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Adventures with Harry // #3

Harry finally met the postman this week!! I've been dreading this since he arrived home, everyone I know tells how their dog hates the postman. I guess we're quite lucky to have the porch area completely shut off to him so he misses the letters and packages arrive...until this week. Chilling in the garden I hear someone calling from the gate...Mr Postman. Harry decided it's worth getting up from his sunbathing and instead of excessive barking, biting and post snatching little H sits down, barks and licks the guy. In fact he was a little mopey when he had to return to his round.
a picture of 11 week old Westie
a picture of a westie playing football
He's choosing to go into his crate for nap time, he still loves cars and trips to he pet shop. We took him to our local store - not a patch on Pets at Home but he STILL managed to meet so many people that day. Two in store fussed over him before coming home and totting up another impressive 13. He also met his 'girlfriend' again, she lives four houses away...this time she didn't seem too pleased to see Harry all over her family. We also made a den for him, he loves to sleep around or in the flower pots even when it's sunny. It's such a job to get him out of the gaps that we ended up using his favourite cushion to block the sun...he was in there for a good couple of hours.
a picture of an 11 week old Westie
a picture of a westie at 11 weeks
Although he hasn't had a trip to the vets this week, which will be this coming Wednesday, he had to have his second set of the worming prevention. It's fair to say the stuff definetely is awful. He'll be sleepy most of he day, not at all as snugglsome and thursday night even threw up - once. He still manages to cause as much trouble in his mad hour. I slept downstairs with him after his poorly spell since it was so late into the night, thankfully he wasn't poorly again. There is one thing....reading online along with the synptoms others day and the vet...dogs don't tend to like this medicine...Harry loves the syringe and loved licking any spillage. Maybe it's the strawberry of human penciline? I always ended up with banana.
a picture of a westie with Kong
a picture of a westie with a Kong
Coming to write this weeks post I can see little man is actually learning not to be so naughty but he's still been full of it! He started the week off by making my Dad's hand bleed...simply because he was in the flower pot trying to eat the rose. He tried his best to win my Dad round, he did but he learnt his lesson. I can hear a lot of 'Harry..NO..Harry NO' going on downstairs right now...I'm having my hour lie in at 7am.. He's also ran off with his favourite wooden drawer other compares. It took a lot of chasing and a peanut butter filled kong to get it off him. We've used the odd dot of vic on feet and he'll turn his little nose up and walk away...till he realised ankles were free of it. Buttons are now his new liking and blouses with the added tie knot detailing, along with sitting in front of the now fixed garden, garage door when someones in there. Oh and how could I forget his attempt at playing football, man he goes CRAZY. That's all for this week, I'm dying to get him walking a week this wednesday! This puppy is raring to go each and every carry round. Lucy


  1. I have a westie too, he's seven but this takes me back to him being a puppy! So cute! Archie loves car rides too, but he does bark at the post man...until he realises who it is :) x

  2. What a cutie!

  3. He's so cute! I love that he's given peanut butter as a bribe. M x

  4. Awwww hes so cute, it's good he likes the car, my dog Daisy, who just turned 1 absolutely hats the car, I think it's since she was microchiped :(

  5. Oh, Harry is just too stinkin' cute! x

  6. Glad to hear that he is coming along well. He is such a little cutie! It's funny how Westies just seem to love everyone they meet!

    Lucy x The New Northerner

  7. I want and need a Harry in my life, let's swap :) you can have an Alfie!!
    He is beyond cute!! xxx

  8. He is so adorable! My westie is 12 and she's still full of mischief think it's just the westie characteristics! :) x

    Sarah @ xx


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