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Top 10 Christmas Films // Lucyy Writes

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You know Christmas is approaching when all the Christmas themed movie channels start to reappear on Sky - it's probably the only time of year it's worth having a subscription. From now on you'll always catch me with a Christmas movie on, regardless of if I've watched the film 100 times before or if it's the cheesiest film ever created. As long as I can curl up with a mug of my Nutella Hot Chocolate and snuggle with Harry or Mollie I'm happy. 

Home Alone - 1990
Can you believe this film is now 25 years old? It's older than I am. I've watched Home Alone so many times I can quite easily quote it. It'll be the middle of summer and I can put this classic on, I've even gone as far as having a copy on my iPad.

Home Alone - Lost in New York - 1992
There's always a debate in our household on who prefers Lost in New York to the original. I have to say I think I prefer the sequel to the original purely for New York. I long to be in New York for just one Christmas. America knows how to do Christmas right, there's no holding back like the UK.

Christmas with the Kranks - 2004
I can remember watching this film for the first time with my Dad, I was off school poorly and the only thing to cheer me up was eating my weight in salt & shake crisps and watching Christmas movies. With Tim Allen and Jamie Lee Curtis playing a couple planning on skipping Christmas it's no wonder this film is so hilarious.

Naughty or Nice - 2012
As one of the more recent films it's kind of ridiculous how many times I've watched Naughty or Nice. Fans of One Tree Hill will be pleased to see Hilarie Burton play holiday humbug Krissy Kringle as well as Danneel Ackles making an appearance.

Deck the Halls - 2006
Just like Christmas with the Kranks, I came across Deck the Halls while off school thanks to my Dad. Now 21 it's one I pull out every year, multiple times and the entire family loves it thanks to Danny Devito starring in it.

The Holiday - 2006
Who hasn't watched The Holiday? Each year I always make sure to watch it at least once with my Mum. Oh how we'd love to have a little cottage like Iris'.

Elf - 2003 
Sky literally show this film every day I'm sure. I was actually watching Elf earlier on today while waiting to go on my motorway lesson. It never gets old, another the majority of us can quote. I can remember receiving a copy of Elf which came with an alarm clock one Christmas. I thought I was so cool back then.

Love Actually - 2003
Just like The Holiday, Love Actually is a must watch for everyone. The British romcom has people falling in love with both the right & wrong, affairs and mourning. You can also guarantee that Love Is All Around will be stuck in your head for days after.

Polar Express - 2004
If it weren't for my Mum being persistent I'd have never bothered to watch the Polar Express. If you're looking for the perfect Christmas Eve movie it doesn't get any better than the Polar Express  whether you're 2 or 82. We're all fans of the film, including my brother when I bought him the 3D blu-ray last year. If it's on the telly you can count on us watching it - even when they showed it mid-summer.

Call Me Mrs Miracle - 2010
While it may not be the best of Christmas films we have a soft spot for the Mrs Miracle films, which started off like a few of the others - a day when I was most likely ill and had full rein of the remote. I'll watch this no end of times whenever one of the various Christmas channels shows it. Everyone needs a little Mrs Miracle if you ask me.

Christmas Film Runners Up //
The Santa Clause (1994, Time Allen), 12 Dogs of Christmas, Miracle on 34th Street (1994), The Grinch (even if I do fast forward the singing), 12 Men of Christmas, The Good Witch's Gift, The Most Wonderful Time of The Year, Jingle All The Way, Father Christmas, The Snowman & Mrs Miracle. I'd love to know your favourite Christmas movie? Who else is addicted to the Christmas movie channels? Lucy xx


  1. My favourites are Love Actually, The Holiday and Santa Claus (it's really old and has Dudley Moore in it!) Bring on the films. xx

    1. I've never managed to watch the older one fully! I'll have to make sure I do this year. x

  2. Elf is the best Christmas film ever made in my opinion I love it - but I'll have to make an effort to watch some of these this year!

    Lucy |

    1. I've had the soundtrack on tonight - as if we haven't had enough elf in the house already. I hope you enjoy them. x


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