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Top Artificial Tree Picks '15 // Lucyy Writes

an image of top artificial tree picks '15
It may be four days late but the trees have started to go up in the LW household. For the majority of my life we've always had artificial Christmas trees, there were a few Christmases where we had a real tree in the living room....all that I remember is the agony we all went through when it came to the needles of the tree dropping. We've gone through more than our fair share of artificial trees over the years...mainly due to having me in the household. I've always had a tree in my bedroom, whether it was a little 2ft number to my 3-4ft brightly coloured bargains and now my beloved Winnie the Pooh tree - note Dan actually thought I had a whole tree dedicated to the fictional character. Here's my top 5, which obviously now have sold out.

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