UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Go LUSH Yourself // Grease Lightning

Hi lovelies, I've been promising to review this for quite a while now, most of you will know how much I rave about this. This is a miracle in a bottle for me. 
So, you've woken up with a monster of a spot again, no matter what you try, it just won't budge? You even have a strict skin care routine? 
Grease Lightning will help this. 

Grease Lightning is a tea tree spot treatment from my favourite shop in the world, LUSH. I fell in love with LUSH's skin care years ago and have yet to be disappointed. Grease Lightning will be a product for everyone, to help zap those spots. This anti-bacterial gel contains so many ingredients that do wonders for your skin, it's your very own skin potion. The gel formula is down to carrageen moss, a sea weed that softens your skin, so your skin doesn't dry out while this treats the spot. Next up, tea tree oil, obviously Grease Lightning has to contain this as it's one of the best antiseptics. Followed by aloe vera, you need something to soothe that nasty spot eruption. Witch hazel which actually helps with bruising, along with rosemary and thyme for more anti-bacterial help, while grape juice cools the skin and sea water, a natural antiseptic.
If this doesn't budge your spots, then I don't know what will.

A lot of people ask me how do you use it? It's a clear gel, I use 1-2 pumps of this product each time. The gel spreads a long way. All you have to do is pump this onto your finger tip and apply to the troubled area. The gel doesn't dry out the skin around the spot. You'll feel your skin feel a little tight, not uncomfortable. It works it's magic, the spot retreats and you're left with no nasty marks and clearer skin again. How did it work for me? Well smaller spots are gone within the day and redness becomes less after an hour or so. For monster spots, I use this a couple times a day for two days and they vanish. Use this after you cleanse, before you go to bed, however if you feel one under the skin, apply, let it soak in and apply your makeup. You'll see it doesn't appear.

This retails at £5.65 and it's 100% worth it. However remember, we're all different, so you could always ask for a sample if you're passing your local LUSH.
Has this worked for you?

Weekly Haul // Return of the vouchers.

Hi lovelies, so I'm here today with a Haul, I've been extremely busy lately, I forgot I'd purchased a few little items. I'm on a spending ban at the moment, I'm trying not to spend, so my rule of don't buy until you've posted about it, is working, otherwise I'd end up having to get myself a credit card, who thinks blogging makes them shop more? 

With left over Christmas money I decided I'd treat myself to one more final perfume set that was in the sale. Why not. I'd been lusting over it for ages. It smells gorgeous and only cost me £24.50. Instead of around £50. I'll give this a full review. It's a very popular scent with the bloggers, so when it's the last one on the shelf I had to get it.

Then along with the perfume, I then get given a voucher, £5 off, so I picked up a nail polish. Isn't the colour gorgeous, now you know with me and these vouchers that I can't resist. Last year saw me buy so many to which I should have been sent to nail polish rehab, haha. So for £2 instead of £7, you can't go wrong. Thank you No7.

Lastly, had a gorgeous lace top for New Year, wore it and washed by hand, before it broke. Great. So the top had to go back, none left in the sale so I had to exchange for a new item. An item that's okay, in so many colours, but it’s not wow, or cut right, I had to go up a size. The new season clothes bore me. This was £16.99. I guess that's high streets for you. Thanks NL. 

Lastly, I picked up a set of earrings; all my earrings have decided to break. So I'm refusing to pay loads for earrings now. I lose them or break them. These will be perfect though for SS12. I like basic studs. £2.99. These look sturdy compared to my more pricey ones.

So what have you picked up lately?
Are you also trying not to shop as much?

Disclaimer: Yes, this was sponsored, It allowed me to write about whatever I wanted & has been used towards my blog already. I am not paid for any clicks on the link above. <3 Why it's up a little later than usual. <3

Go LUSH Yourself // The Comforter

The Comforter is one of my most used and loved products. This was one of the first products I ever used from LUSH. When LUSH arrived in town, the girly girl in me wanted to try everything pink and sweet. Years on I've spread to a lot more of the scents, possibly all, I'm an addict. But I still revert back to my sweet smelling products when I need a pick me up. We all know LUSH can be expensive, especially when you use it every day like me. The Comforter is one of the better value bubble bars, because for £4.15 (the price has gone up a bit!?) you can get 8-10 baths. Well I do anyway. Oh and it's perfect paired with space girl, bath bomb. The perfect 'bath cocktail'.

