UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Go LUSH Yourself // The Comforter

The Comforter is one of my most used and loved products. This was one of the first products I ever used from LUSH. When LUSH arrived in town, the girly girl in me wanted to try everything pink and sweet. Years on I've spread to a lot more of the scents, possibly all, I'm an addict. But I still revert back to my sweet smelling products when I need a pick me up. We all know LUSH can be expensive, especially when you use it every day like me. The Comforter is one of the better value bubble bars, because for £4.15 (the price has gone up a bit!?) you can get 8-10 baths. Well I do anyway. Oh and it's perfect paired with space girl, bath bomb. The perfect 'bath cocktail'.

So the Comforter caught your eye? Why wouldn't it, it looks like a big raspberry ripple and smells even better. To get more out of your bubble bars, cut them rather than break them. This bubble bar is harder compared to most from LUSH, I can never manage to break it into pieces. However I think it's the bubble bar that creates the most bubbles out of the whole range! 

As for scent, my skin was still smelling super sweet and raspberry-licious when I went to bed last night. Oh and filled the house of the scent too, you'll know if I've been using LUSH when you walk into my house, even if I haven't, my room still smells yum! It's so sweet, if you love Sweetie Pie shower jelly, then this will be your best friend. 

Like the name suggests, it really does comfort you, last night I had the worst stomach cramps arrive out of nowhere. So I ran a bath with this miracle and relaxed. I had the best nights sleep and my cramps were pretty much gone when I got out. This produces the most bubbles a bubble bar has created for me, I got in and was swallowed up by the amount of bubbles, they lasted the whole bath too. 
The water is my favourite part, I hate bubble baths with no colour, you've got to have some brightness to the water! With this you get bright pink water, fun, but super relaxing. So forget your blanket and grab yourself a Comforter bubble bar when you're feeling down.

Have you used The Comforter before? I've lost count how many I've had over the years.


  1. i love the comforter to, i love the smell the colour it makes the water and i just love it xx

  2. I've seen so many reviews on this, I really need to get around to getting one of these :) xx

    1. It's so popular :D I think it's the size as well as the yummy smell!


  3. I love the Comforter but I prefer the other huge one Blue Skies and Fluffy Clouds, they seem to have made them bigger recently or at least denser or maybe thats just the ones in my area.
    : ]

    1. My mum prefers that scent :) she goes through them crazy :P
      i think the size and shape differs a lot, sometimes mine are longer and wider but not so fat.
      Other times they're fat and not so wide.

  4. I have never tried this, but now I definitely want to, might treat myself tomorrow :)

  5. That looks and sounds delish, adding this to my list X

    1. I'd seriously forgot how many bubbles this creates!

  6. never tried this before but it really does look like a big rasberry.x

    1. It's so yummy :) Forgot how much I loved this bubble bar!

  7. The comforter is my ultimate favourite Lush product. I have absolutely loads of them so I never run out. I agree that it is great value for money because of how big it is. Great review xxx

    1. Deff is worth it, even with the price going up! :)

  8. oh my gos I need this in my life!! Im getting this next time im in town xx

  9. I have used it before,i do think it has gone slightly pricey now though =/ I still love it though but haven't bought it in a while..
    I have tagged you in a fun post on my blog :)
    Might be a laugh to do..

    Leanne x

    1. I think it's still worth it though :) It's easier to cut smaller :)

  10. Oh, I've never used the Comforter bar before, but have always wanted to try it out! Great tip for cutting them up, though :) xx

    1. It's so much better to cut :) It's a great bubble bar!

  11. My favourite! <3


  12. Just came across your blog today. I have some LUSH items on their way and I can't wait to review them on my blog. Check it out!


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