UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

What Harry's Lovin' // #1

I mentioned in my Life Lately post that I wanted to include a few new post series to LW. One I've been wanting to start is about my little Harry, our West Highland Terrier puppy. Back when Harry moved in with us I used to write Adventures with Harry, documenting his weekly events and mischief. They always went down a treat, who doesn't like puppy photo's to brighten their day in the office? Harry is truly spoilt by us and those who know him, so why not share his favourite items along the way, every so often? Since he loves posing for the camera I'm sure you'll see his adorable little face too.
an image of Harry the Westie
an image of doggy monthly favourites
Pets At Home | Wag-a-tude Grey and Red Bone Pocket Dog Hoodie
We once purchased Harry the most loveliest of dog coats, a little red tartan coat from Pets At Home. He wore it a couple times before disliking Velcro and will run a mile if he catches a glimpse of said coat. Even though he has a thick coat of fur we wanted him to have something to keep him a little warmer through the wind, rain and true British weather. Over winter he's built up a collection of jumpers & hoodies which he adores wearing. He gets so happy and struts down the streets with extra bounce. The latest addition to his wardrobe is this fleecy number from Pets At Home. Harry wears a Medium and this fits perfect, neither too fitted or too loose. I'd recommend checking out your nearest Pets At Home, they're great for helping to fit items OR exchanging for another size. Having tried other brands and them being a complete fail or not even turning up it's safe to say we'll be sticking with trusty Pets At Home while Harry continues his Velcro phase.

James Wellbeloved | Mini Jacks in Duck 90g
As any puppy Harry has tried a fair amount of treats. Being a Westie he can be quite sensitive and sometimes a little fussy to what he likes. At the moment (I don't want to jinx my little man) he's not having any issues food wise & eats a variety or non hypoallergenic and hypoallergenic brands. While at his last groomer visit we wasted time by shopping and grabbed a bag of the James Wellbeloved Mini Jacks for him to try. The little bones are perfect for Harry, he's spoilt and likes biscuits broken into three!? These he'll happily crunch to himself.  James Wellbeloved are also a Somerset brand, we'll be purchasing from them more often.

Pets At Home | Buttons and Bear Duck Cutie
Since we're getting into Spring I couldn't resist this little toy for Harry despite it being in the puppy range. He's a puppy until he reaches three right!? Harry loves cuddly toys, he's a complete softy and carries one to your feet every time he requires something. He's not left this little duck alone, it squeaks and rustles what more could the little guy want.

Pets At Home | Willows Monstrous Snuggle Bed
Another item Harry's been making good use of lately is his cat bed. Yep, we purchased him a cat bed sometime last year. He kept taking us to the bed and after a few visits we decided to give in and let him have his own cat bed...even though he owns this one he still likes to sniff the others in the store. If he stays up late he'll usually go and snuggle down by the sofa on this or if we're travelling out of town with him, we usually put this in the back of the car, where he's attached with a seat belt and one of us always sits with him, don't worry. If they made them in human size I'd definitely have one for myself.

Purina | Adventuros Nuggets in Boar Flavour
A few weeks ago we came across the new range from the Purina brand. Last year Harry's favourite low fat treats were discontinued, the chewy bars from Pedigree. They were a weird texture that no other brand since had copied. They broke into little squares which came in handy when he had his op and wouldn't take his medicines. Thankfully Purina have created a low fat treat which is the same texture, just in little pillows which can be broken up into smaller pieces again. Being 'boar' flavour worried me initially since Westies don't get on with 'pork' but Harry's completely fine.

What Harry's not so fond of // Nylabone Nylaflex Wavy Arm Bone
Seeing the new Nylabone range in our local Pets At Home we grabbed the green Wavy Bone in beef flavour. Harry ran round the house for a good half hour with his new bone before leaving it alone ever since. The girl on the till said her dog loves it, since they don't splinter like normal nylabones. If they'd had the correct size of the other new bone we would have opted for that one & maybe he would have loved that more!? Who knows, he's a fussy little dog and will eventually chew I'm sure. Are these posts something you'd like to see more often? Lucy xx
*all own purchases


  1. Really enjoying seeing you post so frequently! Personally I'm not so interested in these posts (I only have a cat, no dogs) but I'm sure lots of other dog parents would love them!

    1. Thank you, I aim to blog a lot more if life lets me! :P

  2. I'm a certified cat lady really, but Harry is gorgeous!

    1. We can't take him anywhere without him receiving endless fussing!

  3. Puppies are my weaknesses when it comes to blog posts (and lipsticks haha). I don't own a dog myself but i still manage to get drawn into reading these:)x

    1. At least if you do one day you'll be prepared :P


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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