So the Comforter caught your eye? Why wouldn't it, it looks like a big raspberry ripple and smells even better. To get more out of your bubble bars, cut them rather than break them. This bubble bar is harder compared to most from LUSH, I can never manage to break it into pieces. However I think it's the bubble bar that creates the most bubbles out of the whole range! 

As for scent, my skin was still smelling super sweet and raspberry-licious when I went to bed last night. Oh and filled the house of the scent too, you'll know if I've been using LUSH when you walk into my house, even if I haven't, my room still smells yum! It's so sweet, if you love Sweetie Pie shower jelly, then this will be your best friend. 

Like the name suggests, it really does comfort you, last night I had the worst stomach cramps arrive out of nowhere. So I ran a bath with this miracle and relaxed. I had the best nights sleep and my cramps were pretty much gone when I got out. This produces the most bubbles a bubble bar has created for me, I got in and was swallowed up by the amount of bubbles, they lasted the whole bath too. 
The water is my favourite part, I hate bubble baths with no colour, you've got to have some brightness to the water! With this you get bright pink water, fun, but super relaxing. So forget your blanket and grab yourself a Comforter bubble bar when you're feeling down.

Have you used The Comforter before? I've lost count how many I've had over the years.

Rebel Nails // Mirror Mirror On The Wall

Evenings lovelies, by now we all know how much I love nail wraps and have used my fair share from Rebel Nails. I purchased this particular set of nail wraps just before Christmas, they had the free delivery and these were and are still half price. My mum took a liking to them, so I ordered another set for her, though I ended up applying them for her too.
These retail for just £3.  Chrome and metallic nails are a big hit lately, we've all read about the Barry M foil polishes or used them ourselves. I love how Rebel Nails have sets specifically for finger nails as well as toes, allowing a better fit.
These are reduced, down to them being harder to apply. If you buy these you'll need a little more heat and maybe some glue on the tip. Though for both sets I haven't used any glue.

Like all sets, you get 16 nail wraps. The pack comes with the nail stencil/guide, designed for the toe nail wraps. I always find these helpful, designs can differ a little, once you've had a few sets, you'll be able to pick without using this. For £6 I had 32 nail wraps, so I can apply one more set, whether it's on me or my Mum asks. A few odd sizing's left, but I can easily trim. 

If your new to nail wraps, here's what to do.
Use the stencil/guide, match up your size of nail wraps to your toes.
Then pick off card with a pair of tweezers.
Heat with a hairdryer, for about 20 seconds, or until it seems thinner. You'll know.
Press onto the selected nail from the bottom, smoothing out creases, if needed you can use a little heat while putting on. 
Fold over excess nail wrap, then file off, at a slight angle.

I've applied mine last night and I have to say for a set of nail wraps that are said to be harder to apply I found them okay. I had a few problems with my little toes. I have tiny feet (size 2-3) and there for have tiny toes/nails. It took a couple tries for me to get them to stay on my barely existing nails. These only needed a little extra heat, I applied them and they barely had any creases for me to smooth out. The same when I applied my Mum's, now I applied hers back around New Year, they stayed on for 6 weeks. Brilliant for my first time using the Rebel Nails Chrome wraps. I'd highly recommend these wraps, if you've used nail wraps before or willing to take a bit more time, if not try the newer version of these wraps for the full price. The newer set is also available in gold. The nail wraps were still on my Mum's toes at the end of the 6 weeks, but regrowth was showing too much. 

They came off really clean and didn't leave any glue residue that sometimes wraps can leave. She simply just peeled them off.
I'd rate these 8/10. 

Not Quite A Haul // A Few Little Somethings

Evening lovelies, I thought I'd share some of the great offers I've come across this last week. Everywhere seems to have completely different offers at the moment, I want so much stuff. Everything was picked up while helping with the food shop. If I go I always like to pick up a nail polish? Is anyone else like that? My Morrison's (not the most classy cosmetic haul eyy) seems to have the best nail polish selection in a few of the brands they stock!

I'm fairly new to NYC, but I love their nail polishes! Their glitter polishes are just simply amazing. They double as a top coat and are so strong and glossy! I spotted these gorgeous polishes, both were the only ones in their shades there. I had to pick them up. You really have to see 105, lights camera glitter, in person to benefit from all the glitter in it. It contains the most beautiful blue glitters. Then we have 190, Long Time Lavender, this is a pearly pale pink. It's gorgeous. I highly recommend this. I'm sporting it on my toes at the moment. I don't have the exact price it's between £2-£3. Bargain. You get a lot of product too and the brushes are great.

