UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Lush // Golden Egg review

In my recent Spring Lush Haul I featured Lush's Golden Egg, I couldn't not leave without one after having falling a little in love with them last year. The bath-bomb melt was something a little different to their regular bath bombs and boy do they take the whole Lush experience to another level.
an image of lush golden egg review
an image of lush golden egg review
an image of lush golden egg review
Golden Egg is still featuring the same divine fragrance of Honey I Washed The Kids soap. Bath bomb-melts are relatively new to Lush, with a bath bomb being covered in a coating of bath melt before or at least in this case being rolled around in lustre's. During the Christmas collection they did the technique with Snow Angel & it worked brilliantly. You still use the bath bomb in the same way as you usually would but if you happen to break bath bombs to get more uses I wouldn't bother this time around. You'll be in such a mess from all the glitter. Once in the water you'll find the outer casing melting away, waters shimmering and slowly turning to molten gold. A rich toffee fragrance fills the entire house and lingers on the skin for hours after. Golden Egg isn't the most fun to watch, there's no hidden centres, colours or popping candy though your skin is left feeling incredible due to olive oil & cocoa butter.

Despite not providing such golden spirals as expected from other reviews, Golden Egg still filled the big hole left in my heart from Shooting For The Stars (Christmas). You will find a lot glitter around your bath, it's to be expected with so much stuck to the bath melt outer coating though you won't be turned into a glitter ball. A quick rinse around the tub is all that is needed and far better than Honeybee bath bomb that literally would leave the Sahara desert in my bath. At £3.75 (a slight increase from last year), it's a small price to pay for such a luxurious bath - if only Verruca Salt had waited. Lucy xx


  1. Ahhh I love the golden egg! I wonder if they have any left for me to get my hands on! My mum bought me the carrots and bunny but there's just something special about the golden egg!


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