UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Meet Chester // Lucyy Writes

Meet Chester. My very photogenic syrian hamster who's partial to buttery toast, bowls of porridge and detests green beans. Quite a few of you have mentioned how you'd like to see Chester on my blog more, with dedicated blog posts instead of the odd pop up. I've grown rather attached to this little guy and until blogging hamsters always seemed over looked, they didn't count as a real 'pet' unless they barked or meowed. Picking the right animal is incredibly hard, do you have the funds, time, space and care? One day I will have my little Westie named Harry, my toy poodle named Alfie and giant rabbit named Humphrey but for now one Chester is more than enough.
Chester turns two in November, which actually seems crazy and sad at the same time. Hamsters as you know don't have the longest living expectancy, but he's certainly enjoying his pampered lifestyle with us. When Chester came home with me he was actually grey. I don't know how it happened, but gradually his fur changed, including the length. Going from a cute grey 'mole' with pale pink ears and little nose to blonde/ginger, significantly longer fur and whiskers. We've had hamsters before, many because we get too attached to their appearance as the toast pops up every morning but never have we had one change colour...we've had one escape and land in the bin before making a bed for the night...but never one to update his fur style. Chester must really be the beauty bloggers hamster.
Until three weeks ago Chester had a fear of his water bowl - unless he wanted to swim, we assume because of his extreme whiskers. He's also never managed to keep all four paws up while monkey barring, with only three successful, short attempts. As for the wheel, Chester prefers to hang out while we're on the phone, fall asleep and groom, instead of running. He did however master the hamster ball, rolling too fast off his little stand and onto the fall for a quick get away. He also hates one direction after Tom (slightly strange) sang 1D and bit his finger.
Quite a few of you mentioned how he must be the friendliest hamster around, he certainly is. He really doesn't bite, with there only being the time Tom and another when the builders scared him, clamping down on my finger before licking my hand as an apology. He always washes before getting a treat and while very young would squeak after receiving a treat. Every morning he's out for toast, unless it's a weekend where even Chester lays in and most importantly this little guy loves to sit down, cuddle up and listen to all your troubles....and partial to RiRi. Do you have any pets? Lucy xx


  1. Oh my god. I love him... As you know, I have 2 guinea pigs and they pretty much have the same qualities as Chester!!! :) (except Bear is not a friendly pig and they DEFINITELY don't stay still long enough for cuddles...) I want a syrian hamster now. xxx

    1. He's a hit isn't he, they still need that play date ;) I was looking at Guinea pigs earlier, sweetest little things with such old fasioned hair cuts :') Syrian's are my favourite, wouldn't like to have the smaller hamsters, apparently aren't too friendly and a lot faster, along with more biting. x

  2. Awwww so cute! I haven't had a Hamster for years but I always feel like rehoming one from the adoption centre :)

    I have two rabbits and a cat at the moment, my lil babies. I haven't introduced my new rabbits on my blog yet though

    1. Thank you, I love him ^.^ Do they get along, I'd end up with rabbits chasing the cat for sure... :P I'll look out for the blog post x

  3. Aw I miss my syrian hamster, he was called Treacle and somehow stuck around with me for 5 years! Chester is absolutely adorable, I used to love how they stuff their cheeks, so so cute. I have a guinea pig now, and it's almost 7 years old?! I think animals just like to stick around with my family - definitely the food haha.

    Charlotte xo

    1. Aw, such a cute name! 5 Years!? That's impressive, my friends did far as we know ;)
      Haha, they're adorable, Chester likes to carry one or two bits of food and pack pouches with the actual special treats instead. Blimey! You really do have them sticking around :o


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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