If you buy certain products in the NYC range you get a free eyeliner, well I made a mistake, I picked up a white eyeliner by mistake, it was in the black section, however I missed the white tip on the end. Idiot me. You do stupid things in a rush. I'll find a use for this. Not too much of a fan of wearing white eyeliner, think it looks a tad stupid. But it'll brighten the inner corner of my eye. I will never wear it on my waterline. It looks so strange. I then picked up the black glitter version, I have similar in MUA, so wanted to try a different brand. My current favourite UD is running out and I don't have a stand near me. I'm trying to find a cheaper alternative and failing. If you have any I should try let me know. These are around £1.50. Super cheap, let alone with this offer.

Lastly, we've all heard about how Lynx were bringing out a can for women. This was on offer for 2 for £5. So the male can for my brother and the women's for me. If it was horrible I said I'd give it to my Mum to try, she normally likes different scents to me. Well it's surprisingly nice and very similar to an impulse spray, if not the exact same. I hate the design on the can for women, I know it's the original Lynx packaging, but it's disgusting. I won't be taking this anywhere with me, I'll keep this at home. The design just isn't girly enough.

I haven't really shopped enough lately, I haven't made it to LUSH, I'll no doubt pick something up soon for Mother's Day and show you all. And as for clothes I don't see a point in buying too much SS stuff yet, it'll just be sat around. 
Request any reviews you like, I'll be sure to do some NOTD's with the polishes. 

17 // Photo Flawless Skin Primer review

Hey lovelies, it wasn't till I subscribed and received my first Glossy Box that I actually used a primer under my foundation. I'll be reviewing the Murad too soon. So while picking up a 17 foundation, I picked up their primer. I'd heard very good reviews about this product and it was cheaper than paying just over £30 for something that will do the same job hopefully.

The 17 Photo Flawless Skin Primer retails at only £4.99. Again, how can you not try this, it's very affordable. You get 15ml of product, again a very reasonable amount. The packaging itself is in a squeeze tube. This will fit in any makeup bag or my over crowding makeup drawers. Blogging has seriously doubled my makeup collection. I think I'll have to expand again. Being a squeeze tube, allows you to get as little or as much product as you need. And I love the black and gold packaging. Simple and looks a little more than what it actually costs.

For those who don't know what a primer does? A primer is designed to make your makeup stay on for longer. They come tinted to even out your skin tone or plain like this one is. They can vary between a liquid formula similar to foundation or more of a gel. All primers should even out pores and make your skin as smooth as possible for your makeup to glide on. Both types can be worn alone, I just prefer to cover my face up in makeup.

On it's own this product isn't going to give you flawless skin. I have to wear foundation. This blends out so evenly and leaves my skin feeling very silky. The formula of this product is a clear gel. Very different to the Murad that I've tried. I'd agree that it reduces pores, though not a lot, a good skin care routine helps reduce them anyway. I prefer wearing it with my 17 foundation I reviewed recently, still works great with others! My foundation stays on all day. I don't have to touch up. When I go to take my makeup off, my skin still looks as great as when I applied it. I think having dry skin helps, someone with oily skin will see benefits just not as long lasting.  I've had this for awhile now and I still have way over half left. A little does go a long way. My makeup glides on as silky as this primer is. I love it and I'm buying this again!

What do you think? Have you tried this primer before?

Burt's Bees // Sensitive Daily Moisturising Cream

Hi lovelies, Burt's Bees is a well known and loved brand that features across a lot of the beauty blogs. I'm already a massive fan of the Burt's Bees lip products and body products. The daily moisturising cream was the first skin care product I'd tried from them. I'm always careful of what I use on my face. I've had a few catastrophes in my years.

The Sensitive Daily Moisturising Cream is part of the Sensitive skin range from Burt's Bees. In this range you'll find this day cream as well as a night cream, cleanser and eye cream. The four basic facial products everyone needs. This whole range contains Cotton Extract which softens your skin and shields from irritants. As well as being 99% natural, Burt's Bees sticks to their Fragrance Free, Hypo-Allergenic, allergy tested, Non-comedogenic and Dermatologist-tested. I'm also a big fan again of Burt's Bees packaging. I love the simple packaging, it's only skin care, it doesn't need to be really fancy and over the top. The lid fits on securely and I love the big pump! All info needed is found on the bottle and if not it's on the box. 

