UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Adventures with Harry // #1

If you guys missed my introductory blog post you'll be wondering who this handsome chap is!? I'm Harry, Lucy and her families West Highland Terrier. I moved in Monday. Lucy arrived with humans I hadn't yet met, they seemed alright. A weird looking chap I hadn't met gave me a good belly rub, they checked out my Mum and Dad, one of the other 'dogs' started whimpering like a sea lion. Lucy carried me as they said their Cheerios's. I had the pleasure of sitting on Lucy's lap in the 'luxury' car, I heard them mention I'm to use the C2 to hit the V.E.T. shame...I only chewed the cup holders a few times. There'll be plenty of snapshots, Lucy always has her camera.
Whilst on our way home a pesky lorry driver decided to be a *woof*. Lucy wasn't pleased, she 'waved' at him....fiesty thing. We arrived at 'Pets at Home'....I liked it here, I had more snuggles with Lucy, shopped and they paid!? I was also made a fuss of, everyone loves a bit of Harry. I'm now the proud pup of a tag, matching collar, lead and matching harness and lead. You have to match up to impress the ladies, I hear there's a dishy West down the road - I'm still yet to meet.
As you can tell I'm having a woof of a time with them all, though there's a few things bothering me....everyone I meet hasn't met a puppy Westie before and JR Terriers keep popping up at my gate informing me 'we'll be friends' soon. They're everywhere....even at the vets I met Lana. See you next week I'm off for a snooze on Lucy...


  1. This was the cutest post ever! Im not actually much of a dog person(even though i have my own dog?!) but Harry is just the cutest, makes me want a puppy again! x

    1. He's gorgeous isn't he, we weren't either but eek Westies are our soft spot!! He's already growing so fast!?


    I bloody love westies, this post is making me audibly 'coo' at my computer at work, they're going to think I've gone mad!

    1. Haha!!! Show them, the whole office will be ;)

  3. Awww this is adorable :) **'Ello Harry**

    Serenity of Beauty

  4. awww he is the cutest bundle of fluff ever, i loved reading this hun.
    i want to steal him.

    x x x

  5. I love this post! Harry is soooo gorgeous! X

  6. Awwwwh he's just adorable! I remember when my westie this small and full of beans! x

    Sarah @ xx

  7. Aww he has the same lead and collar that Alfie had when we first got him too :)
    He is just TOO cute, I cannot help but squeak when I see him :) his little nose and ears xxx


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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