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Christmas at LW // The Hamper

As each Christmas passes it becomes increasingly difficult on what to buy your grandparents. Instead of buying the usual gifts we decided to take note from our friend and neighbour, whom has gone hamper crazy this year. For most members of her family she's rallied around gathering their favourite foods and little gifts to combine in hampers of various sizes. With Christmas only a few days away this would be the perfect last minute gift option for those tricky receivers we all know and love.
a photo of home made christmas hamper
an image of hamper contents
an image of westie biscuits
You will need;
Hamper basket - this could even be a small wicker basket found in the home sections of most stores. Our neighbour picked up a hamper basket for us from a nearby store 'The County Stores', a traditional family department store.
Roll of Cellophane Wrapping - again in card shops or florists. We managed to find a festive print roll with about 3 meters on.
Hamper Straw - a little harder to find, though neither needed it due to buying too many tasty treats and gifts. 
Finishing Touches - You'll need a few bows, ribbons and clear tape to secure your gift.
an image of hamper ties
hamper decoration
We're all really surprised with how well our first hamper turned out, in fact I think we should have gone into the Christmas hamper business this year. With very little effort going into the display and wrapping, its perfect for last minute gifts yet makes one very thoughtful gift. For hamper contents ideas regarding Grandparents we concentrated on food items that both would enjoy, along with dedicated items for each other. Stepping away from the food side, we grabbed one of Sainsbury's festive Diffusers while my Grandad will enjoy his Black Cherry Tobacco. My favourite item has to be their very own tin of edible Harry's, they adore our little chap - again from Sainsbury's. *own purchases.


  1. I love making hampers, they're such a thoughtful gift x

  2. this is such a nice touch. so personal. really love it. I love the snowman cheese so cute ! x

  3. I really think this is a lovely idea and it looks so well thought out when you don't really have to do all that much work (:

  4. Cute idea, I know so many people who'd love something like this! :)xo

  5. This is so nice, I'd love to receive something like that!
    Water Painted Dreams xxx


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