UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

What I got for Christmas // 2014

an image of What I got for Christmas 2014
an image of What I got for Christmas 2014
an image of What I got for Christmas 2014
an image of What I got for Christmas 2014
an image of What I got for Christmas 2014
an image of What I got for Christmas 2014
an image of What I got for Christmas 2014
an image of What I got for Christmas 2014
an image of What I got for Christmas 2014
an image of What I got for Christmas 2014
an image of What I got for Christmas 2014
an image of What I got for Christmas 2014
I hope you all had an amazing Christmas period with your family and friends. This year I was totally spoilt and thought I'd share again with you all, and say thank you to those who gifted all the lovely items featured. Christmas is my favourite time of the year. Looking back at this makes me sad to think this was actually the last Christmas with my Grandma (hi from 2016 btw). Anyway back to the post, I received lots of chocolate, beauty items and clothing. Not to mention westie themed items. I woke up to a toy westie peeping from my stocking - you can totally have stockings still at 20.
Love you lots, Lucy x


  1. You got so many lovely gifts! I'm so jealous you have the Desperate Housewives series!

    Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


    1. I'm feeling very lucky. I'm just about to start watching season one while reading blog posts!

  2. omg ELF on gameboy <3!!!! you got some gorgeous gifts Lucy!

    see: What I Got For Christmas on my blog, Autumn Leaves

    1. haha, it's awesome!! Mamma Writes did good. Thanks lovely, I really enjoyed your post. You had some gorgeous presents.

  3. You got such lovely stuff and it looks like enough chocolate to keep you going well Into 2015! xx

    1. I'm very lucky, haha oh god think of all the calories! ;p

  4. You got some lovely gifts! x

  5. looks like you got a lot of great stuff, the lush things look especially awesome!

    xx danielle // shades of danielle // bloglovin

    1. I can't wait to use them all, my Mum picked out my absolute favourites. We've also placed a shared order after the disaster that was their online sale.

  6. Personally I love these kind of posts, I like to get ideas for presents to give and receive! You got lots of beautiful gifts! Sounds like this Christmas was a special one! Hampers are always lovely to receive, bet you were chuffed with yours! My Christmas presents post will be up in the next day or so! Best wishes for 2015, so pleased you had a nice Christmas! Look forward to a few reviews from some of your gifts!! :-) xx

    Helen | Helens Fashion & Beauty Blog

    1. Glad you too like these sort of posts. Thanks Helen, I hope you have a wonderful New Year. You can count on reviews x

  7. Oo Lucy, you got some lovely gifts for Christmas, very lucky :) xx

    1. Thanks Lauren, I was absolutely spoilt and feel very lucky! x

  8. So many lovely goodies, those Ugg boots are very nice :)

    Glad to hear that you had a good Christmas.

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

    1. They're like walking on clouds Leanne! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas before the little one arrives, I bet you guys can't wait for next Christmas.

  9. Lucky lady! Love the colour of the Uggs.

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

    1. I knew I was getting Uggs but had no idea of the style or colour, so happy they picked Grey!! x

  10. Those UGG boots look so comfy! Hoped you had a wonderful Christmas! xx

    Colorful Closets

    1. They're literally like walking on clouds, worn for the first time this exceptionally frosty morning. Happy New Year Jane! x

  11. That lingerie is gorgeous! + I wish I had some good uggs!
    Tegan xx - Permanent Procrastination

    1. It really is isn't it, If you see any in the sale I'd snap them up. SO comfy and warming.

  12. Gorgeous gifts, looks like you're set for life with bath and body products! xx

    Chloe x

    Chloe's Way

    1. I really am aren't I and thats before the Lush order arrives. x

  13. You got some amazing presents and soooooo many beauty gifts!

    I LOVE your blog layout. It's beautiful!

    Rachel from Lost in Lipstick xx


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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