UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Spring Primark Haul // 2015

an image of spring primark haul
an image of spring primark haul
an image of spring primark haul
I can't even remember the last time I set foot in a Primark. There was once a time I'd always be in there and always sharing via hauls on LW. My nearest is pretty small and despite a refit last year you're basically shopping in a jumble the dark. God knows why they've decided to make the place more cave like. I still managed to find some spring essentials and underwear I don't need but it's have to pick some up. If I'd had more time I wanted to hit the shoe section which for once looked actually half decent, whether they have size three's is another question. Despite being a pretty basic haul I'm glad I went in. All the items are surprisingly good quality and comfy - minus the fit of the pink blouse which apparently a UK6 does not fit my boobs!? I wished I'd picked up more colours while there. The tee's turned out to be such a bargain compared to Next wanting £14 per item. I seem to lose all my basic white strap tops, I'm sure my Mum's running off with them since I'd buy them in a size or two bigger. What have you found lately? Lucy xx


  1. Good old Primark, I stocked up on some brilliant basics lately, love your haul x

    1. I need to head to the Bristol one soon badly :(

  2. Great haul, love the coral blouse might have to pick that up xx

    1. It's so pretty isn't it, they had a few other colours but they seemed more wintery!

  3. I always find Primark is great for basics, always get my strappy tops from there, along with my work trousers. I even picked up some of their workout range this week, I only ventured in for new trousers for work.


  4. I do love a good Primark shop! I will need to have a look soon they seem to have some nice pieces in stock:)x

    1. They seem to have such a good stock coming in from instagram this week, just hope mine gets it!


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