UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

favourite blogs & vlogs of // 2014

an image of the best beauty blogs of 2014
I can't believe how soon Christmas Day came and left us. I hope you all had a lovely time with your families and loved ones. I'm now feeling the effect of eating such bad foods and dying to get back into routine again. Before we say goodbye to 2014 I wanted to share with you some of my absolute favourite reads. They're all such wonderful, hardworking ladies who need to be added to your subscriptions. Lucy xx

Autumn Leaves - Beauty, Blogging and Lifestyle blog
I'm a long time follower of Rebecca's impressive beauty blog. She's always worked hard on her content but this year has been incredible and she deserves every success and more in 2015. I can't wait to see what's in store for Autumn Leaves. Rebecca also started doing youtube videos which I'm hoping to see more of in 2015.

Beauty Full Homes - Home Interior blog
If you're looking for home inspiration, blogging inspiration and DIY's Abby's rebranded blog Beauty Full Homes is one to add to your reading list. I honestly don't know how Abby does it all, running an incredible blog & a shop owner.

Tiny Paint Pot - Lifestyle blog
Everything about Tiny Paint Pot is beautiful and will always remain as my favourite lifestyle blog. Sam covers every aspect from daily life snippets, delicious recipes, beauty reviews and travel. Though it's her illustration blog posts that really make Tiny Paint Pot unique and stand out from the thousands of bloggers out there.

xomisse - Blogging Tips, Blogger & Wordpress Tutorials blog
Ellie has been a lifesaver at times this year. If you're anything like myself and like to have a fiddle around with your HTML & GA tortures your brain....DON'T until you've flicked through xomisse. Alongside her fabulous blog Ellie runs a web design service for creatives & bloggers as well as her own personal blog. If there's one resolution to make this year, make sure you bookmark xomisse.

Raspberrykiss - Beauty & lifestyle blog 
I really admire bloggers who can post quality content daily, with Shannon over at Raspberrykiss being a prime example of this. I don't miss a single post and always look forward to reading the days blog post. My bank account however hates the fact my to buy list is continually growing. If you're looking for a blog with honest reviews, clear photography & the perfect mix of topics I'd highly recommend Raspberrykiss.

Not Your Average - Beauty, Fashion & Mummy blog
Not Your Average features various topics, with everything beauty & fashion to day to day mummy life posts. I really don't know how she does it all, studying, working and looking after the adorable Millie. I hope 2015 brings plenty more success for NYA & Emma because she truly deserves it.

We Were Raised By Wolves - Beauty blog
Evelyn runs We Were Raised By Wolves, a beauty blog which features detailed product reviews to fit all categories and budgets. Her photography is beautiful, sharp and consistent. The amount of brands and products I've been introduced to is endless, with a lot being all natural, green or organic. If you're looking for a beauty blog with knowledgeable reviews Evelyn needs to be on your timelines. 

She Might Be Loved - plus size fashion and beauty blog
She Might Be Loved is an award winning plus size fashion and beauty blog, with the occasional lifestyle, food and travel post mixed in. This year has been incredible for Georgina. All the hard work and dedication she's put into her blog & youtube has allowed her some incredible opportunities and the ability to now call it her job. I've particularly enjoyed her recent Halloween Tutorials, this girl has some serious skill!

Flutter Sparkle - Beauty blog
Gemma's blog was one of the first I followed way back when I started LW & I'm so glad she's still blogging. Flutter Sparkle is predominately beauty based with the occasional life snippets & foodie posts slipped in. She works so hard on producing honest and well thought out reviews & photography. 

Brogan Tate XO - Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle blog & youtuber
This year I discovered Brogans youtube and blog & became well and truly hooked. She seems so down to earth and bubbly, if there's a video sat in my subscription I just have to watch it.

Others to add to your subscriptions; Jess at Jesska Denise, Tash at It's Simply Beauty, Mia & Laura at CSI Beauty blog, Steph at Stephanie Dreams, Katy at Little Winter, Brittany at Beauty with Brittany, June at Nostalgiecat, Lucy at Dinosaur Dances, Grace at Glitter & Carousels & Charlotte at Lil Miss Chickas.


  1. Just discovered your blog hun, it is SO beautiful! Have bookmarked this post for when I have some spare time, can't wait to check them out! :)


  2. Ahhh thank you so much! :) <3

  3. Thank you so much for your lovely words missy! Hopefully you know that I'm a big big lover of your blog too! The YouTube videos will make a re-appearance in a few months time, just need to get fully back on track with the blog! Hope you have a fantastic new year sweet!
    Rebecca-Louise x

    1. Thank you for also including me in your recent favourite blog post! Best Wishes for the New Year <3

  4. Looks like I've got some new blogs to read - thanks for the recommendations!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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