UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

MUA // BB Balm Review

Every makeup brand out there has now created their own version of a BB cream, even MUA, the ever so affordable makeup brand found in Superdrug or on the MUA store website. If you still aren't sure what the whole BB cream/balm craze is all about, they're an all in one product, that started off in Asia, that is supposed to work wonders to prime, protect, conceal and even out skin tones, a more effective version of a regular tinted moisturiser. 
The beauty balm is available in 3 shades, light, medium and dark and comes in the 'traditional' MUA professional packaging colours, black and silver. I'm quite a fan of MUA's packaging, since the products are so cheap, they make them look more expensive. The tube is fairly easy to get your product out, though at times the air inside causes it to spit. The product doesn't leak and stands up fine on my vanity. Ingredients are clearly stated on the back with a brief product description and will fit in your handbag perfectly.
The shade I've been using is actually medium. Seeing how dark the product is compared to my skin was slightly daunting. However, once blended in, it looks fine and I certainly don't look orange. I'm normally the lightest or second to lightest shade in foundation. The formula is thicker than I expected, but with extra buffing to the skin, I actually get a natural look. I had about 6-8 hours wear.
Now I'm not normally one for a 'lighter' coverage, I'm normally hiding all the freckles I can, but I've been wearing this out and feeling great. Despite being thick it's light on the skin. It covers my freckles fairly well, a little powder over the top or some extra concealer and I'm good to go. As I get redness, it's dealt with it okay, it hasn't concealed it completely, but it's certainly the better of the BB creams I've tried. There's only one catch, having dry skin, I have to be having a good skin day, other wise I find that the product does in fact cling to the small dry areas around my nose. However apart from that, it does give me a smooth, fairly evened out finish. 
I'd still pick foundation over BB creams 8/10 times.
I'd love to know if anyone else has tried this BB balm yet?
 Would you recommend this?
Disclaimer: PR sample. Opinion is honest as always.
Disclaimer: press sample, for review consideration only, no payment received. see disclaimer page for more.


  1. I have tried this BB cream, I bought the light one as my skin is so pale but I feel like maybe I should have bought the medium one as this makes me look even more washed out than normal! Sucky times. x

    1. So glad I had medium then! I think being a bb cream, they certainly cater for light skin tones.

  2. I've always wanted to try this since it came out - although i've heard mixed reviews about it. Still for the price MUA goes at its always worth a try!

    1. Exactly, everyones skin is different so for £4 you can't grumble when trying :D

  3. I really like my garnier bb cream and I have the original skin 79 one which I like but gives a grey cast, this one looks really good! Might try this one :) xxx

    1. It didn't work for me, gave mine to my Mum who wasn't impressed either. I want to try the 79 :)

  4. brilliant review. ive been wanting to try this and i also like to cover my freckles.

    1. Thank you, yeah, it's not 100% covered, but with a little help from powder and concealer mine aren't noticable. :)
      Mine aren't too dark on my face though x

  5. i havent tried it but only cos no1 seems to make my shade -lol
    but this one sounds promising!


    1. Yeah, they certainly do not cater for enough skin types!

  6. I just don't understand the BB trend and it seems that no two are the same and it takes a bit of trial and error to find the one that suits, I think I will skip this trend for the time being :)

    1. It's a bit of trial and error yes! :p It's good that MUA's is so cheap x

  7. this sounds really good! nice to know it doesn't turn you orange xx

    1. Haha, no oompa loompa ;) It's great, especially the price, it's hit or miss though, reading other reviews, guess it depends on skin type and use.

  8. I struggle with mine because of it clinging to dry bits x

    1. Yeah, it certainly highlights the dry skin! Shame! But a good facial scrub sorts it.

  9. I bought this in a blog sale a while back in the shade 'Light' and I love how it matches with my pale skintone,no other cheap foundations would.Defiantly something I'll be wearing a lot during the summer because it's not too heavy and hopefully when my skin gets a bit better too,the coverage isn't as good as a foundation and I'm used to using EL Double Wear.Do you find that it's quite thick though and takes a while to blend out?


    1. It's so nice to wear something lighter than normal, but I'll still prefer my foundation.
      It blends out pretty good, a little more work needed but it blends

  10. I got a foundation by MUA and I was so so disappointed! It seemed to go on weird if I'd used a primer/moisturiser beforehand, and goes all claggy when I dust over with loose powder. It's a shame, because the colour suited my pale olive skin perfectly! xo

    1. I hven't tried the foundation, didn't hear any good about it! But the bb cream seems okay.

  11. for the price it sounds amazing, I do prefer a little more coverage but in the warmer months and on lazy days this sounds perfect!!
    Great review!!


    1. Exactly, even if you hate it, it's worth a try!

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  13. Nah, I'm too pale, got the foundation and wasn't impressed. I almost ALMOST tried Vivos, and then I realised how much of waste that would be. (Made this point on the post you most recently commented on, MUA and Vivo are both FB Beauty so.. same stuff)

    1. Ive heard bad about the foundation, but this worked for me :)


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