UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

What I Got For Christmas // 2013

*Warning; if you don't want to see what delivered a smile to my face come Christmas morning click off now. This year I wasn't sure on what to fill my 'Christmas list' with, I guess I'm now at the age where I have most necessities and wouldn't dream to ask for such excessive gifts as I used to. As you'll see I've had very generous family, friends and neighbours with plenty of goodies and gift cards to tide me into 2014. Some gifts are missing since I'd started to use and put them away, like the huge Nando's sauce Tom included in my gifts and candle's burning away, along with clothing in the wash.
an image of what I got for christmas
an image of soap and glory
an image of lush christmas
an image of Lush christmas 2013
an image of lush igloo gift set
an image of sensationail kit
an image of babyliss curl secret
an image of makeup and origins
an image of Christmas chocolate
an image of westie biscuits
an image of christmas reading
I can't possibly pick a favourite gift this year, my mum went crazy on the Lush ordering again by creating her own gift box containing all my favourite festive and items I wouldn't normally purchase myself. Christmas Angel's are SO amazing, watch out for Retro Haagenbath to pop back onto the site and order'll thank me when you smell of mint chocolate chip icecream. Babyliss Curl Secret is another gift I'm so thankful for, hopefully I can enter 2014 with more adventurous hairstyles. Having only used UV Gels I'm excited to test out the LED gel brand Sensationail in more detail - I'm wearing Sugar Plum at the moment which is beautiful along with being Harry proof - my nails don't last a day with the chip-monster. Origins Mask Marvels popped up for one night only after selling out everywhere and my Mum came tops by ordering me the trio!! This year the fashion side of my gifts were filled with jumpers - I usually have a stack GAP legging jeans and many sheer blouses waiting for me. For the rest? You can see for yourselves, plenty of dark chocolate, cosy knits and an adorable organiser.
an image of topshop underwear
an image of christmas pj's
an image of TU scarf
an image of christmas jumpers
an image of newlook jumpers
an image of newlook knitwear
an image of a bloggers organiser
As for Christmas Day we all had a lovely day, with the morning always being my favourite because it's just the four five of us. I'm usually the one to wake first though this year Harry had to wake me, before demanding his walk and scrambled eggs before the day could officially start. This time last year I wouldn't have expected to have had a 6 month old puppy on Christmas Day, let alone one who got so tired opening his own presents that he fell asleep on the sofa while we finished all of ours. I always get a little sad by the end of the day, this year my Grandma & Grandad had to leave early because she wasn't very well and I miss my other Grandma so much more at this time of year since she lived and breathed for Christmas - no guessed where I get my love for Christmas from. Before you knew it the day was over and the alarm beeping for a spot of sale shopping. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, with plenty of time spent with loved ones. 


  1. Looks like you got some lovely bits for Christmas! :)xo

  2. I always love the look of Lush christmas range but I'm too allergic :(

  3. I am so jealous of you having a little puppy to share Christmas with! You got such lovely gifts too :)

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  4. You've got some really lovely presents :) you'll definitely be pampering yourself with Lush for quite a while! xx

  5. Lovely gifts. Can't wait for the review of Babyliss Curl Secret (ofcourse if you do one). Happy to hear you had great day which is nice.

  6. The Lush box is such a cute idea!
    Water Painted Dreams xxx

    1. It really is, she normally does cute wrapping :)

  7. You got lovely things!

    Daisy x

  8. It looks like you got some beautiful gifts. Your puppy sounds adorable! x

  9. Neeeeeeeeed that Curl Secret.
    Lots of Lush products for the Lush Queen ;)

    Love, Rebecca-Louise
    Autumn Leaves - UK Beauty Blog

  10. So many great gifts!

  11. Looks like you've had a lovely Christmas! :) The Mr Men book made me smile - no matter how old you get, it's still nice to continue Christmas traditions!! xx

  12. You've got some gorgeous gifts hun! I love how so many people have Soap and Glory gifts lol it's a popular one! Love your Lush stuff too, love Lush myself and got a few bits. Any chance you wanna give me your Turkish Delight? Ha! Just kidding, love that product though!

    All your clothing items are so sweet, deffo my kinda thing! I would love one of those gel nail kits too, you'll have to let me know how it is!

    Hope you had a lovely Christmas me dear :).

    Gem xx

    1. Happy New Year lovely, ahaha it's so good isn't it, I'm using it every day at the moment.

  13. Lovely gifts! I love the biscuit tin, it's so cute. Looks like you received a lot of cosy clothing as well!

    1. It's adorable isn't it, we put one in the hamper I posted about too! So glad to have my own :P

  14. So many amazing gifts! Glad to see you had a good Christmas.
    I look forward to hearing what you think of the Curl Secret, I'm super intrigued by it! x

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

    1. Thanks Leanne, Happy New Year!! I haven't even managed to try it yet but I can't wait :D x

  15. I split my posts in to three, one about my son and then two of what I got, all of them are interlinked, though, so link to each other;

    You had some amazing gifts, I'm a bit jealous of all that knitwear!!

    1. I'll pop over and have a read, sounds like you've all been spoilt :D. I'm wearing the Christmas themed pieces to death at the moment before it's too late! Green jumper is soooo snug. Happy New Year xx


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