When to use? Use this after you've cleansed in the morning, though I use this before I go to sleep too, because I can't tell much of difference between day and night creams, plus I'm young still. One pump is enough to moisturise my whole face and neck. I then wait for 10 minutes before applying my makeup or apply a little extra at night.

I've been using this for well over a month and I do like it. It's helped my redness. We all have the days where it's too much effort so trying this has helped me keep to my skin care routine. My skin feels softer and moisturised when using this. It hasn't broke me, this was my biggest worry! If anything I've had less breakouts. The cream itself is very light and soaks in fairly fast and I love that it's not fragrances. I can't decide which I prefer out of this cream or the No7 day cream I recently reviewed!

This retails at £14.99 for 50g. As well as Boots and a few other high-street stores. I'd repurchase this again and recommend this anyone with sensitive skin.
Have you tried anything from this range?

Disclaimer: Burt didn't send me this, the lovely girls in the PR did. I'm 100% honest as you all know by now. Part of a Burt's Bees goodie back I received at the end of 2011. <3

Go LUSH Yourself // The Ex Factor

Hey lovelies, I can't go without posting about LUSH for much longer can I, I try to hold back, I know not everyone shares the same love for LUSH as I do. When your a LUSH junkie like me, you stock up on products you know might not come back. Well thank god I did. The Ex Factor was my most loved product when it came to Valentines Day. When your as cursed as me you need lots of these. I had one of these miracles left from last years Valentines. Proof the products do in fact keep.

The Ex Factor was another yummy smelling product, why didn't the UK LUSH keep it this year. I was gutted. Though the US I believe did keep this little man. This little guy is bright blue with a pink heart, the closet to a mans heart I've come across. He's the perfect voodoo doll. He retailed here in the UK for around £1.95. Cheap and gorgeous. He shares the same scent as all year round Butterball. So it's not too bad that he didn't reappear. Perfect if you have sensitive skin or just love the gentle smell of Vanilla.

How to use this little man, if your lucky enough to find yourself one?
You can either chuck him into a hot bath like a normal bath bomb.
Or you can snap the arms, legs and head off and then drop it. It depends how your days been. I personally just dunk the bath bomb in. I'm not that crazy.

He produces bright blue water, I was surprised at how bright the water was seeing as I'd had him for awhile. He fizzes within 5 minutes, so one of the faster bath bombs. There's nothing else special about him, no glitter, no popping candy, no colour changing beads. Just your very own voodoo doll in LUSH form. Who smells delicious.

Have you tried one of these in the past? Did you miss this little man?
I wish they'd bring this little guy back.
Butterball is so much nicer when it's made that little bit more fun.

Disclaimer: No actual men were hurt in this process. 

NOTD // MUA Love Hearts Review

Evening lovelies, I couldn't wait to try out the MUA polishes I received recently, from the Love Hearts collection. In my lovely parcel sent from MUA I received two of the polishes from this collection and two crackle polishes. Today's nails feature one of each. The look is effortless and super quick. I'd just took my nail wraps off and didn't want to leave the house with bare nails. It's a sin in my eyes. I will never go out without polish. I feel naked without it. Normally I'd sit there for 30 minutes trying to pick from the almost 100 polishes I have. Thanks to MUA this was a lot easier!

The polishes used:
MUA - Love U 24/7
MUA - Nail Quake - Crackle Glitter - Gold
NYC - Expert Last Nail Polish - Classy Glassy (138)
All three of these polishes are super affordable and available from Superdrug.
MUA also on the new MUA store .

How to?
Apply two thin coats of Love U 24/7.
Once dry, apply one coat of the Crackle Glitter.
Once the gold has completely cracked, finished with a top coat.
Another cheats way to 'nail art'.

As for the polishes, I'm really impressed with the MUA love hearts range, the polishes are glossy enough without a top coat, have good coverage and come in gorgeous shades. The brushes in the bottles are better than some of my more expensive polishes. I've had OPI brushes fall out. The crackle glitters are always popular with me, I own the ordinary crackle polishes from MUA, I'd been eyeing up the glitters in my Superdrug. They take a little longer to crackle, but they give a nice crackle effect and I love the sparkle. I've only had a few NYC polishes before, but I'm a fan, the top coat is very glossy, though I wouldn't pick it over my No7 top coat. But it does the job and you get 9.7ml. One of the betters I've tried. It's really just a clear polish, but makes a great top coat. 

