UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Dressing Table // Lucyy Writes

My dressing table soon became my little relaxation haven, it wasn't easy to find when you don't have a lot of space to play with. Most dressing tables don't have a lot of storage when it comes to the typical white french furniture, though beautiful they just aren't practical. However once I spotted the Fleur Blanche range - designed with small rooms in mind it wasn't long before I was mixing creams and whites together. The entire area has been 'worked' on over the past 18 months with many shopping trips and rearranges.
My most recent addition to the vast French Style Furniture in my room has been this elegant stool. Since buying the table my previous black velvet chair was far too high. Every time you were to move you would bang your legs. I believe it's impossible to find a stool more beautiful than this mini stool* from Out There Interiors. The untreated cotton padded seat, brass studs, lace trimming and intricate detailing to each of the four legs is stunning. In a matter of minutes I sat proudly at my finally finished sat up....and my work is still in one piece!
The mirror to my set up ended up a complete bargain, I wish I'd looked here in the first place. At just under £20, Dunelm came to the rescue. The mirror I had before was ugly, small and up to high on the walls. To give the simple mirror some character I ordered a third garland from Melody Maison. Cream garlands are wrapped round my bookcase/shelf unit, with a white garland being more fitting and cheaper for the mirror.
You can't help but notice the large monstrosity sat on the right hand side of my dressing table. Here lives my entire makeup collection, minus a few products kept in the below drawer for review purposes. Each of the eight Muji drawers hold a particular product, Foundation, Blusher, Bronzer, Lipstick and so on. Muji drawers for me personally are the most practical way of storing everything. They're easy to clean, add to and rearrange. I used to store palettes in one of the drawers before needing more space, if you're familiar with Muji you'll know how fast double, wide drawers sell out and take forever to come back in stock. While shopping in Asda I noticed their home section had started to stock vintage pieces, one being this Letter Rack at just £7. Sitting behind the letter rack you'll find a beautiful fake bouquet from Melody Maison to fill in the gap between the dresser and wardrobe. My makeup brushes have seen some changes over the last year, once stored in sigma travel holders, they now sit in glass tumblers from Morrisons and wait for it....Recycled Lil Let's tubs that launched way back last year with floral clips from Newlook added for detail.
Disclaimer: press sample, for review consideration only, no payment received. see disclaimer page for more.


  1. I love your dressing table! I really want to get a proper dressing table , but there's no where in my room I can put it, which is annoying. I really like how you store your palettes, it's a good idea :)xo

  2. This is so pretty and just how I'd imagine my makeup area to be :) hopefully I'll be able to get there with it one day! Lovely post :) x

  3. Love your blog! Recently thought about purchasing the muji drawers and after reading this it's made my mind up!

  4. Wow! Your dressing table is so beautiful!

  5. Aw I love your set up so cute and practical. I recently splashed out on a new dressing table, unfortunately the lighting is so bad I can't even do my make-up at it gr! Plus I get brown foundation all over the white wood haha. xx

    MyLushBoxBlog | Bloglovin’


  6. Your dressing table is so gorgeous, mine's doubles up as a desk so I can't keep my make up on the surface :( x

  7. It looks beautiful Lucy. I love that you've used old Lil-lets tubs and jazzed them up with clips, it actually looks super pretty! x

  8. Your dressing table set up is gorgeous! So jealous! x

    Evelyn @ We Were Raised By Wolves

  9. I love how you've positioned it all and stored it perfectly!

  10. Love this. <3 Jealous, looks beautiful. Wish I could get a dressing table..! Now mine is just a desk really, and less full of make up now I've gotten an Ikea helmer! x


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