your number one product to use, it's gentle, moisturising and lightly scented with vanilla. It's one of their best sellers. Ickle Baby Bot is another bath bomb perfect for sensitive skin, he's a cutie and designed for children, though he remains one of favourite products, he's also very cheap and gives a great nights sleep. If you place an online order you can pick items from the retro section, Waving Not Drowning is a great bath bomb for sensitive skin and again provides a great nights sleep and a very gentle scent.

I like sweet girly scents, what should I try?
I was into the sickly sweet scents when I started going to Lush, the ultimate girly bath bomb is Think Pink. It's a lot more compact than it used to be, but it's heavenly. Provides bright pink water and cute hearts inside, that dissolve, so no mess. Next I'd say try Space Girl, it's super cheap and smells similar to the Blackberry bath bomb, just a little smaller and contains popping candy and a sprinkle of glitter. Lastly, Rocketeer, it was originally a limited edition item, however Lush decided to make it part of the permanent collection after Christmas. It smells like candy sticks.

I'm not into sweet, strong smelling scents, what do you recommend?
Lush cater the best for you, there are many, many bath bombs to pick from, some have already been mentioned in the sensitive skin topic above. However a Tisty Tosty is lovely and provides a great relaxing bath. I actually made one in store once. Rose Queen is fairly new and is a little stronger than Tisty Tosty, but it's great for an unwind. Sex Bomb is the most sensual bath bomb of the lot and I love it. Can't afford a relaxing day at the spa? Then Geophyzz is the answer. It's not the most attractive bath bomb but it works it's magic every time.

What are the out of this world, popping candy, glitter bombs?
The out of this world bath bombs are the colour changing bath bombs such as Twilight, Dragons Egg, Fizzbanger, Phoenix Rising and Rocketeer. Some are better than others. I personally think Twilight is the best out the bunch. It's a gorgeous bath and very glittery, I need to review this one. Dragons egg is another gorgeous bath bomb, with a gold centre. Phoenix Rising and Rocketeer have had small reviews on my blog. While Fizzbanger is a great dupe for the Christmas Cinders.
How do I stop bits getting in the bath water?
For bath bombs such as Big Blue, which turns your water into a tropical blue ocean you'll need to wrap tights round it unless you like A LOT of seaweed touching you constantly. Tisty Tosty isn't too bad, you can easily pick them out if you don't like roses  in your bath. Honey Bee would also be a good bath bomb to put in tights because it can get pretty gritty.

Are there any Christmas bath bomb dupes?
Yes, I've wrote a whole post about Christmas Dupes. Because I wouldn't survive other wise.

I can't face the smell of the shop, but I want to try Lush.
Personally yes the scent can be strong at first, but it's hardly a disgusting smell. It's coming from lovely fresh made products to give you the ultimate bathing experience. I'm so used to the shops now that I rarely smell it. If my Dad can shop in there for us, anyone can. 

Are they safe for kids?
Of course, obviously check to see if your child is allergic to any of the ingredients. I'm sure if your child is anything like I was and still am towards baths they'll love to pick out their favourite. Ickle Baby Bot and Space girl are perfect as they're more affordable while Butterball is perfect for sensitive children.
Reviews of some bath bombs are already on my blog and I review weekly with the Go LUSH yourself, tag. I've answered pretty much all I can think of and the popular searches. The next 101 will be Bubble Bars, my favourite. :D
What's your favourite bath bomb?

Disclaimer: some purchased by me, some gifted and one a sample.
Disclaimer: press sample, for review consideration only, no payment received. see disclaimer page for more.


  1. What a great idea! I haven't had a lush bath bomb in so long!

    1. Thanks Rachael :D Hopefully people find it help!

  2. Such a helpful and informative post. You really are the Lush Queen!
    Look forward to the rest in this series.


    1. Thanks Liz, haha I'm such a bloody addict, should hire me :P
      It'll be weekly :)

  3. It seems you are a fan of Lush personally I dislike the brand as the ingredients are not as good as they claim, I have had allergic reactions to their products. I guess it's luck of the draw that's what makes us all different. Lovely post, helpful and informative :)

    1. Wow, you must be super super sensitive!? I have to disagree, the ingredients they use are great and to fizz it can't all be 100% natural :(, maybe damp got to the bombs? It's such a shame you can't use them.
      Thank you lovely it's nice you still read it :) What about the lotions?

  4. Such a great idea! Love this post!

  5. Great post! I love Lush bath bombs, one of my favs is Think Pink and I always love the ones they release for xmas too :) Have you tried many of their bath melts? x

    1. Think Pink is lovely, same every year I go mad for the santa and cinders!
      Yeah, I've had every single one, the guide for them will come soon, may need to pick some up to photograph :/

  6. Super post! I think I might pop into Lush on Monday so this has helped! I don't know what to get though!

  7. I love Sex Bomb, my all time favourite. x

  8. i always cut my bath bombs in half, i agree, you need a chainsaw ;) :L space girl is my absolute fav. great post lucy.x

    1. Haha ;) They'd so some damage! It's lovely isn't it, and so cheap :D
      Thanks Jess <3

  9. Great post :) super duper helpful! Looking forward to reading the other lush 101s :)! xxx

  10. i LOVE this post! can't wait for more :D i love lush bath bombs + bubble bars :)

    1. Thank you lovely :D They're the best aren't they, I've never found any other brand that beats Lush.

  11. Wow- nice post (you put a LOT of effort into this and it shows:)

    One comment really struck me: "You can cut a bath bomb up, I wouldn't recommend it. If you do you'll need a big, sharp knife or a chain saw...they're pretty chunky and I'd say it's more for a bubble bar than bath bombs. Bath bombs will go powdery."

    I couldn't agree more. In fact, I've started a Bath Bomb Manufacturing Biz (though I prefer the gentler name of Bath 'Fizzies') and one thing that I determined to do with my line of products is to, make 'em manageable but provide more (it's like- 3 easier-to-handle fizzies instead of one gargantuan one but for the same price or less). I wasn't too sure this approach would go over as well as hoped but your post makes me believe that it will! Thanks for your hard work and all the useful information. Love it!

    1. Thank you for noticing, it's Lush so I go a little crazy ;)
      That's amazing, I'd love to start my own company making them, you'll have to hopefully come back and leave me your link :)

  12. I love lush and I completely lose it because I love their bath bars.
    Boutique Bag Lady


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