Have you used any of these polishes yet?
What do you think? Are you a fan of the crackle?

17 // Miracle Matte Foundation review

Hi lovelies, I haven't yet reviewed a foundation on LucyyWrites. I've always stuck to the same 2 foundations over the last few years, why would I need to change? Whenever I did, I was disappointed. I was shopping in Boots back along, when 17 had an offer on. I spotted this foundation and decided to try it. I haven't seen any bloggers review this foundation yet? I stick to the drugstore foundations, since my Debenhams is awful, I won't ever buy foundation online. And every time I've tried higher end foundations they clog my skin up so bad and break me out, especially you Chanel, Chanel gave me a few Monsters. Yuck.
If you've got any suggestions for me to look at when I'm in a better Deb's, leave them below?

17 Miracle Matte is fairly new out, when I picked mine up I had to undo the testers to try, always nice when the testers are clean. I went for the lightest shade available since I'm super pale and went for Soft Ivory. There's 6 shades. Soft ivory, Honey, Biscuit, Fair, Natural, Porcelain. Personally I don't think there's enough shades, how can 6 shades cater for all the skin tones out there? I feel it actually caters for the paler of skin tones and a few of the shades were quite alike and more for the pinker skin tones. Shouldn't there be a few darker shades though?
Soft Ivory suits my skin 99% I'm really pleased, over the years the only brand that matched me near enough was Maybelline. The packaging isn't as pretty as your high end, though I wouldn't say Mac is pretty. It's bright, cheap and stands out from my other foundations. The pump in the foundation is really good though, I know some aren't always the best.

Being a Matte Satin finish, the foundation won't be for everyone, I was worrying if it would actually suit my skin type. I have dry skin. Don't let this put you off if you are normal or oily. I make sure I moisturise very well and exfoliate my face for sure when using this foundation just in case. The foundation is oil free, there for suiting those with oily skin. And has all day shine control, again helping with those with oily skin. Miracle Matte glides onto my skin and one pump covers my face and my blemishes, giving a medium even coverage. Oh and includes the usual SPF 15, like every other foundations does. I find the foundation stays on my skin most of the day, most foundations do for me, however I prefer to use my new primer, also from 17 with this foundation for a better lasting finish for all day. I apply in small amounts, with a foundation brush and blend in, finishing with the beauty blender dupe makeup sponge. 

This is currently on offer for £4.99 for 30ml in Boots, normally retails at £5.99, the 3 for 2 offer is still on and the reduced price is also still included in the offer. I'd say give this a try, you never know and for £4.99 who can complain, I certainly love this foundation and have been using it every other day. I haven't had a break out since using this and have received a lot of compliments when wearing it. I'm not a skin expert, let alone foundation expert, but I know what works for me and what could work for others. I'll repurchase this.  
Overall I'd give this foundation a 7.5/10, if you read the reviews on the Boot's site, they're either hit or miss. Swatch it before you buy. But I personally love it.
Have you tried or reviewed this yet?

MUA // Love Hearts Collection

Evening lovelies, hope your well, today's been long and tiring if you haven't already guessed by my tweets. I was invited to the lovely MUA Love Hearts Event, but sadly I couldn't make it, due to late notice and feeling rotten. However they were super lovely and sent me some of the collection. I know the collections are everywhere on blogs, but I wanted to share with you guys, it wasn't all Love Hearts, there were quite a few items I'd been eyeing up myself! You can guarantee reviews on all these items. I adore MUA and own quite a bit, disappointed I couldn't meet some of you lovely bloggers but fingers crossed there's always a next time!
Have you tried anything from the collection yet? I'm loving the nail polishes, I'm planning to buy more. Thankfully it's sticking around for a few months!
Picture heavy.

Nail polish swatches saved for future NOTD's, I will be buying more of these for myself, Mothers Day and maybe possible give aways in the future! 
Never let the very affordable price put you off. A lot of the products I find better than some higher end.

Disclaimer: I was sent the products, since I couldn't make the event, so were a lot more bloggers. And I'm grateful <3 100% honest and adore this brand.
Items sent for review consideration. No Payment has been received.
© 2025 Lucyy Writes

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